I'm appalled.
I am from Massachusetts but moved to Columbus, Georgia when he was 4. Me and my wife are very liberal and have taught all 3 of our children to be loving of all races.
However, I caught him drinking so I took his phone to see if there were any other parents I needed to text, and I noticed appalling comments he made in group chats with his friends, referring to Black people as the n-word and saying that his school would be better "if it returned to the way it was 50 years ago".
I'm shocked, his school is very diverse and around 70% Black, so I thought that would make him even more accepting of Black people.
Is it possible that his southern peers installed this behavior in him? How do I correct this?
My teenage son (15 yo) is making racist comments
take away his internet and phone
shame and exposure. he needs to feel ashamed for being so ignorant and exposed to different types of people and views. if yall don't have any black friends (like family friends) then maybe you can make some.
its probably his friends too
Why are you asking Jow Forums for parenting advice? Because this is a bait thread?
You need to bring him into a white bubble, so he can safely learn to develop a love for black people by watching Fresh prince and listening to gangsta rap.
He’s actually been around negroids and know how degenerate they can be
Not all but damn near all of them
>t. White boy who when to a melanin enriched school district
It was inevitable that he would find out about the true nature of negroids
To be frank, I am a 'hate everyone equally' type. Everyone is shit, just different levels of stank.
With that out of the way, your son is probably reacting to things he's seen, heard or experienced for himself. What's MOST IMPORTANT-- FULLY AND CRITICALLY SO-- is that your son feels that dialogue between you two is open. He should be able to express why he uses the words he does and exhibits the thoughts he does, and without the issue of being judged for it in what should unironically be the safest space he can know.
You have got to open up and try to understand him. If you damn him for this, you'll be the last one to do so with any meaning before he turns to people with far worse opinions than just 'going back the way it was 50 years ago.'
Do not turn your son away in his time of need. He has questions and he needs answers. If you treat him as your equal, you might get somewhere.
Or y'know just shit on your own kid without the full story, dafuq do I know amirite
>I am from Massachusetts
>Is it possible that his southern peers installed this behavior in him?
You need to go back.
Good, fuck niggers.
based closet racist millennials
its a fucking anomaly if you ask me. same nerds whose girlfriends are abandoning them for black guys.
Hate often comes from a place of fear. Especially with white supremacy types, there tends to be a perception that one has been disregarded by a society that is bending over backwards to take care of other races. It’s hard to step back and view it all in a broader context when all you see is your own struggle.
Shaming someone for these feelings only reinforces their delusion of persecution. Conquer hate with love and show that he doesn’t need to feel threatened. Consider looking up ex-skinhead organisations and such for advice.
Drumpfkins BTFO.
Your son is right
Fuck niggers
>masshole has a kid, moves to georgia
>surprised when the apple falls inches from the tree
fuck off, transplant
your kind ain't welcome and never fucking will be
I don't know how familiar you are with the south but this kind of language and casual remarks, especially between teens and young adults, is very common
Your son is probably struggling at school, and blaming others for his own problems. This is what white people do. They see a black person doing better than them and blame reverse discrimination for their failure.
Get him a tutor and tell him to work harder.
I went to a school with mostly black students and it turned me into a racist too. If you want your son to be a liberal like you, move to a rich white neighborhood where he won't see what blacks act like on a day to day basis.
Lol op is a fucking cucked faggot
OP is a larper and you fell for his 2/10 bait
I’d wager being outnumbered by another race makes one more likely to be racist, not less. Same way black people get angry and fearful when they’re too far in the minority. It becomes a lot easier to see them all as a group who’s different from you, same as when there’s just one or two. Balance is key.
It’s like how people in big cities become assholes because there’s just too many fucking people around to deal with, so you become antisocial. But if you’re a hermit in the middle of the woods, you’ll be so unaccustomed to company that you also become antisocial.
If you're a democrat, he got it from you. You taught him to treat races in special ways because of his own. You think you're superior enough that he must treat other races like children who can't think for themselves or be responsible for themselves.
Why is it wrong to hate blacks? They hate us, we should do the right thing and return the favor.
>I'm shocked, his school is very diverse and around 70% Black, so I thought that would make him even more accepting of Black people.
This is precisely how you grow to hate niggers.
Lol get on xbox
glad my dad was born in '49 and smiled when i started calling blacks 'niggers'
Unironically, this.
Normal black people are alright, but fuck niggers. The more percentage it's in their favor, the more animal they become
ok bait
Baited reddit cuckolds
I don't even think they're from reddit, this is just the most normalfag infested board if you don't count /soc/.
Yeah I wasn’t racist until I attended a 90% black high school. Fuck Faggots like you for wanting to make all of America this way
My son also went to a school with a similar population ratio and there were no issues between the races so I'm wondering if there's more to it than you know. The white kids are the minority here so how are they being treated? Is this racism or a reaction to being bullied in some way?
Unironically this. I was far left like my whole family and supported Obama during both elections. After the recession, things were going south for my family and we had to move closer to the city and I started going to a school where 30% of the student body was white. Over the next few years I became disillusioned from the "all races are equal" narrative after seeing how minorities disregard education and disrespect faculty to gain approval from their peers and how they fight over the dumbest shit. I think all kids should go to black/hispanic schools so they can get a hands on experience of toxic minority culture.
>far left
>supporting Obama
no faggot were just a fucking liberal
Far left compared to what I am now.
But still right wing
How to get your son killed 101
he probably got his racist views from this website
Your son has woken up. Be proud, white woman! He has started down the path that will lead him to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Support him, challenge him- for example when he refers to negros as "niggers", you should call them "filthy porch monkey jigaboo shit-skins". When he refers to Jews as money grabbing parasites, you should call them "the soap and lampshades of the future"
In the south people ussually get racist views from the peers and interactions with black people, since white people in the south are significantly more likely to go to school with black people than elsewhere
The best way to stop a kid from being racist is indoctrination and seperation from other races. Southern whites are more racist because they see more non-whites than northerners do. It's not cultural, you learn to be racist by being around other races.
If you really want to stop him from being racist, move him out of his diverse school, cut all his association black people, and stop him from watching anything other than CNN or MSNBC.
Seeing blacks/abos/Indians makes you racist, not seeing them and being told they're all wonderful and all flaws are due to social inequality makes you a pitying and concerned democrat.
>I'm shocked, his school is very diverse and around 70% Black
lol found your problem, niggers are fucking trash when they're majoritary somewhere, especially towards white people. Your son is just having a totally legitimate reaction. You don't realize that because you have never had that kind of experience.
This is just a bait thread anyway.
Lay off the porn, basedboy. That's not happening in real life, go read some statisical studies about interracial relationships.
>very diverse
>70% any race
pick one (1) and hold it tight.
>itt: OP plyayed himself
Your mistake was having him in a 70% blck school. Have him with nips, chinese, kimchi or whites and the result would have been different
Is this why asians are considered whites by some?
Lol! Why assume the kid is hating them for being good. He's probably hating them because they are bad. And feels like he doesn't belong with groups that act different, talk different, etc.
And that's ok. Don't you try to shame the kids his feelings, you fucking nigger.
Nice bait.
> very diverse
> 70% black
This has to be bait
>50 posts in
>call bait
I don't have a Slowpoke slow enough. Jesus, guys, I'd tell you to try harder if I weren't afraid it would cause you an aneurysm.
there will always be "racists" who notice that blacks cant seem to do anything right OP.
you do realize that statistically people who live around blacks tend to be the most racist lmao
It’s the South, honestly what did you expect?
>browses Jow Forums
>complains about racism
>implying I can't unironically congratulate someone on making a nice bait thread when I do see one because some faggot has a broom up his ass about the reply count even though I applied the dank weed in the options and have better shit to do than to obviously point out obvious bait when I'm late to the party
Yeah I wouldn't take it to seriously desu. Most of my friends and I called each other niggers chunks and spics in HS and half of them are married to black women now.
You did fuck up by going to the south from mass. though. The South needs a mercy killing and a good nuking, half the people there are retarded, whites and blacks alike
Man i wonder if that kid in the picture is ok. That's a hell of a thing to have hanging over his head as he enters adulthood.
OPs picture, not stuart little.
Live near Columbus, Columbus niggers are horrible. So yea, he's gonna hate them because they deserve hatred. Wait until one of them robs his ass.
This, one of the main reason kids get into problematic racist thinking is because they are exposed to other races too early. Consistent firsthand observation is really fast at causing conclusions.
Its best to keep your children far away from brown people where they can safely tell other white people how racist they are for doing the same. This will also help keep your child from being murdered for upsetting king mulla mulla.
At least the kid isn’t a rat
going to a majority black school will make anyone racist
>he needs to feel ashamed for being so ignorant
Clearly he is not ignorant, he knew black people picked cotton a long time ago.
Obviously black people are not forced to pick cotton anymore and if he were a black kid today he would never be forced to pick cotton.
So clearly it is a joke, meant to make people laugh over the absurdity. If you can't see how this is a joke, you are ignorant. If it is not funny to you, then move the fuck on you miserable piece of crap.
You put your white kid in a majority black school? lol, first, you're an awful parent, secondly, if you actually raised him right then of course he's gonna be racist because (most) black people are a complete contrast.
It's an unfunny joke thats in bad taste.
The bad taste is what makes it funny but intent matters.
Clearly it is meant as a joke.
So why should his life be ruined for making a joke that was not funny everywhere?
There is no justification for getting upset over this.
If it was a black kid who said "If I were a jew, I would be digging for gold, but instead, I am digging you", Should that kid be ruined too or should we just shrug it off as he is just another idiotic kid who just wanted to ask a girl out?
There’s centuries of slavery and degradation attached to the word. That’s the justification, and you’re too dim to even acknowledge that, yet you call other people ignorant. Really makes you think how poor your sense of humor is that you have to resort of the lowest of the low of insults to get your kicks.
You are a Jow Forums shitposter and have children, you have bigger problems than your son not being a cuckold.
>attached to the word
What cotton? Black?
He was not claiming slavery was a good thing or that it was funny that it happened.
But even if you are too dumb to understand a joke, getting offended over something you don't understand just makes everyone laugh at you.
t. purchased 101 clean jokes book
Good on him. Racism is good.
>be black
>go to a majority black school
>end up hating most blacks
>become a bit of an uncle Tom
The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
I don't think so as it only creates unnecessary rifts within a population. Racism is natural, but in order to maintain a state that is functioning to the best it can be given the population it shouldn't be encouraged