At some point Trump's supporters either have to "man up" and admit they were duped/fooled/stupefied by this compromised...

At some point Trump's supporters either have to "man up" and admit they were duped/fooled/stupefied by this compromised shell of a bankrupt politician or just quietly shut the fuck up and do much, much better next time. Oh, and Republican leadership and the NRA and Fox News are no better. Y'all can continue to eat their cum or demand some accountability.

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How much are you getting paid for this?

How much money?


It's a genuine sentiment

Would you rather have Hillary?

The email lady who isn't a Russian asset working to destabilize the U.S. and all of Europe? Sure. Absolutely. She's just a politician. She was never going to fuck the country. At least not deliberately.

My neighbors ask me why I'm limping down the way
And who that fellow was that came by yesterday
I quickly turn my face before I start to blush 'Cause frankly there is nothing I can say

I've always had a thing for pushing the extremes
And I've just got a thing you won't find in the magazines This molded silicone has got me begging please
Give me more of what I really need

'Cause there is no cock like horse cock Send your asshole into shock
You need horse cock of course-cock Grab the lube and slam the day away

My shaft is quivering, my balls are turning blue and I think of drinking in a foot or even two My favorite stallion that
I keep in my top drawer Slip it in and out be dripping goo

As I take more cock, horse cock Shut the door and turn the lock
Is your cock a horse cock? You will never hear me saying neigh!

Oh really? The woman who lied under oath multiple times wouldn’t fuck the country? Travelgate? Loosing $6 billion dollars at the state debt while she headed it? Lying about taking sniper fire? Running a charity that used 7% of their donations to actually do charity? A woman who crushed hati for money? A woman who “donated” watered down HIV medication? A woman who set a pedophile free after raping a seven year old?
Yeah. I’m sure she’s a great person to represent you.

I realize Trump spoke directly to horse cock enthusiasts, but really y'all can reconsider where your stand -or limp- with the guy.

You can believe all that Hilary shit if you want. There was so much dung flung about her; anything to get you boys to genuinely HATE her. But she's gone now. You have your Trump to contend with. Consider him. Consider his lies. Consider what his lies mean for the nation.

I believe all of it because it’s documented facts. Live in make believe land if you like. You’re crazy to call out trump and believe everything written about him, yet ignore that Clinton is a self serving neocon.

Trump and Clinton have nothing to do with each other. Whatever you believe about her is irrelevant in considering him. The "facts" about her where mostly political opposition talking points. Trump is under actual criminal investigation. There is a difference. The difference is yuge.


You faggots haven't swayed one trump voter. Stat mad donnie isn't getting the nigger treatment obama got when we booted his ghetto ass out the door

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I'm not here to sway you. I'm here to tell you your boy is dirty and you need to prepare yourself for his downfall. You're going to look like a fucking idiot pronouncing your hot man lust for him when he's in prison for fucking treason.

What would a Liberal faggot like you know about "manning up"?

And fuck your gungrabbing, you limp wristed bitch.

>when he's in prison for fucking treason.
lmao...liberals disagreeing with someone isn't a treasonable offense, pussy.

Hey now, name calling just gets me horny.

>Hey now, name calling just gets me horny.
That's because you're a degenerate faggot.

You're even so fucking new here you don't know how to reply properly.

Who is paying you to shill here? Does their last name end in "berg" "witz" or "stein"?

Ask Qanon!

>Ask Qanon!
Oh look. You're still so fucking stupid you can't even figure out how to reply properly.

You're so brainwashed, I bet you even think the Holocaust happened. lol

I'm just jealous I'm not as clever as you; a man who has mastered replying on bullshit internet threads.

>I'm just jealous I'm not as clever as you;
No you're not clever. You actually think your lies work here.

>a man who has mastered replying on bullshit internet threads.
You came here to shill and you can't even do that properly.
You can't even figure out how to reply.
Yet you think we should listen to you, faggot?

Oh and I'm even using a feature to keep this thread from bumping back up to the top of the board whenever I post. lol

Golly, now I gotta go put some ointment on that burn. You have a good day. It's a big country with lots of different people. We're all in it together, like it or not.

>Golly, now I gotta go put some ointment on that burn. You have a good day.
Looks like you reached the post limit of what your Jewish boss will pay for.

>It's a big country with lots of different people.
Non-Whites don't belong in White countries.

>We're all in it together, like it or not.
Anti-Whites like you have no say in White countries.


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Jesus was a thirty-something "unmarried" (wink wink) Jewish dude with brownish skin and long hippie hair. Y'all crack me up!

>Jewish dude
The Judeans/Hebrews of biblical times are not the Jews of today.
The religion of the OT/NT is not the religion of Talmudic Judaism of today.

>with brownish skin
Jesus was White.

Make believe people can be whatever you want them to be...

>Running a charity that used 7% of their donations to actually do charity

Whose charity got shut down? Here's a wasn't hers

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I want accountability. I want it legal to shoot conservatives and liberals for their treason against liberty.

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>Make believe people can be whatever you want them to be...
You can't even do that. You're so bad at this you can't even figure out how to reply to posts.

Trump dick riders will always deflect to Hillary or obama..anything to take their focus off the trump

>Booted his ghetto ass out the door

He served 2 terms...nobody booted him

>Trump dick riders will always deflect to Hillary or obama..anything to take their focus off the trump
You mean like how Liberals always deflect onto Trump to avoid the fact that they can't ever get anything positive done and everything they end up doing harms the country?

Imagine how mad that nigger was to have to ride to the inauguration with Trump, lol.

>Who is paying you to chill here?

Do people actually believe this is something that happens? Hell where do I sign up?

You lost because you are a loser.

>Jesus was white


trumptards will fade away when their god will be exposed directly

Just wait OP, this place will be fun

Trump is still leagues better than Hillary.

Anti-White beliefs cannot survive here because the truth is allowed to reign here.

Thank you. Everybody else is focused on left vs right but there's a few who realize the truth. They're all working together!

Why would I believe your lies, kike?

>admit they were duped/fooled/stupefied

how so? Things are GREAT. Show mw e stats that prove they arent
>shut the fuck up and do much, much better next time.

Not gonna get much better. If anything, Trump has pulled the wool back on DC showing us EVERY politician is on the same team and in it for themselves, Until they have to have the same healthcare I do etc, hes the best thing we have

>Republican leadership

ALL RINOs (essentially democrats screwing America)


Since you want to infringe on 2A, they stay and have my support

>Fox News

BARELY right of center, far from right wing and ONE GOD DAMN CHANNEL. Why do you pussiesd with 400 God Damn liberal channels get so scared of ONE FUCKING CHANNEL? Fucking pussies.

>Y'all can continue to eat their cum or demand some accountability.

As long as you continue to kneel for niggers & their false complaints , eat the brown stains from Hillary Clintons 3 day old panties and fluff her illegal houseboys, you have enough on your plate to worry about, sissy.

It's not "deflecting" if the person (trump) is currently involved in the process. Obama and Hillary are irrelevant as they're not longer part of the political system. Trump is a big part of the political system

I smell libtards

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I predicted this

Humm... Which charity was it that lost over 8,000% of annual donations, and recently shut its doors due to financial collapse from within before they reached "bankruptcy" stage and the IRS FISA backed banks cracked open their ledgers?

Shit, what was the name of that Foundation again? They were really great too. Even paid for weddings!

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regardless of your belief. The general consensus among historians is that Jesus was a real person.

I imagine when Warren is inaugurated on January 20th, 2021, reality will finally set in for the trumptards.

Believe what you want (insert juvenile insult here), makes no difference to me

>I believe all of it because it’s documented facts.

How many investigations?
How many years?

If what you claimed are documented facts, then why was she not prosecuted?

You can see where OP went to discord and said
>guys I’m getting my ass handed to me here. Can anybody help me out?
Right in the middle of the thread.

Because she’s a neocon and they get a different set of rules. You can’t deny that she was subpoenaed her phones and destroyed them. She destroyed her server and faced zero consequences.
Obvious neocon is obvious.

Your entire base and agenda is nothing but emotional arguments. Nothing but.

Dont forget that Putin and Kim were not at all fans of her, would not have cooperated, and her destructive emotional state would dictate the lives of American soldiers when she decides to use them for anything and everything

And people unironically responded

Lol hes always been America first. If anyone guilty of treason it's the Dems right now, refusing to fund this wall.

Besides, hes the president. Can literally pardon himself.

After a paragraph of how bad of a choice Hillary would have been, it gets a little repetitive. I could of listed lots more, but these discord spam threads don’t care. They think it’s perfectly acceptable that she pledged a two prong war in Russia and Iran, while maintaining a proxy war with Syria. Facts don’t matter to these people, just appeals to emotion. It’s why they always lose. Most of us live in reality.

Lol literally who

Nothing, leftypol is nothing but discord invite threads at this point for spamming their garbage here.

She went to Moscow to accept a check for her husband while working as Secretary of State. Also the Uranium One deal. The only reason you can't call her a Russian agent is that she whored the country out to EVERYONE who paid her.

Shareblue figured out that dumb commies will do their work for free and now whip them to do shareblue’s work.
Checks out.