If Hitler had won, you'd be speaking German today

>If Hitler had won, you'd be speaking German today
How true is this?
Did Hitler's concept of lebensraum include the Western Hemisphere? If Japan hadn't aggroed the US, would it have remained isolationist?

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Depends on who you mean by "you". Had Hitler won I wouldn't have been born.

knowing how history has shown us great empires dissolve over time probably not

though the world would be different and most of us wouldn't of been born lmao

Watch Man in the High Castle. Not for the sjw bullshit terrorists, but for the vision of what could have been. I'm serious, it's weirdly based.
>mfw I saw George Lincoln Rockwell Airport

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None, there was no plans to invade the US or introduce non Germans/Germanics into the Reich.

It's just made up shit because apparently Nationalists go around the world introducing a fuckload of foreigners into its Country and expands that way?? not really.

Yeah, I'm not optimistic on Nazi Germany holding an extensive empire for long. Their tactics relied more on speed than power and pretty much everyone who wasn't Italy or Japan or a puppet state was against them, so resistances would have picked up traction easily

They're more speaking about english status as a world language i think.

its pretty true. germans quickly started importing german families here and had you knew german life wasuch easier for you. untill they lost and partisans killed you because someone told them they saw you speaking with the germans.

except the jewish empire

>If Hitler had won
Implying there was a possibility when he made Jews his enemy


If Germany had won war, the national language of my country would be Japanese. Thank you USA

>>If Hitler had won, you'd be speaking German today
>it's a good idea to learn the language of the sole european superpower in that scenario


Really made me think

Uh. germans have literally lived in Libach and Slovenia for centuries.

Half of you have some weird slavenized german names to begin with.

>If Japan hadn't aggroed the US, would it have remained isolationist?

Not really possible with the Philippines then
a US commonwealth, Papaburger

oh nooooo that sucks

He gave you a country.

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>If Hitler had won, you'd be speaking German today

How is this a bad thing in itself?

Speaking German is better than having half nigger tranny grandkids whether it's true or not.

>Had Hitler won I wouldn't have been born.
Nearly all people after 1945 wouldn't have been born.

German would be the race of science and intellectual development, so we likely would all be speaking German instead of English, but as no one forced us to English, it would be the same for German. The time of English being the dominant language of the sciences is rapidly coming to an end with the neo-dark age brought about by Western atheism that believes in superstitions such as gender spectrums, global warming and masculinity being a mental disorder, that level of degeneracy cannot sustain any sort of intellectual dominance for long, so English will by default lose its position as the language of higher learning within 30 years.

German is a horrible language