How is saying that being transgender is a mental illness “hateful”?

How is saying that being transgender is a mental illness “hateful”?

The WHO literally only quit calling it a mental illness because muh stigma, so don’t even bother bringing them up.

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because a mental illness is something that causes personal distress and stops a person from functioning. your personal identity doesn't do that.

gender dysphoria does produce those symptoms for trans people, which is why many trans people transition because they experience dysphoria.

it's considered hateful to say that trans people are mentally ill because you're essentially othering them into a group because of their gender expression. because they don't abide by your preconceived notions of sex and gender you're lumping them into "oh there must be something wrong then" rather than "oh this is a different type of person"

it is not dissimilar to calling gayness an illness. meaning something is wrong. it is no longer appropriate to call being queer abnormal (especially in terms of pure volume). not only is it rude, it is inaccurate.

ITT: Post-modernist social marxists who create new definitions for words in order to fit their political agendas

Chopping off healthy limbs isn’t healthy, faggots. Try harder.

Being gay might not be a mental illness but pozzing sure is.

Naturally anything deviating from the norm could be considered a mental illness, however even a child knows that the word has a negative connotation.

Meant appendages, sry fags.


being gay is fine,
self mutilation isn't

what happened to the days of love yourself?

>even a child knows that the word has a negative connotation

What’s your point? Being transgender is still a mental illness, I don’t care what feefees that ruses.

I don’t go out calling queers mentally ill to their face, but facts are facts.

“You can be anything you want, Timmy.”

Of course you are free to say and think what you want, social consequences be damned.

>social consequences

Like what? That the mentally ill and the people who encourage mental illness won’t want to be my friend?

lol, doesn't matter if you're some shithead on Jow Forums, but if you are any kind of public figure or celebrity or whatever and you say that shit you're probably fucked.

>omg he called transgenderism a mental illness and made valid points what a monster

Glad I’m not from whatever commie country you’re apparently from

you're a fucking retard and I don't care what you said

but the fact that you think there are zero consequences for what people say shows you're beyond ignorant. Ever watch the fucking news? Teachers, profs, politicians, anyone in the entertainment industry, CEO's, small business owners. Anyone who is a public figure can suffer for saying anti-trans things.

I didn't make the rules,

>you're a fucking retard and I don't care what you said
Prove to me transgenderism isn’t a mental illness or stfu.
>the fact that you think there are zero consequences for what people say shows you're beyond ignorant
>Anyone who is a public figure can suffer for saying anti-trans things.
Am I anti-bipolar, anti-schizophrenic, etc?

Because being weirdly obsessed and aggravated about random strangers’ mental state when your not a doctor and their doctor agrees with them is a really weird thing to do.

You're not wrong. Willingly mutilating your genitals in order make a shitty version of the real thing is absolutely insane. However, people can do whatever they want with their bodies. I don't have to respect them for doing it, though. Neither do you, op. It's SJW/Tumblr outrage #metoo facism bullshit that stops people from calling it what it really is: a mental illness.

They pick and choose a doctor to give them the meds they want. There are plenty of doctors that would agree with me. Don’t act like it’s not a business.

I’m not on some crusade to stop people from commuting sex changes, I’m just not a blind supporter of the LGBT either.

>Prove to me transgenderism isn’t a mental illness or stfu.

You're missing the point
truth doesn't matter for people to act against you because of what you said

again thanks for proving you're a retard

I’m not going to stop anyone from cutting their dick off if they really want to, just don’t expect me to be “you go girl” about it.

>truth doesn't matter for people to act against you because of what you said
You’re actually missing the point where I don’t give a fuck. Keep coping.

Alright, but when you are never able to find another job again don't come crying back here about how we didn't warn you,

wow, so you're saying you're so dumb that you can't be wrong?


For the record, I think trans-gendered surgery is a form of self mutilation, but i'm not stupid enough to go out and say that to a broad audience.

As long as some interviewer doesn’t ask me stupid baity questions I should be alright.
And even then, I don’t see how it’s going to cost me a job in ranching or rodeo.

There are also /plenty/ of people who say legitimately hateful things that are also vastly more wealthy than I’ll ever be, so just stfu and quit trying to control my behavior with the fear of public shaming.

I’ve only glanced over this thread, but sheesh you seem like a combative asshole. Pretty sure he’s just trying to give you fair warning, dingus.

>you seem like a combative asshole
I just asked how is it hateful to say transgenderism is a mental illness, not for his bullshit life advice.

Do you people really think I’m going to seek out a platform just to talk about how transgenderism is a mental illness?

I don’t know. It’s not like they’re any less likely to kill themselves

>it is no longer appropriate to call being queer abnormal
strange; odd."
literally the fucking definition

as a trans i think i have some say in this, before transitioning i was definitely mentally ill and couldnt move on with my life even after trying really hard at self love. i transitioned years ago and since then i dont feel mentally ill, havent seriously considered suicide in years and i have been a relatively normal functioning human. gender dysphoria is a mental illness and transitioning cures the illness. would've given up my left leg to be born the right gender in the first place though

Honestly my dude I would still see a therapist.

>willingly handicapping yourself in society is not a mental illness
Being gay is fine but trans is a mental illness.

it is yes. but it is the only one that doesn't harm other people. if they experience other illnesses at the same time is one thing but gender disphoria alone doesn't cause harm and cannot be cured either. treatment for it is to just portray the gender you feel comfortable with.

>implying be being gay didn’t used to handicap you in society

Nothing is "chopped off" though
Educate yourself you ape


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Calling a trans person mentally ill is tantamount to calling a schizoid a crazy person. You're technically right in that they are quite literally delusional, but it's rude and generally a bad idea when you think about the statistics on trans suicide.

You know what the fuck I mean.
It’s not so much gender dysphoria I have an issue with as encouraging it. The only other example of encouraging mental illness that I know, is /x/ telling schizophrenics that they don’t need their psychotropics.

>our society attaches a damaging stigma to mental illness so we should reserve the term only for those that already match the stigma
This doesn't seem like a very good idea.

everything you just said is retarded. it's a mental illness that we treat with surgery, transitioning is like having your hand amputated because you have a broken finger. gender expression is a fucking meme created by people who want attention for being "unique" and calling people cis or whatever is the equivalent of a 14 year old goth calling people conformists.

bottom line, your gender identity doesn't fucking matter. get a fucking job and be a functioning member of society instead of chopping off your dick and taking selfies.

It's not so much about encouragement as it is about compassion for people who suffer from it. Something like 40% of trans people will eventually kill themselves from gender and body dysphoria, and until we can find a way to cure it then being kind to them is basically our only option to prevent that from happening.
Context is very important user.

>40% of trans people will eventually kill themselves from gender and body dysphoria
they kill themselves because they are advised by our sick, politically correct society to turn themselves into fucking monsters. if you advocate transitioning as a solution then you have blood on your hands, not the people who don't agree with using surgery and hrt to treat a mental illness.

they don't prescribe liposuction for anorexics, transitioning isn't enlightened or whatever the fuck you dumbasses think, it's barbaric and it is going to go down in history as a dark and ignorant solution the way lobotomies did.

Psych major here. It is a diagnosable mental disorder. The treatment is hormones and (eventually) sex-change therapy. Look up gender dysphoria. Trans people fall into that category.

Science literally defines it as an illness/disorder. People are just sensitive to this topic. I usually never bring it up in public. I genuinely hope people can have their bodies match the gender they feel they are. It sounds terrible being a man trapped in a woman's body or vice versa.

I forgot to add to this post that it is only diagnosed in cases where it is causing the person to not function normally. The lack of being able to function is the key facet of diagnosing someone as gender dysphoric.

Being trans in and of itself doesn't make you mentally ill.

Do you think they need some sort of psychological intervention if all they want is to pretend to be the opposite gender they were born as?
Then you are a hateful asshole, stop letting things that have no meaning or effect on you fuck with your head. It's backwards, useless, and difficult.
Not everyone holds "your christian values", get the fuck over it, all the good countries aren't actually theocracies.

Why is it wrong to be concerned over the mental health of others or to point out that gender dysphoria is a mental illness? Is it insulting to say that schizos have issues? Nobody said that trans people should not have their bodily autonomy or that they're subhuman degenerates.

This just reeks of nihilism.

If you have an anorexic lipo, they’d still think they were fat, and it’ll never be enough. Once a trans person passes as their desired gender, there’s no further escalation, they’re done. They’re completely opposite conditions, anorexics are distressed by witnessing a delusion of their body whereas trans people are distressed by witnessing the reality of their body (their birth sex).

do you care about people with other mental illnesses as much as this and do you try to help them?