What’s it like to be a young white male in America

I’m interested in learning about American culture and I get the impression (mostly from Jow Forums) that pretty much no one likes you, especially amongst young people. I’m aware that zoomers and millennials have gone through in the most diverse generation yet, so how has that enrichment been affecting you?What’s that like spending your childhood and early adulthood amongst them? For real though, what’s it like irl. This isn’t a demoralisation thread as I’m genuinely curious and I’ll admit I don’t know what it’s actually like. Is all this just internet memes and everythings fine irl or does everyone your age hate you for real? Are they asking you to atone for the sins of your ancestors? How is your sexual prospects and market value also for white men in GenZ, are you still top like the dating stats suggest or getting cucked massively like blackpillers on here say. Knowing America is the most diverse western country in the world and has the most toxic brand of PC in the world what’s it like. Yes I asked this question earlier but I reached the thread limit and it seemed very popular so I would be interested in hearing more :) . I base my view of America on Tumblr,Twitter and Jow Forums. I love asking this question and haven’t asked in a couple weeks. If you don’t want to answer, fuck off.
Thanks for your time :) if you want to know about the UK. Just ask.

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show tits

Didn't read your blog post, but feel free to ask.
>t. 20, at a big public uni in the south, in greek life, have to deal with fellow zoomers 24/7

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You sound like an absolute fucking faggot

Are they based? Are you oppressed like some Jow Forumsacks insist? How bad is racemixing? How common is femininsm amongst white female zoomers?
I’m also 20 living in the uk so ask me any questions you like too

I'm really not, but I can pull off the normalfag card fairly well

Every state in America might as well be its own Country

It's okay.

>Are they based?
Depends on the person.
>Are you oppressed like some Jow Forumsacks insist?
In some ways yes, in others no. You kind of have to pay lip service to teachers/administration/whoever but it stops there. You tell them what you want to hear, and then go do something completely different. Simple as
>How common is femininsm amongst white female zoomers?
MUCH less than you might think. Again, girls will kind of pay lipservice to the left but get them drunk or alone and their true colours will show, just about every time. They want a strong guy to take care of them, exactly as you might expect.

They are thots though. Every last one

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How's Sharia law treating you? Do you like dressing up in a carpet to walk around outside?

This is also true.

My perspective is that of a young white guy in Florida, not sure how that will translate for the rest of the country.

Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. I wish you success.

I'm not American nor brit but I bet it's the same shit as being a young white male in Uk

I live next to the ghetto where all no non ethnically British people live. Praying it doesn’t grow. Polish and Pakis keep fighting each other over terth for no reason. :/

How is living among among pakis?

>born southern CA
>grew up around 60% mexican, 30% white, 10% black
>blacks by far are the most dis respectful and untrustworthy

Life isn't that bad and everyone gets a long in the real world.

I live in a city with 300k+ population, 4 bedroom house, Majority Mexican demographic

and I would say the city actually looks nicer from the outside than when I was a kid.. but a lot more crime behind the scenes.

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This is such a stupid fucking libshit meme.
>hurrr we're just like europe we're so diverse
fuck off

They keep to themselves mostly although the ghetto I was refeeeing to was the one where all the rape gangs were happening so let’s just say I wouldn’t go there at night.

You live in Ontario. Let’s fuck

I meant "hispanic"

either way there are more brown people than white people in most cities down here.

I mean they can have california at least.

This has got to be the 10th time you’ve posted this shit. Haven’t you gotten the information you needed already?

I'm a 19 year old white dude in America. I'll try to answer some of the questions I suppose.

>I get the impression (mostly from Jow Forums) that pretty much no one likes you, especially amongst young people.
You got that right kek. Throughout school many people openly despised me since I live in the Southwest with a ton of hispanics and other minorites. They basically want you to chop your balls off and become a Marxist. Obviously I'm exaggerating a tad, but no, it's not a meme at all. If you speak out in opposition to the cultural destruction around you, even mildly, you are oftentimes ridiculed.There were times in class I was openly derided as a white supremicist (and thus the subject of intense scorn) despite never having gone full 1488 whatsoever. I had many people hate me, but a sizeable number of people, even non-white came to feel like I sort of spoke for them in a sense, considering I was one of the only people who would say anything critical of leftist brainrot and illegal immigration.

>What’s that like spending your childhood and early adulthood amongst them?
I'm gonna be honest here. A lot of white identitarians would be more vitriolic about this, but if you don't live in an absolute shithole area with huge populations of criminals or some shit, it is USUALLY fine. But things are starting to take a turn for the worse. I have plenty of friends who aren't white (majority are Hispanic.) Yes, they are retarded when it comes to politics. Yes, they walk around like they own this country and no, they really don't even try to hide it. They are generally good people who have been sold a retarded ideology, or who just openly believe they are entitled to our shit.

I'll continue answering the questions. But for now, bump

bro the IE sucks balls and that is coming from someone who lives in fuckin Bakersfield. Unless you live in the mountains near Big Bear or some shit you are surrounded by the shittiest desert area and tweakers. The whole Apple Valley/Victorville area in particular is dogshit for sure.

close.. I come there for Krispy Kreme at Ontario Mills

I live in the 626. Surrounded by beans and gooks. Pls halp

35. As soon as I stepped out of the cities I found a cutie. Baby on the way. Don't believe the lies.

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I've been reading that pakis are the worst muzzie kind in Europe! Worse than arab ppl

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Upland checkin' in.

Why do you put Kylie Page in here? She's a slut and a whore for black dick. What does that THOT have to do with your post?