Food Stamps To Be Issued Early In Many States


Nogs are going to be chimping out soon in my state.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Cant pay gibs due to shut down
>Pays gibs in advance
Any burger wanna fill me in?

That's the remainder of the funds. It is open question after february whether SNAP will be funded.

Rolling for extended shut-down & the end of foodstamps!

this will happen in most states if they're smart as if the benefits are fully funded before some date in January the money doesn't actually come from the $3 billion reserve amount and comes from the ordinary already approved budget. This way the shut down can last a whole month longer with no impact to SNAP benefits before the payment for march would have to be about 60% of normal to ensure all SNAP recipients get something

>expecting food stamp recipients to know how to budget
LMAO. Enjoy your chimpouts!

they are getting them early because they have to make them last until end of march. maybe post a link or more than a screen shot next time.

>be careful and budget
Riots will start on Feb 2

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end of February there is a $3 billion dollar emergency fund that could pay out roughly 60% of march benefits as well. Trump shouldn't budge until the wall is funded

Low IQ gib recipients didn’t evolve in locations with winter and haven’t developed the ability to process time or planning ahead. They will use all the advanced gibs available immediately feeling they somehow just became rich off whitey and then they will starve next month and chimp out not understanding the concept of cause and effect or rationing.

The only outcome then is they chimp out and violently try to take what they’re “owed” by their logic, or the govt forces everyone to give them more free gibs.

Either way it’s a redpill moment. And all part of Trump’s plan from the beginning.

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kek basically this.

> Give benefits early to people with no concept of delayed gratification or budgeting

The balance on those EBT cards will be pissed away on superbowl parties.

I will. I want the biggest chimpout ever across the whole US, it will be glorious.

Trump bent the knee and cucked.
Doesnt want to let snap runout unpaid in February
Made the gibs go out early rather than have people see if they need gov or not

brb buying more ammo

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He always fucking cucks man

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If this shutdown continues the greatest happening of our time will commence

>let's control the narrative


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That's the plan.

eeey food stamp user!

The timing of this is absolute perfection.

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based winter

Time to go shopping.
I'm not on SNAP but I wanna be able to hole up for potentially months if shit kicks off. Probably gonna be a run on the best canned foods soon. Also those big ass bags of rice and the full fat ground beef.
While nogs are rioting and cannibalizing each other I am gonna be smug and comfy with a big pot of chili.

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Winter is a great filter of dumb people.

I bought 500 more rounds of .223 today, no joke.

Democrats holding their own constituents hostage so they can "beat Trump" over a relatively small amount of federal budget money.

It's like watching a cat that just realized he shat were he eats.

Based comfy hoarder.

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Giving it early means they will run out sooner. You don't understand the mind of a nigger.

>implying trump had anything to do with a state's decision to release funds early
Why wasn't it nation wide?

What is your home defense gun when the chimps start bashing on your door?


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Giving it out at all is cucking.
Let them starve
Thered be no money for February if nothing was done
Now its all there.

Right, and Trump always wanted a light steel barrier

Trump has nothing to do with this decision you brainlet. The states are doing this.

This. A grandpa of a friend of my told me in South Africa Bantu niggers don't show up after payday until they run out of money.

He's just going to catapult 6 million bananas he has hoarded into the other side of the road.
>Bananas are packed with laxatives
>Niggers shit themselves to death

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really the best part is that it's already well known that food stamps benefits don't last the entire month for almost all recipients and they are out of benefits and food for about 1-2 weeks before the next benefit payment. this ensures they'll have food for the end of january now but they'll have almost no food for an entire month in february. add in the fact the super bowl is early feb like this user stated and things will get messy, especially if the shutdown goes to march and the final payout would only be 60% of the usual benefit amount

>States are federal programs
Trump did this.

>Food Stamps
This is a thing in America? As in you are not joking there are people in your country that recieve food stamps?

The states are the ones deciding to release food stamps early, Not trump. Learn to read.

>burger meme

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1 in 7 Americans by population depends on food stamps for food and an entire 10% of the entire grocery goods sold in a year are bought with food stamps. America has some of the best social welfare benefits in the world despite the conception we have almost none

fuck thats not a bad idea

no the states were told to issue the money by january 20th or they'll get none

>Trump orders all money out by the 20th
>the states did this
Please, Trump is a cuck.
Wheres the soe and wall being built?

friendly remidner that they are getting them early because its the last of snap.
no food stamps in March if shut down continues
nogs on chimpout watch

Oh, I'm the retard. My apologies.

holy shit you're retarded. Didn't you notice it specifically say Louisiana is doing this?

sorry but there wont be chimpouts unless local food banks run out and I doubt this will happen

Thats a whole month later than last week

fucking shills, can't have a thread without turning it into an Anti-Trump jerk off fest.

the exact same here in Australia, user.

>evolutionary determinist
Spotted the defeatist. Also, by your standards nearly every moment is a teachable, redpilling moment. Suggesting that people will learn anything if the food payments go out regardless, user.?

Canadians, out!

This is a retarded idea. Niggers have high time preference and will be starving by Valentine's Day now.

no feburary was always getting paid. But they are getting shut down in febuary without government starting up again.

Well, that's what happens in a country as big as the United States. Lad, the Heckler's Veto is expected to be used more often in such cases, and so it is.

>DoA shutdowns 20th
>February payouts 31st
>somehow money is gonna move with no one there

>Louisiana Department of Child and Family Services
Tell me what a FEDERAL government shutdown has to do with STATE government agencies.

>America has some of the best social welfare benefits in the world despite the conception we have almost none
we got you beat there and so does most of Western Europe. UK is believe is leading the way, not in hard cash but having a 25% illiterate underclass of zombies living on a diet of crisps and crime in between gibsmedat days while their utilities and rent are automatically paid for.

take a look at welfare dependency in the UK if you want a crippling blackpill, user.

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They're funded with FEDERAL dollars and now they're out of money.

>Food stamps program is actually called "SNAP"
It's over.

it's just as bad over here. The illegals make it 1,000 times worse as they are able to claim all benefits for their anchor baby children who are U.S. citizens while never paying in a dime in tax and they aren't subject to the work requirements, etc because they're illegal.

Haha, by moving February stamps up this will cause black people to use them earlier and not have anything by February, because they can't budget. This is poetry.

yeah its called reserves. not that complicated.

Or "kino" as the trendy kids say.

Cant move the money when its frozen
Just like the IRS and tax returns

actually i think snap and foodstamps are different programs and you can get both, i think

The money from their food stamps MIGHT last until the middle of February, they 'wont be able to afford food' for at least two weeks lol

This was a wild read for a guy who is literally leaving to serve in the Peace Corps in Senegal in late February....

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In Louisiana we had a bug in the snap computers that let recipients buy as much on food stamps as they wanted for a day. So the nogs went out and bought a few grand in kool aid or whatever. They fixed the bug and everyone who did that ended up with a negative balance. They couldn't by food for a year or so until it caught up. It was glorious. It was also a good day to be a drug dealer. I'm the only person I know who uses their SNAP for food that they eat.

they are the same thing it was renamed to snap like 10 years ago

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP is the same thing as food stamps. SNAP is just the nice way of saying it

oh man mom's gunna freak!

agreed and understood

You HAVE to let Jow Forums know about your experiences there. Start weekly threads blogging about your volunteer work when you arrive.

I'm on SNAP in Louisiana and these niggers don't know how make the money last. I feel disgusted when I see them loading up their carts with absolute garbage and paying for it with SNAP. I'll gladly go with less food for a few months to see the wall get built.


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getting their money early, means they will have it all spent before feb even begins. oh well

>food stamps
jesus christ, is this is what's going to happen to the swedish social security system when there's no trust among people anymore?

Roger that Ghostrider. Honestly, I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories based on everyone who I've spoken to so far. I have personal reasons for going and genuinely want to help but I'm not some deluded, Leftist NPC.

Cheers and I'll report back later.

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>muzzle flash is a Star of David

It checks out.

if you only knew how bad things are going to be

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I mean whites will learn what happens when non-whites don’t have food and come banging on their doors with violence, I don’t mean that non-whites will learn a lesson about budgeting you absolute fucking berder retard. $4 for 4 of you is a waste of $3.99.

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its all part of the plan we get rid of useless individuals

The best part of this post is you can prove it's correct.

Look at this thread and see cries of "KEKED TRUMP IS FINISHED", these dumb fucks genuinely don't see that this is an advance on food stamps, not a return to normalcy with extra gibs.

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Maryland's doing the same:

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every state literally has to issue the funds by Jan 20 for February or they simply don't get any or a severely reduced amount

Noted. Just wanted to share my mild joy (and link), as I am a Marylander newly eating off the government dole.

>I'm rich, bitch, etc.
>it's real in my mind

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obama gave everyone in md ebt $100 when hurricane sandy rekt us

eat well user

Yes. Our govt pays out a ton so that poor people can eat.

kek most blacks here are wayyyy too stupid to understand what an advance is. they're going to think the gubmint done fucked up and gibs them extra money. this is going to cause a massive chimpout.

Came here to post this.

They will immediately chimp out when that EBT card doesn't work.
Nigga aint gown ta no foo ban'.

tell them it's reparations

You know your nigs. Live in a Democrat stronghold?

Wouldn't this be a massive redpill to normies?
If they burn through the gibs in just one month (which apparently everyone in this thread is sure they will) and chimpout, then we will have a historical case to use as proof that even doubling welfare won't do shit because the recipients are irresponsible.
No way people could bury their head in the sand with such a black and white case.