Accept God

>Can God create a boulder that is so heavy that even he can't lift it.
Of course he can but he chooses not to therefore maintaining his omnipotent status. If any atheists out there are regretting their sins now you can come back into the fold after saying 10 Our Fathers and 5 Hail Marys.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck Catholics

Remember when God incarnated as a man and had human limitations, and intentionally so? There were boulders he couldn't lift then.

No. Fuck you.

>Had human limitations
>Walked on water
>Water -> Wine
>Duplicated bread and fish
He just choose not to lift boulders because it was unnecessary.

What sins



He can't because it would be a logical contradiction thus violating God's nature.

Filthy catholic heretic. God will judge you and he will smite you to hell.

>I can speak as to the nature of God.

No, eat shit, skydaddy worshipping cuck

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God loves me slavnigger

No. You eat shit weeb faggot.

You will burn.


And I can fart rainbows, just choose not to in order to maintain my non-rainbow-farting status.
It's not a rule you have to follow once you're omnipotent you dumb shit. It's a logical way to disprove the very idea of omnipotence. There is no such thing. It cannot exist. It is an oxymoron.
>Can an even, prime number exist that is larger than 2?
The answer is not
>Yes, but it doesn't so as to maintain it's prime status
The answer is

whiter than you mutt
God hates idolators like you and deep in your rotten heart you know he will banish you from his Kingdom.

>Can do a thing that would preclude me from doing another thing
>Decide not to do that thing
>Can still do all the things
It is not too late to repent.

I dont know is this LARP or meta-ironic. Anyways OP be humble, if you are just shitposting is okay then.

>I can interpret the word of God myself and totally won't use the Bible to rationalize my own sin and degeneracy.
Fucking Prots.

he-he, listen to your nigger feet kissing pope, user, but nevertheless, yeah, be abiding christian

Through Jesus even a nigger can make it to the kingdom of heaven. The Church is here to save all of God's children.

Can you even English?
If you can do a thing that would preclude you from doing another thing, that means it is possible to preclude you from doing a thing. Does not matter if it is only by yourself, does not matter that you choose not to do it. All that matters is that it is possible to prevent you doing a thing. Therefore "can do all things" does not apply to you. QED
It's not that fucking hard. No, you did not solve an unresolvable oxymoron. You're just being illogical.
You know, even if I hit my head really hard sometime in the future and lose most of my common sense, I will still become a pagan larper instead. Just to spite the christcucks.

If he is omnipotent, he can.
Omnipotence doesn't have paradoxes since the answer is always yes.
Just cause it doesn't work along with classic logic is a limitation on logic and not on omnipotence.

>Scenarios where you can not do a thing do not exist because you choose not to allow those scenarios to exist.
>There are no scenarios where you can not do a thing
Really not that hard. Also pagans will bath in eternal fire. You can still repent.

Also this guy gets it.

>Can do a thing that would preclude me from doing another thing
>Decide not to do that thing
>Can still do all the things
Aside from the precluded thing you've just posed.

That thing doesn't exist

It is, you've stated it is "another thing" in your example. His lack of deciding to do that thing also points that out. Also, deciding to not do "another thing" doesnt answer whether he can or cant.

>say hail marys
you catholic nigger faggot kike... oh yea we used to be able to put bitches like you in boxes in basements and forget about the problem. those were simpler times... those were better times

No deity can possibly be omnipotent. There is no realm where thesis and antithesis are not coupled together.

That's like saying
>can you divide by zero?
>Well then I guess you can't really write computer programs any way you want huh?
Dumbfuck atheists.

>projects a dualistic concept onto a monistic circumstance

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>nobody ever considers human minds aren't able to comprehend something that literally created everything
Absolutely ignorant

He created man, who created the Toyota Tacoma, a vehicle which can lift or traverse any boulder, as shown.

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Being a faggot is a sin

>He still believes in ancient Jewish fairy tales

>Disrespecting the mother of God
There's still a chance to come back home, prottie bro.

>wanting niggers in heaven

You can write code that divides by zero. It's not going to help you in code, though.

Then tell the kid diddling priests

The root nature of this monistic circumstance could not be altered by consciousness. It is what it is.

Maybe that root nature, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean, was consciousness itself.

In that case there was never one beginning. Makes sense to me as well. Even more so.

The correct answer is that God literally can't create a rock He cannot lift. He is what defines omnipotence.

Why does god have to be omnipotent to be god?

God in the Bible is not all knowing.
Read the Eden account.

What specifically do you base that on?

that depends on how you define beginning tho.

If god is so perfect then why did he create OP and made him a faggot?

Fpbp Orthodoxy reporting in cathocucks are seething with rage now.

Exactly, and if there was no beginning then you are, by definition, talking about something eternal. Now if that eternal cause transcends both time, space and matter then omnipotence isn't such a weird thing afterall.

>Now if that eternal cause transcends both time, space and matter
Which would need to be demonstrated, and not asserted.
>then omnipotence isn't such a weird thing afterall.
It's another unverifiable quality to an unverifiable supernatural being. Seems weird to me.

True, it can not be demonstrated with naturalist empericism because empericism itself is innately inadiquate to explain that which transcends the very matter it is stooped in and relies on. One can however use deductive logic to atleast get a sense of it's origin. This is not suprising, for if we are created in the image of God (mind, consciousness) then it stands to reason that it is by Mind we can get to know him.

This is where the individual mystic experience and religion comes into play imho.

Neither will lifting an unliftable boulder.
Its an nonsense premise.

The problem is not the awnser, the problem is the question, for it attributes anthropomorphical charactaristics to a being that isn't made up out of matter.

The obvious awnser is no, God can not create a rock that's so heavy he can't lift it himself... for that rock would neccesarily be confined to our dimensional vector while god is spirit that transcends all. That doens't make him any less of a God tho.

We could do all of this with books of admitted fiction, though. If we have no way to demonstrate something exists, why would anyone believe?

Not the same thing; you can still divide by zero, it has nothing to do with him deciding he doesnt want to do it. That would be another assertion that needs to be proven, if you're stating he decided not to.

But nobody believes superman or spiderman are real, and there is a good reason for that.

It's not a question of demonstrating the undemonstratable, for it simply doesn't concern god nor the believer. It's a question of knowing, of feeling, of reason, of experiencing. It's a multi variable equation, the sum of which leads to spiritual emergence. A thing is more then just the sum total of its parts. Don't mistake faith for blind-fate... both terms exist for a reason.

Also, i'm just talking about the individual experience here, mind you.

If you want to go at it from a scientific point of view then one must gather our empirical findings and go at it from a logical and above all philosophical approach. Most scientists have become technocrats, highly specialized in their specific area of expertise... but they truly are lousy philosophers. Once one starts to ponder on the philosophical implications of what we are concluding with empiricism, a whole new spectrum of spiritual thought opens up to us.

Fuck Catholicism, but your pic is cute, and I want to be like her.

t. atheist transgirl that wears a rosary

>It's a question of knowing, of feeling, of reason, of experiencing
Feeling & experience is fallible in this context; we can attribute feeling or experiencing anything to a god. The other two, I would argue, arent for a God. We cant know or reason a God, at least I havent seen anything that hasn't been demonstrated to be reasoned philosophically or logically sound.
>Don't mistake faith for blind-fate... both terms exist for a reason.
They exist to define a word, but faith in this context is just belief without evidence. It can be used to believe in anything.

your understanding of theology is pathetic OP

I was specifically referring to the indivudual.
>but faith in this context is just belief without evidence
Not at all, if you're truly intested, watch this:

>at least I havent seen anything that hasn't been demonstrated to be reasoned philosophically or logically sound.

and this

It's 4:24 AM here bro, i'm honestly too tired to have this conversation right now. You know how it gets...

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I'll watch when I get home, phoneposting.
>It's 4:24 AM here bro, i'm honestly too tired to have this conversation right now. You know how it gets...

>t. atheist transgirl that wears a rosary
For real? I have to assume this is a larp

alot of trips here in this thread.

Christcucks are nigger and spic lovers.

>Can God create a boulder that is so heavy that even he can't lift it
Yes and He already did: the Human Heart.

I can lift a human heart, they arent that heavy.

christianity is the greatest plague ever happened in the west

>christcuck logic
go lick some """"""""""refugee"""""""""" feet

Is there not a difference between God and Jesus?

This. Orthodoxy or death.

lol what th efuck happened in that image

> Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers.
> Bartholomew is scheduled to visit the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday along with Pope Francis, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, to raise awareness about the troubled state of refugees and migrants in Europe.
> The symbolic visit is intended to reiterate the Christian moral duty to show hospitality to strangers, Bartholomew said in an interview published Friday. He added that countries in Europe should find inspiration in the generosity shown by Lesbos residents.
> Illegal immigrants make 10 % of the population of Greece
daily reminder that the orthodox patriarchs are exactly the same shit , and they have repeatly condemned right wing movements like Golden Dawn
But why would it be otherwise?
Christianity rejects all wordly concerns altogether


Divide by zero retard, it means nothing if you try.

Yes but you still can do it. That was the point.

He'd just make himself strong enough to lift the Boulder idiot he is god

>Walked on water
>The Sun setting on the Nile
>Water -> Wine
>The Sun going through the seasons
>Duplicated bread and fish
>The Sun growing crops and fish breeding season

praise horus friend, somethin somethin prayer, amen-ra/amun-ra

While you waste time arguing about god
Commies organize and do their dirty work
I think about this every time I see this type of thread.

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Most religious threads on here are d&c whether they be Christian or pagan.

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Daily Reminder that Christ made the best Alcohol, he attended a party and the guests said that this is the best wine they have ever tasted.
Christ gave them some clay jars filled with wine after the party was over kek

Read something other than the nkj, in the original testaments an angel spoke on gods behalf to question the pair.