/leftypol/ dominates the world

/leftypol/ vs Jow Forums it's on nigga

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Other urls found in this thread:



So a bunch of tattooed thugs...gee I'm so scared

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dumb nigger

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winning isnt as important as fighting start

The biggest problem with capitalism currently is marketing. Anyone agree?

Every media space is a battleground in a psychological war for our attention and desires.

op is a delusional niggerfaggot

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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...




Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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I got a lifetime ban from /leftypol/ for saying the so-called Enlightenment was retarded.

Bring it, Pinkos.

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Of course the establishment and NWO are far-leftist.

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Pic related is more accurate.

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shoo shoo, you have your own board, stay there

Bring it

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the far left is in disarray and have no clue about what their advocating for, but the far right has no obtainable objective, a white state is impossible in the USA

Why would a man get both an anarchy 'a' tattooed on himself and what looks like a Greek hoplite helmet? The military helmet signifies order and discipline, yes?

Could it be that anarchists are fucking retarded beyond all belief?

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What's this from?

Fuck off subhumans.
You already ruined the world, now it's time for the nationalist to fix it.
You are probably defending your commie bullshit because is your only chance to get some pussy and procreate.
If you want the right to have children then become stronger and fix your fucking community subhuman. If not please die.

go home discord tranni you're drunk

give me a reason to take you seriously first

I read Steve ignorants book, was pretty good. In the end he realized that punk was a joke and a contraindication.

Germany was the only successful socialist country. So much so that jelly faggot Stalin partnered with his "mortal enemy", international finance gangsters, and helped the evil colonial powers dogpile on the only people who were fighting the good fight.

never mind i thought that was the crass symbol on his shirt

they cant win by logic or argument so they just yell really loud or ban you

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Nah, that's Karl Willett's, Bolt Thrower vocalist

Interested in that book though. I've heard good things

burn after reading, a terrible movie


i thought bolt thrower was far right?

Ignore leafcuck, it's a black comedy masterpiece.

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The scene where John Malkovich has a hatchet is the only one worth a shit.

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>a black comedy masterpiece
terrible reddit tier "humor" with hammy shit acting, directed by two narcissistic Coens is a masterpiece? yeah no thanks. cuck

Let us partake in the daily ritual of standing in the breadline comrades. For justice! For peace! For equality!

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I would recommend it

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Oh yes, lemme see the white as ghost people beating minorities because the minorities are literally hitler.


>have your ideology pushed in education, msm and everywhere else.
>history of communism whitewashed beyond belief
>get government and big bank funding through thousands of NGOs
>relentlessly attack people that advocate for real change
>smashing the system with your $1,000 phone and $500 boots.
>Too dumb to realize an ideology of deconstructionism is worthless for creating anything but disaster.
>Too dumb to realize you're the pawn.
>"I'm a rebel."

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Nationalism is sportsball for low IQ morons who subconsciously understand how worthless they are, and thus invent an artificial construct to give themselves meaning.

For food! Oh shit... Food ran out. Sorry guys.

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>leafcuck throws in a five dollar adjective for no reason whatsoever

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That's what intellectualism is lol

I hope you all go to war and fucking kill each other and rid the world of your kind

There is literally no difference between a flag and a football jersey when it comes to purpose, function, and origin. Team sports are great for kids and weekends, but less so for government policy.

Cool, nones defending nationalism here.

leftypol has maybe 10 people on in an hour
80% of the posts there are visitors from pol taking a dump

zero relevance

lol, the user I replied to was.

How is in any way shape or form defending nationalism?

fucking memeflags

No, no. This was.

What's the point of having /leftpol/? The rest of the internet was already leftpol.

ah okay, i thought you were quoting my deleted post. I deleted what i originally posted because i made a few typos.

/leftypol/ is for intra-Marxist discussion. If you want to watch shitflinging between Marxist-Leninists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Posadists, and other lesser factions go there. The rest of the internet is more left-liberal/socdem.

nice. personally my favorite lefty band is napalm death.

this desu

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nigga?? you mean nigger.... when talking about yourself... you commie nigger.

It was never on. It is pretty much off.

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