Break up with my gf a week ago

>break up with my gf a week ago
>Talk to her, send her a message asking if she can hand me clothes I left at her place
>We both agree where and when to meet
>She tries to chat
>I try to stay dry
>She tries to keep the conversation alive
>I notice and tell her "ugh we don't need to talk if you don't want to, just wanted my clothes"
>She tells me that we're friends and she's not bothered by talking to me
>Tell her we're nothing anymore and that it's weird to talk
>She just leaves the chat
>Send her an explanation for why I don't want to talk and why I believe it's better to not ever meet again because we're never ever going to be together again (I saw she had a date already)
>"B-but user I thought we had a chance of getting back together"
>Tell her to fuck off
>"user why are you like this ugh I want to cry"

What the fuck happens through her mind? I mean, she dumped me and had a date like 4 days after we broke up and I'm the dick for telling her we have no chance of getting back together?
I kinda miss her but I don't want to be her bf only when she wants to. It hurts.
Advice? She has like 500$ worth of my clothes in her place so ghosting her is not an option (we have to meet in person to give each other their things back)

Attached: 1535153647689.png (364x336, 212K)

Dude do you think that's bad?
A chick who dumped me 12 years ago is trying to reconnect with me...AND SHE'S MARRIED.
Conclusion? Women are legit pants-on-head retarded. Tell her to shut the fuck up.

don’t do this user, unless you don’t want to see your $500 clothes ever again.

literally just talk to her as a decent person and get your clothes back, then stop talking to her if you feel it’s needed.

play ball until you have your clothes back, then ghost her.

Every woman has at least two men and ex's are a quick, deep pool to draw from, for attention, emotional support and sex. If an ex is unavailable there are guys she knows are interested she can call for a pick me up.

It doesn't matter if your relationship is new or settled, dating or married with children, she has other men. Some you know about and she lies about the relationship but many more you have no clue even exist.

OP she just wants to lock you down for that night she doesn't have a date, or is rejected by her crush or has a bad hair day and the first and second guy she called had a prior commitment so she calls you. Its just a fact of life.

My boyfriend gets contacted by his rich sexy ex girlfriends asking him to live with them.

Kill me please.

He's probably flattered but would never do anything unless he finds out what you have been doing behind his back, with an ex or some new guy hitting you up.

>She has like 500$ worth of my clothes in her place so ghosting her is not an option (we have to meet in person to give each other their things back)
Shouldn't have told her to fuck off if you wanted them back. I wouldn't be surprised if she got rid of them just to spite you

>I wouldn't be surprised if she got rid of them just to spite you
If she did that I'd try to bait her into admitting it by text before passing it on to the police.

>We both agree where and when to meet
>She tries to chat
>I try to stay dry
>She tries to keep the conversation alive
>I notice and tell her "ugh we don't need to talk if you don't want to, just wanted my clothes"
Wrong move bro. You shoulda just said you had to go and you’ll talk to her when you meet up. ... and then not talk at all when you met up.

Donating clothes someone's left behind at your house isn't a crime.

No wonder you broke up. Can't even make up an excuse to not talk or simply put up with being uncomfortable for 5 minutes

You're both pants-on-head retarded, but get his ex's number, call her, and tell her to shut the fuck up.

Also, OP, tell her to shut the fuck up then get a police escort to get your property back.

There is no reason to leave that many clothes at her place when you broke up. That was an anchor you knew you could ask to retrieve and all you are doing is creating drama, hoping to get back together but mad she's already dating. (what the fuck you even looking for? you should have known she wanted another guy and why the break up)

If you really want your clothes back tell her to put your shit in boxes and leave outside her door and let you know a time she won't be there or she can send you a check for $XXX in the mail.

he's monitoring her and how he knows she went on a date, all this is bravado, he doesn't want the clothes he purposefully left behind back yet.

Tell her to explain herself why she dumped you.
Tell her that unless she does that, you won't ever consider getting back with her.
Once she does that, feel free to do whatever you like.

Why are we retarded tho

>had a date
you mean fucked and sucked the guy

Because women don't have brains.
Shut the fuck up.

Oh I see, you meant me and the ex are retarded. Thought you meant me and my bf.


We all know why but I doubt she'll admit it was to fuck the new guy.

I don't know of any relationship that the woman hasn't pulled this split up briefly to fuck some other guy stunt. They all do it and most, after fucking the guy a couple times over a week or two get back together as if nothing happened. Seriously, even talking to my grandpa one time, he said my grandma broke up and moved to another state but in three weeks came back, saying she loved him and he was so grateful they married. Its what women do.

>proving his point