
Do icelandick bitches like American cock? Just asking for a friend

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Go make some babies with a Nordic princess.

No, most of the people I know hate America

Literally everyone in the world hates Americans and is repulsed by you, stay in your containment zone

>Believing this
Icelandic Air is the easy layover lay on every Eurotrip.

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You're all literally jealous.

Thats what they tell you.

icelandy women are hardcore degenerate feminists. i've seen them jump on ANY cock that may be potentially available. they will definitely bitch at you saying you need more immigrants and higher taxes, but the primary goal is to hop upon strange cock

do they love Türks?

brown med/arab cock ? yes.

You're all right

Everyone globally, including Americans vehemently hate Americans, will CONSTANTLY talk shit about Americans, claim they are the spawns of satan that should just be exterminated and would gladly be the one to push the theoretical button that erases them...

...but every single one of them will fuck Americans on sight

>t. taken a flight outside the US

My north african friend went there in the early 2000's for around 6 years (basketball import) and never got an icelandic gf

got a icelandic cousin and she told me she prefers dating another nordic rather than some amerimutt or a spic or a betacuck european boy (e.g. french, german, etc)

The le icelandic women crave bbc meme is far away from reality.

Icelanders are the Norwegian hicks/ rednecks. They ain't fucking no black guy

and yes i do wanna fuck her raw

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except it isnt, coping wh*Teoid

>Two women have been diagnosed HIV+ after having intercourse with the man – an asylum seeker of Nigerian nationality – and a further 10-20 have been tested.

The weak should fear the strong

two women have hiv from a rapist nigger so that means they are bbc craving whores. Fuck off turkroach. Even africans spit on you

I don't really care about Iceland but isn't Bjork from there? I like that one video she does, landscapes in Iceland

That wouldn't be enough to stop me. I expect it.

An std-ridden nigerian asylum seeker with aids managed to have sex with 20 young icelandic women under a year. more than you will ever have in your lifetime

>The man arrested yesterday on the suspicion of having infected numerous young women with the HIV virus claims that he did not know that he was HIV positive. The man is an asylum seeker in Iceland.

>Two women have been confirmed to have been infected with the virus and nearly twenty more are awaiting test results.

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better link

You're pushing it, nobody constantly talks shit about Americans or claims they are the spawns of satan.

Its literally this
>what do you think about Americans?
>bunch of cunts

The end. Nobody likes you because your tourists are either fat or cunts or both.

KYS Justin

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this is actually hot

Yeah but this doesn't change the census that they generally don't like africans. I know this because I have met multiple africans who have gone to iceland for extended periods of time for career shit and they never really got a gf

i repeat, A homeless std-ridden broke Nigerian asylum seeker managed to have sex with 20 young icelandic women under a year.

No Cletus no one wants your shriveled, circumcised penis.

No, Jose Torres Rodriguez de la Indio, you don't have an Icelandic cousin. Hell, I doubt you can even point to where Iceland is on a map.

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what about Russians?

Post Anzu and I might give you more (YOU)s


I’m sure if you’re handsome and not obnoxious you could pull a girl anywhere you want in the world.

honeypot. you should kys kike

depends on when you go. natives tend to have self respect and not go for the hookups/prefer to date their own, they won't believe you love them like a Swedish girl will. But if you go during airwaves most of them are actually roasties from Europe and will sit on anything stiff.

everyone i met there was super awesome and friendly. fanfest used to be lit before CCCP cucked themselves with shit business decisions. island is based af and defends the fuck out of internet free speech and flies in the face of censorship.

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Calm down Tom
>mutilated cocks

>natives tend to have self respect and not go for the hookups/prefer to date their own

>left out paraplegic Justin

Nationality doesn't matter. It depends on 3 factors
>looks (includes bmi)

i travel a lot and find that the rude fat tourists are usually canadians. people confuse them for americans because they speak english too and it's easier to hate us than the leaf. aussies are based and always fun as hell and can hold their liquor. love partying with aussies.

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How many did he impregnate?

lol subhuman manlet arabids and armenoids are literally LESS sexually “”””popular”””” in normal White nations than niggers and pakis
Lmao. Literally not, and there are degenerates like that within every ethnic group and race on earth both male and female you dumb gypsy armenoid incel

i didn't asked you, the question is for viking, 'murican.

cope+seething hard, it literally says young in the article.

If you want to score attractive sane chicks outside of Russia just don’t be manlet, swarthy, humourless or stupid. Otherwise you are good to go
Eugenics in action, nothing to be mad about. Not Icelandic and don’t care about racemixers since those self document themselves on social media anyway. We know exactly whom to deport and sterilise after the cleansing anyway. I literally don’t even consider non-racist “Whites” to be human.

Shittalking a pathetic roach baiter? Why not lmao. Read the comments to the video - literally armogypsy incels getting blown the fuck out and going WEWUZCAUCASOID TOO STAY WITH OTHER CAUCASOIDS PLZ

It’s no secret that there are racemixing degenrates in literally every group on earth, impoverished armenoid without a chin rofl

It just happened that in Europe, Israel and East Asia we have less people who go mating and dating outside of their own in-group.

MENAs and Turks? Oh no no no no no. Your females jump on whatever White or black doesn’t matter. Your whores have a good zebra cock corousel. Especially here in Europe. Even atheist NY Jewish college girls are all Virgin Marry comparing to your whores

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So? Every population has its roasties. I wouldn't roll the dice on those odds.

>Eugenics in action, nothing to be mad about
but you are mad
>Not Icelandic and don’t care about racemixers since those self document themselves on social media anyway
you cared enough to defend them in the first place and tried to cope by saying they were old hags when they were in fact teen girls craving bbc
>We know exactly whom to deport and sterilise after the cleansing anyway
>I literally don’t even consider non-racist “Whites” to be human.
im sure the feelings are mutual
>Shittalking a pathetic roach baiter? Why not lmao. Read the comments to the video - literally armogypsy incels getting blown the fuck out and going WEWUZCAUCASOID TOO STAY WITH OTHER CAUCASOIDS PLZ
It’s no secret that there are racemixing degenrates in literally every group on earth, impoverished armenoid without a chin rofl
>It just happened that in Europe, Israel and East Asia we have less people who go mating and dating outside of their own in-group.
>MENAs and Turks? Oh no no no no no. Your females jump on whatever White or black doesn’t matter. Your whores have a good zebra cock corousel. Especially here in Europe. Even atheist NY Jewish college girls are all Virgin Marry comparing to your whores
just plain butthurt.

iceland has 350k population. 20 young girls getting pozzed is something.

all wymonz are equally retarded