Theres no reason at this point that he shouldnt have just released his tax returns...

theres no reason at this point that he shouldnt have just released his tax returns. every other president in the past 40 years besides gerald ford released their taxes and tax returns, but for some reason donald trump gets some exemption from his brainwashed base. give me 1 reason he shouldnt release them. magatard shills need not apply.

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he is not required by law

>dont like it, change the law

>give me 1 reason he shouldnt release them.
He doesn't have to.
There, I gave you two. Fuck off back to where you came from.

Showing your tax returns is not something required of Presidents, or Presidential Candidates.

Besides, you dumb motherfuckers couldn't tell a forged birth certificate from a real one, so all he has to do is provide a fucking 1040EZ and sign it Scrooge McDuck.

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>give me 1 reason he shouldnt release them.
It's what you anti-Whites want.

much of his net worth is brand recognition and goodwill
both of which rely on being perceived as super wealthy, billionaire

fuck off authoritarian shit dick
he doesn't have to, just like i dont have to be polite to you, cunt

I love how much free rent he gets in your head. You’re still living in 2016.

So the last like 5 presidents did it (most presidents are 2 terms) so trump should do it... what a long standing tradition.

i said maga shills need not apply. theres legitimately 0 reason you wouldnt want to see them unless you are a trump cultist

also, i want hrc's taxes, and i want to see all the russian uranium money and the speaking fees and the rest of the pay to play funds, i want them notarized and explained. because she committed actual crimes along with her pet ape obongo

He will show them to us with Obama's Birth Certificate

you've got nothing yourself, give us a reason he's got to, beyond
>hur dur others did it
you dont get how this freedom thing works do you? but what do i expect from some idiot who worships commies and nazis and doesn't even know it.

>i said maga shills need not apply.
Faggots have no say on Jow Forums.

>theres legitimately 0 reason you wouldnt want to see them
Because you demand that he show them. Trump doesn't do what his enemies demand of him.

>unless you are a trump cultist
Said the Hillary cultist.

No, I just don't care faggot.
Slight difference.

woah you cut me with ur edge XDDD
yeah, id want to see them too and see the media tear her apart for them now that they arent bought by her.
already seen that
because its suspicious that he keeps dodging questions about it for 3 years straight instead of just releasing them. he would have 100s of pages or returns based on how much property he owns. how much do you really think he pays on all his property?
>because you demand he shows them
yeah because its a transparency issue you fucking red hat retard
>hillary cultist
dude its been 3 years, find another scapegoat maga shill

>yeah because its a transparency issue
According to Liberals who want to use his tax returns against him. Trump doesn't answer to you.

>dude its been 3 years, find another scapegoat
lol. How do you feel about the fact that Trump is about to have a third Supreme Court appointment when that kike Ginsburg finally dies of old age and goes to hell?

He doesn't want to.

There you go, unaware and compliant.

kill yourself shill rat

>Trump doesn't answer to the people
He's not a King, fuck off to England or Narnia if you brainlets are so desperate for male authority figures to idolize.

>you just want to use his tax returns against him!
well yes, usually when you audit people its because you are suspecting wrong doing you idiot.
>blah blah kike ginsburg
man you really use anything else you can find ot avoid the question eh?
>unaware and compliant
what a bootlicker

>>Trump doesn't answer to the people
He doesn't answer to those who only want to use such info to destroy him.

It's like he should commit suicide because you demand him to.

>He's not a King, fuck off to England or Narnia if you brainlets are so desperate for male authority figures to idolize.
He still is not required to release his tax returns. He doesn't have to answer demands that are baseless.

>well yes, usually when you audit people its because you are suspecting wrong doing you idiot.
Trump did nothing wrong but that doesn't matter to you liberal faggots.
You Liberals would claim anything/everything he did was wrong and use that as an excuse to remove him.

>man you really use anything else you can find ot avoid the question eh?
And you really are frightened over a third supreme court pick, aren't you?

Also, of course you defend the kikes. You're anti-White.

so you are admiting if they had the information it would destroy him? jesus man, dont become a lawyer

>so you are admiting if they had the information it would destroy him?
The information released would show he broke no laws but the Liberals would still use it to destroy him.

You're deep in the psychosis of Trump Derangement Syndrome after all.

>dont become a lawyer
You're not idolizing lawyers now, are you?

>That which CAN be destroyed by the truth, SHOULD be destroyed by the truth
Prove me wrong, brainlet

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>Prove me wrong, brainlet
You only care about getting ammunition to destroy Trump. You claim that there's ammunition in the tax returns so you demand the tax returns so you can use them against him.

Pick one.

TDS faggots are worse the Birthers

if the information would show he broke no laws then he should just release them to dispel the rumors. but we both know its got dirt in it and thats why hes so defensive, you know it, i know it. if it doesnt, then ill admit that im wrong, but he hasnt ever released them. also with all this liburel talk im 100% sure you are a T_D refugee.

>if the information would show he broke no laws
The Liberals would still twist it to claim that he did.

> then he should just release them to dispel the rumors.
But then he'd be doing what his enemies want him to do.

>but we both know its got dirt in it
No it doesn't. You have nothing other than baseless speculation from anonymous NYT sources to claim as such.

>then ill admit that im wrong,
No you won't. You're an anti-White Liberal.

>nut he hasnt ever released them.
And he doesn't need to. lol

>also with all this liburel talk im 100% sure you are a T_D refugee.
You're a Liberal Democrat. Therefore you're anti-White and have no power here.

>but then he would be doing what his enemies want him to do
if his enemies are the american public, i think hes a shitty president.
>you are an anti white liberal
absolutely baseless seething from a the_dogbarf redditfugee.

Because fuck you

>the filename

I DOUBT you look at any of the other peeps returns

because they werent rumored to avoid taxes for years.


it's a meme designed to get your stupid ass to screencap it and share it as evidence.

natural born citizen = 2 US citizen parents at time of birth


If he doesn't want to he shouldn't. What's it to you, like you're even smart enough to understand them. Get rekt retard.

are his enemies the american public? Did he break any laws? Do you have a warrant or subpoena on his tax returns?

Maybe he's not as bad as your talking heads on the tube tell you he is. Maybe your just a shill.

When did this shit even become relevant again? I can't tell if you're shilling or bait shilling. You're doing a good job if its the latter

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>faggots have no say on Jow Forums
Most of the OP's prove you're wrong though.

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yeah but then everybody would know he's a broke-ass multi-level marketer who stamps his shitty name on shit (or used to) for about 15m per year and hasn't built jack shit in thirty years.

read the comment i replied to retard

kek at the state of this fucking brain dead cultist sheep

I did retard...
I unfortunately read the entire thread. all I found was that you don't argue points you name call. I was civil and you weren't.

All of the points I made are proven by your actions.

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Nobody gives a shit except cucked liberals trying to find dirt on something who is running the country perfectly fine. It's a witch hunt and that's it.

his only argument was "liberuls".

There's literally 0 reason anybody needs to see them, fuck yourself shitblue.

bongos birth certificate is a proven forgery. let's see the real one

>pfft why would we need compromising information on trump, what are you, a shill?

She was under a subpoena to surrender all emails and she deleted 30k pieces of evidence. that's literally illegal

>besides gerald ford

it was always about surrendering information red hat, dont lie to yourself. for the record, she belongs in jail.
>looking for any excuse to wave away trumps behavior
absolute state of trumpanzes

>give me 1 reason he shouldnt release them
No one cares. No, really. No one cares about Presidential tax returns. No one. You want to say, oh but I care. No, you don't. You care about making Trump look bad. If he was /yourguy/, you wouldn't even care that much. Even if he just wanted /theirguy/, you wouldn't care that much. If he did release his tax returns, you would immediately stop caring, even if they did make him look bad for a week long news cycle. You would just be rolling around in your hate for a while and then you'd be bored.

For example, Hillary Clinton's 2015 tax return, which she publicly released in 2016, revealed that she donated $1,000,000 to her personal charity, the Clinton Family Foundation (not to be confused with the Clinton Foundation), and claimed it as a tax deduction. While not illegal (do you expect to find illegal things in a tax return? Really?), it is the slimiest thing you can legally do on your taxes. Did you even hear about this? Was there an outcry? She was reviled as the most corrupt politician in history by the right. Whole exposees were aired every week on her supposed wrongdoing. No one picked up on the story. No one cared. No one cares now. No one will ever care. It's fucking tax returns.

The IRS is closed lol