FACT CHECK: At two inches each, a thousand burgers would not reach one mile high

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They're running out of things to hate trump about

how fucking useless

Is this the new "two scoops"?


Blue check makes him not just a moron, but a verified moron.

Only confirms that all burgers are dicklets.
> t. A proud 3 incher

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>Getting ass blasted because he didn't quote exact number of burgers bought.
Dude probably gave his intern the black credit card and told him to buy a shit load of food. Trump derangement syndrome is fucking real.

Wtf I hate drumpf now

Running out of useless shit to nitpick at, are we, shareblue?

Imagine you get paid for this.

Former Trump supporter here.
It's hilarious watching him crash and burn.
But seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes.

This was an actual fucking fact check.
The fucking state of the media.

And it's archived.

they drew a fucking graph
TDS is real

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He surely won't receive the nomination!

>only 1 tray of whoppers
>2 tray of Big Macs
a wise choice and it shows Trump is a connoisseur of junk food. on paper a whopper sounds like the better burger, but the way it is cooked and held before being put in a bun makes it sweaty, plus BK only employs retards who never salt the burger, so it eats like a floppy moist towel. plus they have the longest strads of onion in the world, so you bite an onion and then have an onion snake to slurp up like those dogs who eat spagett.
the big mac is superior due to the so called secret sauce which is just really a mayoniase with onion and some mystery cheese element, but could be improved by removing the mid-piece of bread to reduce carb load, and also possibly adding a slice of tomato might be a good move, although not to everyone's taste i admit.
i like a filet o' fish and a double cheeseburger as long as the cheese has melted, if the temperature of the bun is too low, then the cheese doesn't melt and it's not fantastic. alas, there are no double cheeseburgers, or dubby-cheese as i call them, on the table plan, so i would have to forgo my filet o' fish and dubby-cheese combo and instead opt for a single Big Mac.
desu, if i had a second to chat with the POTUS at the event, i would have suggested that next time he get McDonalds to make Big Dons for the occasion which would be a Big Mac but with Quarter Pounder patties. i believe these appear on some special menus as special items but the name of them escapes me at this time.

Great job speaking truth to power, Bezos.

>Late stage TDS is calculating distance in Big Macs because the president was hyperbolic about a fun catered lunch
Meanwhile in reality, Democrats leadership is drunk on a beach on an island.


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It's very funny how these cunts apply their "fact checking" when needing to debunk bad orange-man's assertions.
But when faced with stats about the rising crime within minorities they just screech "hurr durr you're racist"

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