Is claiming Irish heritage a right wing version of claiming native heritage?

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>claiming Irish Heritage
Claiming Irish Heritage is fine, claiming YOU are Irish is stupid. Irish-American is a fine enough heritage/identity to have, people just don't learn anything about it.

Americans who reckon they can trace themselves back to fucking 10th Century Kings because they share a surname though are retarded.
Literally one of the worst IRAs ever to exist, fuck them.

>Claiming Irish Heritage is fine, claiming YOU are Irish is stupid.
>Literally one of the worst IRAs ever to exist, fuck them.
What did they do?

They're welcome, but they'll never be seen as just as Irish as regular Irish people

I don't get it. I keep my irish ancestry hidden and larp as an anglo. Irish ancestry is embarrassing
Took yer spuds ya taigy fuckers, whatcha gonna do?

People misunderstand the troubles as:
>irish people oppressed
>pira rise up and fight british army
In reality, the PIRA did as much to fuck the Irish over as they did protect them. Initially they seemed to be a force for good, not waging a war but simply acting to protect Irish Catholic communities from a surge in Loyalist violence. They soon degenerated into Loyalist-tier niggery, bombing and shooting almost as many civilians as the Loyalists did. There's no doubt that physical force was needed, but they fucked it hard. They were not freedom fighters and were a very horrible group, killing more Catholic Irish in the end than the British even did.

>Irish ancestry is embarrassing
It's only embarrassing if you make it embarrassing, it's not that hard to be proud of something

>bombing and shooting almost as many civilians as the Loyalists did
Calm down m8, you got fair warning.

Gotta say, I've been more interested in Ire heritage. Trying to learn bits and pieces of the language.

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they're a disgrace imo

I can see why you would larp, atleast in UK, British people are gonna begin to despise foreigners soon so I would be larping as an anglo too if I lived where you did

>fair warning
Hardly, in most cases. All that being said even if we discount all civilian casualties in warned bombings, there was still a dickload of autistic punishment shootings, kidnappings and all sorts of many innocent people.
The amount of murdering of innocents that the Loyalists did doesn't excuse the PIRA's decisions.
As for the rest of Irish history, here's an accessible start:

>The Nine Years War (a 16th-17th Century Conflict which marked the death of Gaelic Ireland)

>Brian Boru (The Rise and Fall of the King who United Ireland, and the Decline of Vikings in Ireland)

>The Norman Invasion of Ireland (The Last High King, the first hostile move by England against Ireland, the beginning of England’s conquest of Ireland)

>The 1918 Irish Election (Pivotal moment in Revolutionary Ireland, arguably started the Irish War of Independence)

>Ailtirí na hAiseirghe (Fascism in 1940s Ireland, Ireland’s “Hitler Youth”)

yeah same here. i'm something like 15% irish but hide it. i'd rather that 15% be literally any other european ethnicity really.

Dude once its less than 25% it doesn't even matter

>t. le 50% Irish, 50% German

Cheers for the links cunt. I've got enough reading, I'll bookmark it for another day.
>doesn't excuse the PIRA's decisions
War's shit. Especially so on home turf I imagine.

I know the sentiment, and it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking the PIRA's civilian casulties were maybe unavoidable or inevitable due to the nature of the conflict. But trust me, applying "goodies and baddies" to the Troubles just doesn't work. The Loyalists started it and were definitely the worst of a rotten bunch, but the PIRA and British Army weren't exactly great either.

>IRA in 2019.
Oh no no no no no no no no no

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Am I allowed to call myself Irish if my Dad is a citizen and I have lived there before?

>Americans who reckon they can trace themselves back to fucking 10th Century Kings because they share a surname though are retarded.
>tfw a retarded burgerette told me she had Merovingian blood because her grandmother maiden name was Martel
They definitively need to stop that shit

I think you probably meet the legal criteria but if you don't plan to spend a majority of your life in Ireland what's the point?

stop stealing our women frog

>right wing
Nigger what you on about?

Being "American" has become meaningless. At this point when talking to foreigners I usually say that I'm from New England.

>Claiming kingship through blood ten-generation-dimmed
instead of
>Claiming kingship through the establishment of a new dynasty


Sinn Fein is a joke which is why they are only active in British government.

White People don't claim victim status they illuminate historical genocidal criminals of their people and react accordingly.

Times have changed and pretty much all democrats are non whites, jews and urban cucks. But yes in the old days Irish would've been left wing

Irish have never been left wing. It's pretty much entirely propaganda. For the past century their two largest parties have been centre-right in outlook, pretty much just Irish Conservatives and Irish Conservatives (with feeling)

>Americans who reckon they can trace themselves back to fucking 10th Century Kings because they share a surname though are retarded.
Literally anyone who does that is retarded

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Ireland has a rich history of labour movements. It's evident in our history and in literature. Just because the Brits raped us and the Catholic jihadis gangbanged us with a thousand years of brainwashing doesn't delete that part of our history.

No you're not, you're 100% Ashkenazi so stop telling lies on the Internet.

The Irish are the Mexicans of western Europe.

>lefties aren't lefties if they are white
>irish conservatives who want ireland 2040 and who put a shitskin as their PM
Wow so this is right wing?

That sums up SF all right

That's not the IRA though and the IRA no longer exists. That's Homo and MI5 Infiltrated Sinn Féin who are a joke.
It's easy to spot shills when they start spouting shit about Irish being left wing which is bullshit and we've only ever had centre right Governments here but those political parties are all pozzed neo liberals now and servants to Brussels and international finance.
They've gone down big time in the polls in the south.
How so?
No. Its Neo Liberalism.

>Ireland 2040
A mixed, fucked up plan that will fall though.
>Put a shitskin as their PM
They vote for the party, not the leader, and nobody voted for him.

>No. Its Neo Liberalism.
That's what my point was lad.
>A mixed, fucked up plan that will fall though.
I doubt it will fail, I'm sure you said that about that abortion referendum.
>They vote for the party, not the leader, and nobody voted for him.
I know that and it doesnt change anything.



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I have met people who can directly trace lineage to old European royalty. They used Ancestry and other websites and shit.

But but, I've done the genealogy and I can trace back to a 12 century Norman noble in Eastern Scotland.

The funny thing is when you do have ancestry that directly traces to old nobility/royalty people don't seem to know that the family line looses all prestige within two generations and is basically no better than a commoner.

Can you trace YOURSELF directly back to him?

Am I Irish?

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ok. thanks for the clarification

I wish my great great grandfather from Eire who came here to work on the railroad could see how easy I have it compared to him, he'd be pissed.

Why would he be like that?


I have a green T-shirt decorated with a celtic cross that says "Ireland". I wear it more often than on March 17th.

This. Niggers and spics seem to be really proud to be niggers and spics and they have the shittiest heritage on the planet

Be me
Dark green eyes
Built like a brawler for no reason

My family is welsh. We are clearly welsh. No one cares if we identify as welsh

No one cares about the welsh
Claim welsh ancestry
Told to fuck sheep

Sheep shagger


welcome to the tribe

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Cool what do I get?
A sheep and steroids?


What? But I was born and raised in Mogadishu. Am moving to Ireland for work-- hoping to take a nice Irish wife too. I was told at the Ireland consulate I would be viewed as just as Irish as anyone else.

Not true?

Redheads live us black fellas.

>Be Irish Americans
>Fund a terrorist organization for years who bomb civilians constantly
>This is fine :)
>Irish Americans get bombed once in a marathon
>Oh my God... This is a tragedy...

Yup. I don't even know what America is anymore. Shitskinland.

>this is the modern branch of a party founded by literal fascists
O'Duffy we failed you

Grandparents were off the boat Russian, other set of grandparents were off the boat Irish. I partially blame the culture and genes for my raging alcoholism when I was young, but otherwise I'm proud to be from both cultures.

Around what years did they come?
You've got the genes of two of the more hated races running through ya

Irish Americans are just as Irish as us. It's in their blood


Well everything Wales is famous for like King Arthur was appropriated by the Anglos.

There's alot of Irish Americans, but even more so tons of mutt Irish from personal experience, im not kidding when I say about 50% of the Americans I run into will tell me their half Irish. I don't know exactly how many fucking kids the Irish had but it must've been a fuckton.

the irish couldnt even repel a handful of Normans. They bunch of lazy asses

>tfw you are a descendant of Ulster Scots
All other Celtic ethnic groups can get BTFO!

Irish side 1930s, Russian side 1948



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At this point I would rather the british isles and america get annexed by poos or chinks instead of having to live this slow painful demise in our lands while everyone just gets gayer and gayer every 10 years.

>whatcha gonna do

Form our own republic becoming an independant country leaving the anglo and their crusty queen BTFO.

Irish >>>> angloids

>is LARPing about communist terrorists right wing?

The Amerimutt intellectual

My ancestors literally were irish and scottish kings though

>we wuz kangz
but real shit one of my good friends is a descendant of a Robert I of Scotland apparently, not sure if it's true or not but that's what he told me.

You're too mixed to claim anything.

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And the children of African and Polish immigrants are?

If only Michael Collins was alive to put a bullet in them.

It's quite hard to be proud of being a paddy though

I'm sorry for this

only since they legalised abortion and became a bunch of east yanks. Irish culture itself is great.

I have Scottish ancestry but started telling people I’m part Irish because Scotland is a bunch of faggot homosexuals since they voted down independence.

Anglo-Irish Protestant is the best ethnicity

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you guys are losers

No? You're both foreigners stop implying just because we want white immigrants to fuck off we want to accept non white immigrants
O'Duffy didn't found SF, he founded FG and was an authoritarian conservative, not a fascist

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Das rite

Irish heritage would be the glorious thing on this planet if you get your birth rates up and start speaking your native tongue again.

I'd rather be half Irish than half Polish as I am now. 'Course, that would be still inferior to being fully German, as I was supposed to be.

id be ashamed if i was less than 100% pure Gaelic too

Claim it all you fucking want and fuck people in Ireland if they don't like it. Irish is an ethnic group not a nationality, if you're part of said enthnic group you will always be no matter where you live. A lot of Irish complaining comes from the fact the view all the people who emigrated as traitors.

most Irish people I talk to don't really complain too much about people leaving I don't know what your talking about lmao

A nationality is the spiritual/cultural/historical link between a cohesive ethnic group within a given area. The ethnicity here is Gaelic, the nation is Ireland and the current state that materially expresses (or fails to in this case) is the Republic. Emigrants = Traitors is a view held only by Irish people on here, its a retarded idea for the most part

Irish aren't significantly genetically different from the rest of the native population of the British isles though.
Same Neolithic farmer substrate with bronze-age indo-european additions, and Germanic admixture from English, Vikings and Normans.

One look at the ears tells a different story