I don't know what the hell i want to do with my life, everything seems so uninteresting...

i don't know what the hell i want to do with my life, everything seems so uninteresting, i don't want to try new things as i've tried most popular things, traveling activities clubs nature exploring whatever, it's all boring as shit, every "career" seems uninteresting as all hell, every "degree" seems dumb to me, all the jobs i see look boring as fuck, at this point i just don't feel like doing anything while everyone seems to know what they want to do, what job they want to have or what business they want to start, they all have "passions" and shit but i don't, i'm just this bland, empty person that doesn't care about anything and doesn't want to care about anything

what the fuck

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Have you done or are you doing any drugs?

Drugs can definitely cause this kind of shit.

>everything seems so uninteresting

delete your computer.

i do 0 drugs legal or illegal
i've gone 6 months without the internet or a computer and it was the most boring time of my life ever, because my ex-step-mom was mentally ill and an asshole, she would take my computer and all electronic devices away for literal months so i'm used to going many months without any electronic devices at all

life without the internet is extremely psychologically torturous and mind-boggingly boring, in fact, if computers, the internet or electronics didn't exist, i'd see no point in even living at all because there would be nothing even remotely interesting to do

If the internet or computers didn't exist, you likely wouldn't be able to conceptualize it so you wouldn't have the same baseline you do now for comparison.

Do you exercise? Are you addicted to anything (porn?). Also I notice you said you don't even want to care about anything, can you explain that? If you're being literal, that's pretty serious and you might want to talk to someone IRL.

>If the internet or computers didn't exist, you likely wouldn't be able to conceptualize it so you wouldn't have the same baseline you do now for comparison.
no shit but you know what i meant
>Do you exercise? Are you addicted to anything (porn?).
yes and no, out of curiosity though what the hell does a porn addiction have to do with anything? hahahah what...are you religious?
>Also I notice you said you don't even want to care about anything, can you explain that? If you're being literal, that's pretty serious and you might want to talk to someone IRL.
i mean i just don't feel like anything is worth caring about, like when people bring these up i just don't see why i should care, why should i care about doing what other people tell me i should do like get a career get rich or whatever if i don't care about those things and i don't even know what field to even get in because i don't care about "fields"?

It is common to disregard things based on 'how they sound'. I used to do it, heard about something and said 'it's boring' but truth being said there's no real way to know until you try it. So my advice is to try things that you think you COULD get to enjoy or have enjoyed in the past, and stick to what you like, disregard what you don't like until you 'find' yourself.
user, there's a reason the term 'adventure' exists.

People have been doing it for thousands of years, those souls too fierce to be caged on social pressure. Living on the edge everyday, that's their profession.

I don't have the balls to do it. I couldn't take a backpack and just say fuck it. I couldn't risk losing the respect of my peers and the little i have accomplished so far. But you, you my friend, you have absolutely nothing to lose. You said it yourself, your life is boring and uninteresting. So what are you going to do about it?

Can I just ask how old you are?

underage that's for sure kek

>It is common to disregard things based on 'how they sound'. I used to do it, heard about something and said 'it's boring' but truth being said there's no real way to know until you try it. So my advice is to try things that you think you COULD get to enjoy or have enjoyed in the past, and stick to what you like, disregard what you don't like until you 'find' yourself.
but...that's exactly what i do, i went through a phase where literally all i did was try things, i tried so much shit i literally had to take a few days off work because i was so burnt out from doing shit
>user, there's a reason the term 'adventure' exists.
>People have been doing it for thousands of years, those souls too fierce to be caged on social pressure. Living on the edge everyday, that's their profession.
>I don't have the balls to do it. I couldn't take a backpack and just say fuck it. I couldn't risk losing the respect of my peers and the little i have accomplished so far. But you, you my friend, you have absolutely nothing to lose. You said it yourself, your life is boring and uninteresting. So what are you going to do about it?
dude..i have already have gone traveling internationally and gone backpacking and camping and gone on an "adventure", i literally went camping in the arctic circle in northern norway, like i don't know what else to tell you i've done everything everyone has told me to do
i think everyone was underage at some point, i know i was

If you have parents or siblings you can trust, talk to them about it.

Also, revisit the last activity that gave you the sense of enjoyment.

>If you have parents or siblings you can trust, talk to them about it.
unfortunately in real life i don't have anyone other than this 1 person i trust but he doesn't care and just goes "idunno man"

the only people i really trust is you guys because well...the power of anonymity i guess
>Also, revisit the last activity that gave you the sense of enjoyment.
i do that already, so far the only things those is binge watching youtube and lurking and very rarely posting on Jow Forums and sometimes watching movies or tv shows and fapping

i used to really enjoy video games like WoW SWTOR league etc, but i haven't been able to play them for years, the last time i actually was able to play a video game i wanted to play / enjoyed apart from a small "visit" every 3 years or so was 2012, but now that i haven't played them for so long and have been deprived of all video games i no longer really enjoy it when i think about playing them, like if i could download one right now i don't even think i would..

I think you should try something competitive. Maybe chess or some online multiplayer strategy. Something that's skill-based and rewards logical thinking and improvement.

>I think you should try something competitive. Maybe chess or some online multiplayer strategy. Something that's skill-based and rewards logical thinking and improvement.
i've played chess i don't like it, i've also played other board games like monopoly and battleship and cluedo or whatever it's called

i've played strategy games like command and conquer, dawn of war, civ5 and multi-player RTS games like league and dota 2, i used to really like dawn of war adn command and conquer when i was a kid but now i don't like them anymore

i don't understand, am i schizoid or something? it's like nothing is amusing anymore

You're not schizoid, just depressed. You've lost the sense of purpose and excitement that comes along with it.

i was like you till i did shrooms with my brother it changed everything for me i was happy once again afterwards i dont know how to explain it, it just opened my eyes that i can actually enjoy little things in life, but this is just my experience i dont know if psychedelics would help you in any way

i don't know, how could you know that? how could i know that...maybe

people say "do something about it" but i do everything everyone tells me to do about it and nothing works, they say study something ok but i don't like anything or want to study anything, get a job well i have a job but i don't care about it it's just there to make me money, exercise ok i do that, eat well yes all i do is cook my own meals, sleep well i sleep 9-10 hours a day
i have the AKT1 gene from my dad and we're extremely sensitive to any form of psychedelics, this includes the lowest potent form of psychedelic, weed, we have an extremely negative reaction to it and get drug-induced psychosis and then because of a metabolic disorder withhold the THC in our fat and experience constant severe depersonalization for months

if i were to do something like shrooms or even worse, LSD, i would literally go completely insane

i'm well read on the research conducted on people with psychedelics though and i understand it gives people a mystical spiritual experience since it literally "re-wires" your brain

one of my extended family members took LSD and got epilepsy and brain damage and could never function as a normal person ever since she tripped....so...my genes aren't exactly geared towards the more adventurous drugs lol...

damn dude it seems like god hates you

>damn dude it seems like god hates you
that...hit me right in the feels

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shrooms were the only thing that helped me in that time so i dont really know why god took that door away from you,

do you often go out with your friends or do you visit clubs ? that can also help you out

i hope life gets better for you

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>shrooms were the only thing that helped me in that time
that's nice, i've read about many people's success stories with it, did you have a mystical / spiritual experience? are you one of those people who think they "saw god" or "felt god" or something to do with god?
>so i dont really know why god took that door away from you,
i don't believe in god
>do you often go out with your friends or do you visit clubs ? that can also help you out
i used to go clubbing and partying a lot, in fact i was dubbed by my old girl classmates as "the best drinking buddy ever" and was frequently called their "party buddy", i used to *kind* of like it because i'm very good at making other people around me feel happy and euphoric and making everyone laugh but i stopped liking that stuff years ago, sometimes i like drinking alone though..
>i hope life gets better for you

>everyone tells me to do about it and nothing works
You've got too big expectations.

Change for the better won't happen overnight or within a few weeks. It's a process you need to trust in as you do positive things one after another.

nah i didnt meet god or anything like that i also dont really believe in one, shrooms just got me into really deep thinking about my whole life and how to better it,

>i used to go clubbing and partying a lot, in fact i was dubbed by my old girl classmates as "the best drinking buddy ever" and was frequently called their "party buddy", i used to *kind* of like it because i'm very good at making other people around me feel happy and euphoric and making everyone laugh

i noticed that people like you that get other people to have fun and feel good etc. are always the ones that are the most depressed

>You've got too big expectations.
what do you mean? i can't think of any expectations i have of anything
>Change for the better won't happen overnight or within a few weeks. It's a process you need to trust in as you do positive things one after another.
what kind of change are you talking about?

i've done many positive things for many other people, i've taken people's advices they've given me with trust like travelling backpacking whatever but it doesn't work, so what should i do?

a friend once told me something like this and recommended me to read self-help books, i did and followed everything in the books and nothing really changed apart from me being even more exhausted because of all the things i had to do
>nah i didnt meet god or anything like that i also dont really believe in one, shrooms just got me into really deep thinking about my whole life and how to better it,
>i noticed that people like you that get other people to have fun and feel good etc. are always the ones that are the most depressed
that....dude my feels, god damn that went right straight clean through my feels

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It's ok bro. Just hang in there. Why not travel the world, if you can afford it, that is. Or go to church

my brother said while tripping, everyone brings a flame with him and other people take a bit of this flame but if you give too much of your flame to other people it will extinguish and you will be in life without a flame and without a purpose, dunno but i think he meant with this that you should focus more on yourself and give your life a meaning.

but thats just words from my tripping bro dunno if they make sense to you

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i've already traveled the world and gone to churches mosques and synagogues, i'm an atheist
sounds like a needlessly mystic way of saying if you focus too much on others you won't have much time or energy for yourself, the people who experience this are usually introverts, what he said is completely inapplicable to extroverts, who in fact get energized by focusing on others and there are a good number of people who derive their life's purpose from helping others, i think i may be an extroverted introvert, but i lean more towards the introverted side so i recharge by being alone

anyways, i don't focus too much on others, in fact for the past few months i've been a hikki, i'm just able to make other people feel very good and happy and laugh and whatnot if i feel like it

>what do you mean? i can't think of any expectations i have of anything
if you had no expectations, you'd just be enjoying the ride, care-free

>what kind of change are you talking about?
things you have influence on end up influencing you

>if you had no expectations, you'd just be enjoying the ride, care-free
why do you think so?

i am pretty care-free though, although i'm not really enjoying this ride, but i'm not really hating it either, i'm just...going with it
>things you have influence on end up influencing you

I don't have any advice or answers for your problems OP. All I'm gonna say is I know what you're going through. Sometimes I can distract myself enough to not think about it too much. But today is one of those days where I feel suicidal thinking about the problems you described. I'm actually not even doing 'bad' in life by normie standards, but I'm just so bored and miserable. Life is just insanely boring and I can't find the spark that was there when I was a kid.

same user

i can't even imagine having to live a half a century, or more than that, i can't even imagine living past 30 or past the age of 20, i guess that's why the rate of depression among old people is insane once you realize how uninteresting life is, the pointlessness of it all

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This will likely sound cringey, but consider this: since there's no escape from pain or death, the best one can do is to shape oneself so he dies a different person than he was born.

It may don't matter in a grand scheme of things, but nobody's living a grand scheme of things, after all. Everyone has just their own, little life to spend somehow.

well i guess i'm on my way to doing that

Become a cop user!

I feel the same, really happy to see your post...
Basically I tried to be myself.I have a best friend now who makes me happy and like 3 other real friends.
If you get ripped and get good clothes, you can get admiration, and that fills my blankness.I think give it a shot
Also start daydreaming, like having a lot of money, and maybe it gives you some motivation

Idk, hope you get better dude!

I don't know how to help you care about anything. When I was about your age I also had to face that the adulthood I was being propelled into looked exceedingly dull, especially compared to all the video games I was obsessed with. I spent most of my childhood and adolescence living exciting, fictional, virtual lives. Reality was quite disappointing. I had no sense of what I should do with my life and I hated that I was forced to do something I didn't care about or live on the street. But how can you make yourself be interested in something?

The only method that I've tried that works is taking acid--but it wears off. It is incredible to become someone who can spend 8 hours enthralled by his lock screen. I wish I could permanently unlock a fraction of that part of my mind.

I'm now 28 years of age and I work a dead-end part-time job because working full time made me suicidal. I don't have meaningful relationships and I don't have a social life (not interested). Life isn't bad enough that I want to die but it's just kind of like sitting in a hospital waiting room. I stare emptily at the light of the TV or whatever magazine is within reach, waiting for the reaper to walk through a door in pastel scrubs and call my name.

OP, you have to check this out: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_hedonism
You are the victim of paradox of hedonism. Pleasure is the utimate point of all your actions, and it should be the side effect of doing things for other reasons. You have to forget about pleasure altogheter and start living in alliance with your values.

i've wanted to take shrooms or acid for a long time. i've asked around quite a bit. nobody stays true to their word, or doesnt have any. its fucked up because i really believe that i can see differently with something like that. until then, i'm pretty much with you op