>How will (((They))) recover ?

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quality post OP

Give this guy a cabinet position


Based white boi.

(((YOU))) again

>college players not enjoying a dirty bulk.


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Yea I knew they wouldn't complain cause its a nice dirty bulk, I saw a pic of one player having 6 burgers

He's kind of an ugly dude but god damn it he is a fucking Chad

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>implying the team wouldn't get popped for (((improper benefits))) if they got anything better than McDonalds

>Yeah I knew
Trump is that you?

(((they))) can't recover. Israel is done for after this blunder.

that's one big honker

Kylo Tren

Oy vey!

gas yourself, kike

kek, made me laugh. Have a (you).

Tasty burger

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I wonder how many niggers chimped out in DC when every McDonalds was sold out?

>*of chicken nuggets

why can't faggot libcucks just admit the whole thing was based and redpilled

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delet this guy got huge

I just keep thinking about USSS standing in a McDonald’s with their suits and sunglasses. “Yeah, I need to order 250 Big Macs please”.

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literally a white male. opinion discarded


commie scum BTFOd by the Donald again, how winning feels.

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someone asked me to shop this around election time.
now it literally came true.

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Digits confirm meme magic keeps winning.

I believe you!
This fkn timeline keeps on giving, doesn´t it.

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Man, it's like it's still 2016. Everyone's trying to mock him for it but it's legitimately charming.

Looks like Larry Bird had a kid with Sean Penn

All the burgers would have been cold though, no warmers. Fuck that.

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That motherfucker wasn’t playing around.

But he tweeted that he said no such thing, and you rubes have once again been duped by fake news.

Based! Damn! I’m hungry again!!!

Dude I'm 6' 200lbs and even I would eat that much, muscle is hard to maintain and they're college players so they technically can't be paid, they'd lose their amateur athlete status. Usually the school has a cafeteria that they can do AYCE for but the food is WAY shittier than wendy's. Wonder if they let them take food home too

Who gives a fuck what they think anymore!!!!
We are going to steam roll over them soon and they can go to hell now!!!

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Criminally underrated.

He is the male equivalent of a butterface. The face is a bit off, but otherwise everything else is top shelf Aryan Chad meat.

>this pic
How can you not love this guy?

See that empty silver platter so the right of him (in the pic, his left)? That's the one that had all the tendies on it. They were gobbled up first!

would've been the interns, sent to multiple mcdonalds
what do you think those wh interns are for?

Can’t stop the Based chad man!

Best President EVER!!!!! Thank God for Trump and his family!!!!

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If I recall correctly there's a special mcdonalds just for the white house staff and visitors.

also fun fact
>President Donald Trump's lifestyle — where he lives, where he travels and with whom he does business — is unlike most Americans, safe to say. The president's eating habits, however, are a whole different story. Not only does Trump eat fast food, but he apparently likes McDonald's so much that the White House kitchen had been asked to cook actual items from the restaurant's menu.

>Among those items was a specific request: "a quarter-pounder with cheese (no pickles, extra ketchup) and a fried apple pie."

my god he is just so... american.

18 years old. 6'6 220. All muscle and cock. He is a man of faith and a conservative. From North Georgia. Loves God, country, football, and burgers.

Good choice bud, embrace the Trump Blessings.

I love the concept but the food was probably cold or lukewarm when they got to eat it. My only complaint.
Fuck rich cunts that eat expensive nasty shit just to be different. I've tried it and it all sucks. One hundred dollars wine bottles are a scam for retards with no palate.

It's like a mashup of Fred and Shaggy

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>no pickles, extra ketchup
This man gets me, I'll pay for his fucking wall goddammit.

Cherish your president mate, he is freaking pure.

this picture is all you need to know about america

eating fast food is unironically patriotic

he's got 12 himself, may have cleared the last boxes.
Anyone do diet work for football players? Is it 4k calories per day during training?


confirmed, you're a chad. also, not wendy's, but will be next time!

50 calories per kg, it's no joke, especially if the goal is to gain weight

Whats up with the digits in this thread, is kek working after hours here?

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>Wendys are all perfectly face-side up knowing there are gonna be photos.

Clever girl

I think he wants us to be hyped for the No. 200000000 Super-GET.

Hi does this work at all today or is this a great time for ya girl or something to come over for today and I can walk tomorrow and if I can go pick you guys around or you leave around seven and if we get a ride I’ll be there

your blessed by the lord user


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So a white neo nazi supremacist then?

Were they ready for mouth watering hamburgers?

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I love that the best criticism redditors can muster is “the food was probably cold”

He did say the trip to the White House was awesome. & I bet he ate the burgers & fries, too!

They are called steamed hams


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I just hope it isn't blacked or sissy shit.

Shills will work their hardest to demoralize us.

>those digits

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Basically. And thats a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Do these retards not know catered in fancy food also sits under a heat lamp for an hour? You think a salmon patty in butter sauce sitting out is any better?

Trump eats fast food because they have high quality control standards. Most restaurant kitchens are germ heaven. He’s a noted germaphobe, probably got food poisoning one too many time.

1/2 pic related
Fake News
>No, Trevor Lawrence did not call the fast food that was served to Clemson at the White House the “best meal we ever had.”
>The Clemson quarterback shot down a graphic that was circulating on social media Tuesday. The graphic included a quote purportedly from the freshman quarterback that exuberantly complimented the fast food spread that was provided by President Donald Trump.
>The fake quote trashed “coastal elite media” and “bloggers.” Anyone with a brain and some critical thinking knowledge could have deduced that its chances of authenticity were slim-to-none. But that didn’t stop the quote from taking off the morning after Clemson’s visit from some pandering Twitter accounts.
>Lawrence quote-tweeted the lame Cloyd Rivers account before the account deleted the graphic of the tweet after Lawrence called out the lying.

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I thought this photo was altered to make his head look weird, but no. That's how he is.

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fucking based

went to high school with him, trevor’s actually a really cool dude

I'll take cold burgers over salad or fancy cold shit and soup.

Don't get me wrong I like fish but if I have to eat something cold I'd rather have it be pizza, nuggets or a hamburger even at room temperature they taste good.

2/2 pic related

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lol eat clen tren hard

Nigger you have clearly never seen the back of a fancy nyc restaurant. The salmon was probably sitting in a hallway

no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

Man up.

i read in some response to this that he had heating lamps for all the food setup so it was kept hot.

found the american with a vpn

You faggots will fall for anything, then slide threads are created.

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It can be a lot more. Some of the biggest NFL players will do 10k days. I’ve seen football players go into a chick-fil-a and order 4 sandwiches, 3 fries, 2 cokes and a shake and eat all of it. That’s like 4000 calories right there in a meal.

No, I am not a burger.
He does look like Larry Bird + Sean Penn (before madonna and cocaine)

>Implying McDonald's is not expensive nasty shit in our third world country

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>“I know he talked to Trevor about Tom Brady talking to him about Trevor,” Renfrow said. “He said Tom Brady doesn't usually talk about quarterbacks, doesn't really talk about players in college but he had remarked to Donald Trump about Trevor and how well he played. Trump said he and Tom Brady are really good friends. That was pretty cool"

This is the president. He is unhinged.

Please spread the word

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I love this meme of a Timeline.
We don't deserve him.

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