Anons, if you had a choice between these 2 girls, who would you go for?

anons, if you had a choice between these 2 girls, who would you go for?

girl 1:
>beautiful, 9/10
>great body
>usually treats me like dirt
>occasionally loving
>probably bipolar
>argues with me constantly
>makes me feel bad
>i have to hide things from her

girl 2:
>above average face, 6/10
>deeply in love with me
>would probably die for me
>does everything i ask and rarely argues
>makes me feel good about myself
>i can tell her everything because i know she will love me anyways
>insecure about her looks

i’m currently dating the first girl but love both of them for different reasons. please help.

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2nd. Tried to forget first for second but fucked it up cause not over first. Also 2nd is really not chubby.

But story of my life. I fuck up everything possibly good

Would girl 2 be a 7/10 if she lost weight?

If so, start a dieting and exercise plan with her and badda bing badda boom, you're healthier and she's hotter. I

Negotiate with girl 2 to see if she would be willing to diet and exercise.

Go with 2nd, but first make sure that you are done fucking the 1st. That way you will avoid stupid temptations on the short term, and a middle life crisis on the long term.

First because she wants you to be a better person. The second just makes you feel good and that isn't good for you long-term.

Honestly if you have to hide anything from a person you're dating you shouldn't be dating anyone. Do better.

It doesnt sound like she wants him to be a better person. It sounds like she treats him like shit and doesnt care

dude 2nd 2nd 2nd

especially if you just get her to be active with you or on a diet exercise plan like user said.

Mm, theres some things that you shouldn't tell anyone unless you've been together a very long time. Like if you're a dude and you were diddled that's on wor those things that can subconsciously really wreck respect in the relationship and break the role you're supposed to play as a man in a relationship. Or if you've killed people even in the military. Or if she punches you in the face at the mention of people and you still owe those people money but you just want to handle that and not get punched in the face.

Point is theres situations where you dont just blow everything out and overwhelm your spouse.

2nd. Chubbiness can be cured. Bipolar disorder can't.
This is coming from a girl like girl 2.

Girl 1 seems like the one to divorce you and take all of your stuff and leave you depressed and suicidal.

Yeah, she actually is very pretty and I’m attracted to her. I actually think about her when I masturbate and when I have sex with the 1st girl, which makes no sense to me because objectively I know she’s not as good looking. My friends would definitely see it as a downgrade.

What if girl two has bpd. Not OP. Asking for a friend.

Toxic advice.
Don't stay with someone who makes you unhappy.

Depends how severe her moodswings are.
Generally, I'd strongly advise NOT to date someone with bpd under any circumstance.

The second girl definitely has her own issues, mainly some anxiety and low self esteem. She can be very insecure and is constantly worried that I don’t like her or am mad at her when I’m not. But she is extremely loving towards me and always does her best to make me feel good about myself. I suffer from depression and low self esteem and she tells me every day that she loves me and that I’m a good person who deserves to be happy. Even when I take out my frustrations or anger on her (usually in a bad mood bc of my current gf, ironically.) she just tells me she loves me and she’s sorry I’m having a bad day.

#1 for sure. Life is too short to be porking fatties.

Those are traits that need working on, but as long as she's not one of those people that CONSTANTLY complains to you about her problems and how much she hates herself(like a friend I used to have did) then she's fine. I'd say that she seems better than the first girl because those traits aren't malicious or as detrimental to a relationship in the long run. Sure, there'll be problems with that, but honestly she's still seems like a muchhh better choice.
Also, if you feel you have to hide things from your partner, it is a very bad sign.

Depends. People with BPD are still individuals despite what some would have you believe. It just becomes a pro/con type situation. Do you like/love them enough to deal with occasional bad moods and overreactions? If she is otherwise really loving like OP’s girl #2 and treats you well and doesn’t use the disorder as an excuse to be a psycho bitch all the time, I’d give her a chance. BPD can be managed, my gf has it and I swear she is less crazy than a lot of my friend’s gfs who aren’t officially diagnosed with anything. The biggest thing is how insecure she is, the fear of abandonment. But that gets better over time, and they’ll stop stirring up drama to get you to prove you love them once they feel more secure in the relationship. At least in my experience.

It sounds like #1 creates a toxic atmosphere that subtracts from a potential beautiful relationship with #2. You've previously mentioned that #2 also holds some physical attraction for you, and considering it sounds like there's also emotional attraction, ask yourself if you feel the same towards #1.
If the chubbiness of #2 and her insecurity is a problem, than know that both of those can be worked on if the individual is willing. Mental health issues like #1 never really go away and, while they can be fine in a wonderful relationship, do you feel like you have that kind of relationship with #1?

Nah, it totally depends on what he’s looking for imo. If it’s just someone to fuck around with and be with for now, girl 1 is the obvious choice. If he’s looking to settle down or get married, girl 2. Beauty fades either way, she’ll lose her figure and then he’ll be stuck with a wife who is no longer pretty but still has a shit personality and makes him feel bad.

>Beauty fades
Yes and when it begins to fade you trash the obsolete model and upgrade to a newer fresher model.

>It sounds like #1 creates a toxic atmosphere that subtracts from a potential beautiful relationship with #2

I hate how true this is. I do have feelings for girl #1. I love her but it really is a toxic relationship in a lot of ways. I’ve been with her for almost 2 years now and in that time I’ve developed severe anxiety and depression. Not sure if it’s all her fault but I feel like she definitely has something to do with it. But I can’t let go for some reason. She’s broken up with me and then begged me to take her back more than once and I do it every time, even though there’s this girl on the sidelines loving me with all her heart and trying her best to make me happy. Idk wtf is wrong with me. Part of me thinks girl #2 deserves better than me. I love her but it’s almost like she sees me as a better man than I am, she’s confused. I’m a piece of shit and girl #2 recognizes that and treats me accordingly. It’s what I deserve.

>Part of me thinks girl #2 deserves better than me. I love her but it’s almost like she sees me as a better man than I am
That right there is why you should be with #2, in my opinion. You should be with those who will raise you up to your potential and make you a better person, not those that pull you down or hold you in stagnation. If you were with #2, do you think you would strive to better yourself so that you would feel she was then with someone she deserves?

I’m no chubby chaser, but there’s no question I’d choose the woman who is mentally healthy and deeply caring for me. Do you care about the chubby chick? If so, this isn’t even difficult.

If I had a choice between two women I'd stop posting and go back to facebook

>Do you care about the chubby chick?

Very much. I have strong feelings for her. I love her. More than I love myself. But I’m sort of a shithead and a degenerate and a large part of me thinks she deserves better than I can give her. Trash people should be with other trash people, right? My girlfriend might treat me like shit but part of me is comfortable with that because it’s how my whole life has been. My parents died when I was a kid and I was abused in foster care. I don’t know what to do with unconditional love like this other girl gives me. I don’t know if I can trust it either.

go for girl 2 just because if you're actually thinking about this, that means you don't love girl 1 enough and YOU don't deserve her.

Sounds like my ex girlfriend and my current girlfriend exactly...... you'll want girl 1 because shes so beautiful, but girl 2 loves you with all her heart, which is what most people look for in this world. I can already tell you how this story ends. You alone with nobody

>whom to pick???
>someone that loves me
>or someone I dislike?????????¿???????¿
I wish I had problems like these,8/10made me reply in anger

Homie, perhaps you ought to look at girl two as someone who will be there for you, improve your insufficient self worth issues, and someone willing to provide you with love and fun experiences. Don’t let negative shit that happened in your life pigeonhole you permanently. Improve. Be happy. Make her happy.

Does your gf have bipolar 2? I'm bipolar 2 and the few people I tell are surprised when I tell them because they expect me to appear manic or have overt mood swings (like those w/ bipolar 1) when really I'm just feeling depressive/sub-depressive symptoms 90% of the time.

Also I can relate to the last part of your advice, I drove my first gf away because I kept getting clingey and doubted that she actually cared about me. I'm medicated now, takes the edge off my few "ups" but that's probably for the better.

2 is wife material, 1 has a bright future as a single mom with 3 niglets of varying shades and 10 potential fathers orbiting her as she peddles essential oils to her friends. You can convince 2 to go on walks/hikes/ride bikes as quality time together and she'll start slimming down. I'd take stability and support over a hot fuck if you're thinking of the long term.

You'd think humans had evolved by now.....the 2nd clearly won't make your life miserable.

Dude girl 2 is obviously the right choice. Why would you be with someone that makes you feel insecure and bad about yourself? Especially if you're not even into them that much sexually.

My advice, have a serious talk with #1 about how she feels about your relationship in the long term, and if her answer doesn't satisfy you move to #2. Also persuade her to work out, mostly so she can feel better about herself (it's a win-win)

Girl btw and I kinda relate with #1 so I can't say she's a bitch or anything like that, but at least in your case she doesn't seem too interested in you. No idea why you'd stay with her if she can only make you miserable in the long run.

Honestly dude, just get #2 to work out and diet. Even if she's still not as good as #1 visually, her good values outweigh #1's by far for a long term relationship.

You've only been with #1 for 2 years and you already hate yourself, imagine being with her for 60 years.


Nah man, you're not trash, just insecure. Most people think of themselves badly, especially during depression and you sound depressed. Honestly you sound like a normal, even sweet guy. If you're not abusive or an addict just go for #2 and lead a happy life.

how the sex with 1?
If she's run of the mill, you run for the hill ...s

Neither waste of time.Like is great and all but my first goal is to accomplish my goals I can do the love stuff later I have a lot of time after I accomplish my goals to settle down

>My friends would definitely see it as a downgrade.
You just have to be underage...
Advice: your friends are your friends and not you.
Do you think 2nd would be a downgrade?

can't help but feel like you're a bit of a dick and kind of retarded

second girl obviously
fug you

If that's how you feel about her, then go for it.

You can downgrade physically. It's sad, but downgrading physically to a 7/10 is hardly a bad trade for someone you genuinely enjoy being around.

Your friends might bug you a bit about it, but good friends will understand that a crazy girl isn't worth it just due to their attractiveness.

You sound very underaged tho. You'll learn in time my boy. Never.

Girl 2
I rather be with someone who loves me for me, I was never a big fan of beautiful girls don’t get me wrong I would occasionally look in there direction, but if someone who supports, loves me and cares about me I would give everything up for them, if girl 2 gives you motivation, makes you feel wanted and truly loves you don’t fuck it up because girl 1 will probably leave you the moment you show any weakness to her.
Don’t be with someone for her looks user be with someone who cares for you and you can always count on.
How do I know because a 10/10 fucked my life, she was my everything and the moment she saw me break she tore me down and I regret knowing her.

Second, always. The 1st sounds like a bitch honestly, and if she treats you like dirt already, dont expect it to change.
... i never understood whats the matter with beauty being "better" than personality desu. Especially if shes a cunt towards you. Could someone explain me this?

This is everything.