What can YOU give the girl?

>what can YOU give the girl?
>what do you bring to the table?

what do people mean when they say things like this?

Attached: grilll.jpg (480x360, 33K)

Im unemployed, have a criminal record, live at my parents house, but i have a huge penis

You are too immature if you cant comprehed such easy concept.

For example life goals.

Attached: u have to be 18.gif (400x300, 22K)

do you have any value?

Are you a good provider?
Are you entertaining and fun to be with?
Can you fuck well?
Do you look good?
Do you have social status?
Do you have money?
Do you have drive?
Do you have charisma?
Do you have a good social circle and command the respect of others?
Do you have any talents, eg. music, art?
Would you be a good father?
Would you be a supporting boyfriend/husband?

They mean that women get to pick and choose from the litany of suitors she has. How does it make you feel that another human can judge you to your very core just because they have a vagina? Amazing isn't it?

Not womens' fault that men have statistically lower standards for what they'll fuck.

how the hell do life goals bring anything to the relationship
i might be a neckbeard who wants to be president, does that make me a better mate?

holy shit thats a lot.
i guess its fair though, thank you. so basically its code for 'how good/attractive are you'?

r/incel plz go

Sure it is. Women chose to abuse it. Abuse is putting it lightly too.

Not even an incel.

my bad, the way you worded it made you sound like one

What are you even trying to say.

>abuse it
>You want sex to be easy for you to achieve, but not others
Okey-dokey, caterpokey.

It's ok, user. It's a knee-jerk reaction to call someone an incel when they criticize women in any capacity. Don't worry about it.

Sex for women is monumentally easier to achieve than for males. This is an objective fact. They know it, we know it, and they use it to their advantage.

Women prefer that

Women's attraction to men is not Disney shit.

What can you give to her that someone equally attainable can't?

How many rungs on the quality of life ladder is she moving up by being with you?

when I am deciding on a guy, I usually think about the bigger picture of us being at a similar station in life. for example, I am getting a graduate degree, have a job where I make good money and work very hard. So i happen to be looking for a guy who im compatible with BUT who also has degree(s), a good job, and works hard. i'm not interested in anyone who i would need to take care or who would feel the need to take care of me.

we should all be looking for a partner who served all the desired purposes in our lives.

>when they criticize women in any capacity
not really, i dont like women either. it was really just the way you put it

would i be a 'bad person' if i held up women to similar standards?

No, but you'll never find one.

They literally don't though.

>i dont like women
r/incel plz go

>do you have any value?
I believe in the value of nihilism.
>Are you a good provider?
My cat is better at hunting for meals than I.
>Are you entertaining and fun to be with?
I bring the fun back in funereal so I'll consider myself entertaining.
>Can you fuck well?
I practice on my pillow.
>Do you look good?
>Do you have social status?
I have the status of being socially awkward.
>Do you have money?
>Do you have drive?
>Do you have charisma?
Nah, but I can offer her a Charmander from my Pokedex.
>Do you have a good social circle and command the respect of others?
>Do you have any talents, eg. music, art?
I consider myself a humorist because my entire existence is a comedy of sorts.
>Would you be a good father?
I have confidence.
>Would you be a supporting boyfriend/husband?

thats fine

my point is that its not the fact that you criticized women, but the thing you said

It means that in the free market of relationships the more appealing you are to the opposite sex the greater your chances of scoring a better mate. If you have nothing to offer in any sort of capacity then why should someone settle for you if they could get a better partner who gives them more?

Most people have unrealistic standards, they think that they can score their version of a 10/10, or at least hope to as some form of escapism. The truth is that actual relationships often aren't perfect but people learn to tolerate each other's flaws and grow to understand why they like each other better than anyone else; this is what the relationship game is about. It's not so much about what you have to offer but how you can trick your partner into thinking you are what they want and maintaining the charade until you break up or death do you part.
This might sound cynical but that's the essence of it, the means by which you achieve this are up to you.

Attached: Dont-mind-if-i-do----.jpg (676x960, 91K)

If they word it like this, it means they're a cunt. You're not going into a potential employers office for an interview to see if you can get the job.

Are you a good provider?
Are you entertaining and fun to be with?
To some degree
Can you fuck well?
I've been told I'm great at everything aside from actual fucking, I cum very quick but I have

What does the girl offer besides her used vagina and shallow personality?

Found the incel.

>what do people mean when they say things like this?

Jack shit. They just move the goalposts about the fact that the whole dating scene revolves around one thing and one thing only : appearance.

Why do incels call their lies "facts"?

Why do retard call their lies "facts" ?

>Consider the characteristics that are often considered desirable in a mate—a sense of humor, intelligence, kindness, understanding, a family orientation, good looks. Which would you rank as most important in a romantic partner? Which is least important to you? Research consistently shows that we rank most or all of these traits as more important than good looks (Apostolou, 2011; Apostolou, 2015; Buss et al., 2001; Perilloux et al., 2011). However, consciously ranking traits as more or less important may not reflect the way we make our real-life dating and mating decisions.

>A few months ago I sat down with my friend Louise* while she scanned online dating profiles. Louise told me that looks were not that important to her, but that a good sense of humor was a must. While Louise certainly values all of the characteristics I listed above, not once did we say, “This guy seems like he has a great sense of humor,” or, “This man has very kind features.” We only stopped to further investigate the profiles of men who seemed physically attractive.

youre forgetting about money and status there.

>Physical attractiveness may serve as a gatekeeper directing us toward partners who are healthy, age appropriate, and able to reproduce (Weeden and Sabini, 2005). And when we make real-life dating and mating decisions, research indicates, physical appearance dominates: We choose to pursue relationships with those who are attractive to us (see Luo and Zhang, 2009; Kurzban and Weeden, 2005; Thao et al., 2010).

>Men (both gay and straight) seem to consciously recognize the importance of physical attractiveness more than women (both straight and lesbian; see Lippa, 2007). However, experimental research, as well as evidence from online dating and speed dating, shows that physical attractiveness is equally important to men and women. Further, attractiveness tends to be a more important factor in our dating decisions than traits like personality, education, and intelligence (Eastwick et al., 2011; Eastwick and Finkel, 2008; Luo and Zhang, 2009; Kurzban and Weeden, 2005; Sprecher, 1989; Thao et al., 2010). Physical attractiveness may be so important to us because we associate other positive qualities with a pleasing appearance. For example, attractive individuals are expected to be happier and to have more rewarding life experiences than unattractive individuals (Dion et al., 1972; Griffin and Langlois, 2006). This tendency to associate attractiveness with positive qualities occurs crossculturally (Shaffer et al., 2000; Zebrowitz et al., 2012).

Like a typical incel, you post pasta that does not prove your point at all.

It does if you are working towards them, idiot.

life goals are also considered personality by a lot of people or part of it.

Not me but still.

>i-i will just deny reality and call you names !

Quads wasted on a retard like you. First you said only looks matter and nothing else. Then you post pasta that says looks matter but so do other things. I don't understand how incels can live with such cognitive dissonance.

>I believe in the value of nihilism.
I just cringed a little.

>do you have any value?
Depends on your particular choice of value system.

>Are you a good provider?
I can barely provide for myself, but I'm working on bettering myself.

>Are you entertaining and fun to be with?
I've been told that I'm a fun person to be around, but I'm also depressed and hate myself. I guess I have adapted pretty well.

>Can you fuck well?
I guess. I can last a long time as I can't really cum with a girl unless I go jackrabbit mode, so I leave that for the end.

>Do you look good?
I'm pretty average. Lawful neutral.

>Do you have social status?
Amongst some musicians in my city and in my college, yeah I do. Outside of that, not so much.

>Do you have money?
Nah. But I'm working on changing that.

>Do you have drive?
I have a 5 TB Hard Drive, if that counts.

>Do you have charisma?
I don't understand what """charisma""" is, but people like me easily if that's what you mean.

>Do you have a good social circle and command the respect of others?
No. My only friends are a DUDE WEED LMAO and a straight edge programmer. The DUDE WEED loves me and considers me a true friend, but also doesn't really respect me. The programmer respects me and considers me his best friend, but he works a lot so we only go out once in two weeks.

>Do you have any talents, eg. music, art?
I'm a good mathematician (studying math) and I can play, sing, produce and compose music. I used to draw back in school, and I'm thinking about picking it up again since I wanna make some doujins.

>Would you be a good father?
Would I be a father children would respect and love? Probably.
Would I be a father that would make his children achieve their maximum, turn them into strong individuals who are able to deal with anything life throws them? Probably not. I still lack some things that would be neccessary for such an achievement (such as financial and mental stability).

Would you be a supporting boyfriend/husband?
Yes. I am loyal and extremely supporting to people I love.

>Are you a good provider?
>Are you entertaining and fun to be with?
Yes, and I have many friends
>Can you fuck well?
I don't know, maybe not, but my peen is above average.
>Do you look good?
Maybe not.
>Do you have social status?
>Do you have money?
>Do you have drive?
>Do you have charisma?
>Do you have a good social circle and command the respect of others?
>Do you have any talents, eg. music, art?
>Would you be a good father?
I have most experience with kids 11+ but yes.
>Would you be a supporting boyfriend/husband?

So all I need is to be better looking and maybe I can get a gf one day?
Also I need to talk to more women, most of my friends are men.

>Physical attractiveness may be so important to us because we associate other positive qualities with a pleasing appearance
Shit I’m fucked.

>so basically its code for 'how good/attractive are you'?
Depends on context, but usually it means "I think your standards are too high and you should re-evaluate yourself"

>So all I need is to be better looking and maybe I can get a gf one day?

my man, sorry to say this but all the stuff you put yes on are literally useless if you dont look good

im not joking, i hhave a friend with a perfect face that has not a single one of those things but can have any girl and he is a manlet even.

girls literally only care about the face, the rest its just a myth

>so basically its code for 'how good/attractive are you'?
Yeah. A lot of guys on here talk loads about what they are looking for in a girl and don't include anything about themselves. Now of course they might also have qualities, also be cute etc. But if they don't even bother to mention anything it kind of comes across like they want to order take out and are completely oblivious to the fact that the more they can give a partner the more desirable they will be to such women.

>Are you a good provider?
never provided for anyone. i'd imagine i can make decent money and balance it by living not-quite-spartan. although youd have to be a pretty good con man to make me share
>Are you entertaining and fun to be with?
i dont have any friends, so we'll say 'no' to that one
>Can you fuck well?
>Do you look good?
typical white dude, brown hair, nice jaw and a sex offender's goatee
>Do you have social status?
i dont have any friends
>Do you have money?
i do save a lot on my student loans by only drinking water and cooking tasty and varied, though simple meals.
see question no. 1 for further information
>Do you have drive?
>Do you have charisma?
i dont have any friends
>Do you have a good social circle and command the respect of others?
see above
>Do you have any talents, eg. music, art?
i can fly the space shuttle in a variety of simulators
>Would you be a good father?
>>having kids
>Would you be a supporting boyfriend/husband?
>>getting married

whats my score?

>blame women because men have low standards
You'll never fix a problem in your life.

>what do people mean when they say things like this?
People who say this have an unhealthy understanding of relationships as some sort of exchange or contract and they think you don't "deserve" a partner if they don't make some sort of profit from you. It's usually people who are somewhat cold and not emotional enough.

There's always a form of "profit", that's just a matter of perspective. You wouldn't be friends with someone who isn't nice to you, someone you never have fun with and don't feel a connection to. That's one way to frame it but you can also say someone needs to bring some form of social capital (friendliness, humor, supportiveness/loyalty, entertainment skills, you name it) to the table to earn the contract of your friendship. Not technically false, but neither party will experience it as a business deal.

wheres proof though?

>I believe in the value of no values

Well I'm sold

Pretty much this.

While on the other side?
>What can you give the guy?

Do you have a pussy?
Are you not fat?
Can you hold a conversation?
Are you pleasant on the eyes?

Maybe for horny young guys. Someone with life experience is also looking for a partner who can carry responsibilities, work out conflict, be a good mother, support him through hardship, cook decent food (quite important if it's going to be what you eat every day), be sexually fulfilling etc.

Nah its pretty much just don't be fat and give blowjobs, we can handle all that other shit ourselves

Lol, okay, good luck raising kids by yourself while also making all the money by yourself, Superman.

Either way it's not even a matter of whether or not you are capable of handling it by yourself and more whether or not life is better when you don't have to. That's what a partner means. It's not for nothing that vows mention caring for someone in sickness or health. Marriage is less about lust or love than about being committed to making each other's life easier and happier.

I answered every question with no lol

>Are you a good provider?
>Are you entertaining and fun to be with?
>Can you fuck well?
>Do you look good?
>Do you have social status?
>Do you have money?
>Do you have drive?
>Do you have charisma?
>Do you have a good social circle and command the respect of others?
>Do you have any talents, eg. music, art?
>Would you be a good father?
>Would you be a supporting boyfriend/husband?

>would i be a 'bad person' if i held up women to similar standards?

having standards is a good thing

also these are not universal standards for women
some women only need 1 of those, and often they fall for charisma despite a shit ton of red flags.

I'd be interested desu

>would i be a 'bad person' if i held up women to similar standards?
No, but feminists and white knights will surely sperg out.

>Are you a good provider?
You should see what I can do with $15 a week to live on.
>Are you entertaining and fun to be with?
That depends on whether or not you can tolerate my personality. Few can but some do.
>Can you fuck well?
Fuck if I know :^)
>Do you look good?
Ehh. I'd say I'm an acquired taste right now.
I've lost 25lbs and am starting a gym routine as soon as the temps get below 85 regularly though and I really wanna focus on upper body work.
>Do you have social status?
What's that lmao
>Do you have money?
I do not live paycheck to paycheck, no. I do however not make much.
>Do you have drive?
Eh. I achieve what I realistically set out to do. But if you do enough research, a lot of stuff becomes realistic.
>Do you have charisma?
Only when I'm comfortable. Otherwise I'm a pile of stoic autism.
>Do you have a good social circle and command the respect of others?
Yes to both but it's a small pool.
>Do you have any talents, eg. music, art?
I can gun real good and uhhhh I'll change your blinker fluid :^)
>Would you be a good father?
I can try, and my father will (hopefully) be only a call away with any advice I could possibly need.
>Would you be a supporting boyfriend/husband?
Like how much support are we talking here, because I've been pretty autistic about helping out close friends before.

how much can she take from you before she leaves

>proving a negative

>6/10 according to /soc/
>active social life
>8.5" dick
>tfw no gf
Explain it for me if you're so confident.


>$15 a week
you're full of shit.

>implying there is a fundamental difference between """positive""" and """negative""" statements

Your point?

Water, rice, frozen chicken thighs, tina's burritos, and utter fucking despair. You'll survive.

no ty

Actually I forgot potatoes. You can do so much shit with potatoes.

where would I and my kitchen be located for $15 a week less the cost of rice and chicken

What are you talking about
I meant just for food

The fuck is the problem with him being an engineer? It's literally one of the most financially secure parts of stem besides medicine.

dumb asshole

>Engineer = dumb asshole
I can't say I see the connection.

they've accidentally proven you right so their emotional lizard brain kicked into to save their egos. Don't engage any further, you'll get no rational discussion.

they usually want money, but idk if you have somekind of magnetism then they'll want you.

I can give my sarcastic seemingly self indulgent egotistic humor that hides my fragile inner person.

Attached: 1536095332897.jpg (640x480, 56K)

can't see why being an engineer is a problem = dumb asshole.

Engineers are usually emotionally stunted, don't show enough affection and are too obsessed with their work.

>almost 25
>severely depressed/mentally damaged
>long, brown, wavy hair
>green eyes
>decent face
>stereotypical drunk shitty bass player
>decent personality with a strong kicker of cynicism/nihilism
>my tongue game is strong

Attached: 77211A91-B672-498B-B5E6-A0D68D17D222.jpg (600x399, 35K)

Yea and women also have a monumental higher risk associated with sex.
>inb4 child support
Which has only been a thing for a limited time. For thousands of years having a child with an unfit mate = death. And even today having a child without a proper father can mean immense pressure and suffering.

So the fact that women are more selective with their mates makes sense and to say women "abuse it" by having high standards for their partner makes you sound like a spoiled child.

>spoiled child.
isn't that the hallmark of modern society?
whiny entitlement?

Yes but please don't remind me.

Attached: 1463419409277.gif (500x375, 1.6M)

I wish this were true.
Just looking to love and be loved.
Total fuck up in real life.
It hurts.

I feel you man. I wish it were as simple as Jow Forums says it is.

>women will settle for an unemployed criminal if he has a big dick
>user has a big dick and you would be settling less than that
>no way engineers are autists!
You guys literally just proved his point.

Rate me, would you date me?
>Are you a good provider?
>Are you entertaining and fun to be with?
>Can you fuck well?
I never tried
>Do you have social status?
Status like "500$ shoes but live in a small room"
>Do you have money?
I look like I do, but I actually dont
>Do you have drive?
>Do you have charisma?
Its subjective
>Do you have a good social circle and command the respect of others?
>Do you have any talents, eg. music, art?
Yes, creativity can be expressed through any means
>Would you be a good father?
>Would you be a supporting boyfriend/husband?

Replace job with vagina. And money with sex. It is the same.

Found the delusional white knight.

Anyone who has to use the word incel loses all credibility instantly.

Not true. I should be Swimming in pussy then because I actually have some other stuff apart from looks going for me.

Mgtow, wtf you even doing on this thread retard?

>what are Single moms and even dads

Do you even know what goes on in the real world?

Wait, my ex wasnt an engineer... Wtf?

How else are you supposed to refer to the angry, delusional virgins that sometimes leak here from Jow Forums?

Not at all? Dunno.


What you mean not at all? How else are they going to know that women won't grant them access to their holes? Incel incel incel incel! ok bye O.o

>uses emoticon instead of reaction image
Do you enjoy digging yourself into holes as a hobby or what