What are the requirement of getting a gf?
So far I've collected:
>handsome face or being Jow Forums
>having a well-paid job
>having hobbies which women think is interesting
Please bear with me, I've never had a gf before.
What are the requirement of getting a gf?
So far I've collected:
>handsome face or being Jow Forums
>having a well-paid job
>having hobbies which women think is interesting
Please bear with me, I've never had a gf before.
Those are just what you perceive to be the requirements, in reality every women wants something different and by only trying to appeal to the vague general idea of what you think the masses want you'll fail miserably when it comes to meeting individual requirements.
I'm not saying that there aren't characteristics which are more appealing than others on average, what I am saying is that if you improve yourself in various areas you'll stand a greater chance of attracting a larger amount of women which will the scrutinize you on their personal requirements, leaving only those who you appeal to on more than a surface level.
So no matter who you are you'll still be judged, so the better of a catch you are the better your chances of scoring a mate; but even then the relationship rests on the couple's ability to maintain it.
So no, there are no requirements as long as there's someone out there who'd want to get into a relationship with you; whether or not you'd like to get into one with them is a whole other matter though.
Tl;dr: You're worrying way too much about something instead of doing something about it.
It widely depends on the girl. Every single girl has her own taste and preferences, there are no real requirements.
I dated guys who weren't fit or hand handsome faces, guys who were broke and unemployed, guys who had magic the gathering as their main hobby.
All you need is the willingness to share intimacy with other person.
I don't mean just sex.
You need to be normal. That's the only requirement. If you have friends you go out with, normal hobbies, are a part of some type of social group or club, and don't think very deeply about things then it will all fall into place easily. Nothing turns a girl off more than being abnormal in some way. They can smell it on you, see it in the way you move, and hear it when you speak. Being a complete conformist, even if it's conformity to some generic counter-culture, is the only sure-fire way.
Nah, you don't.
My husband is incredibly odd, and I love him because of that.
Be interesting and a little bit mysterious
Just don't be boring. That's it. My brother had a girlfriend for over 15 years, and even though they went through a lot, even to the point when he was dirt poor and she was the only one supporting each other, she still stuck around.
The moment he became boring, they split up.
>Give off the right vibes
The exception to the rule does not disprove the rule
Magic is love, Magic is life
And be perceived as creep lol
>don't be too dumb or too smart
>don't be too short or too tall
>don't be too boring or too interesting
>don't be too masculine or too effeminate
>don't be too poor or too rich
>don't be too agreeable or too assertive
>don't be too insecure or too confident
If you succeed in all of the above, you are eligible to begin trying to get a girlfriend, however you might just give off "a bad vibe" and fail anyways.
>Muh greater male variability hypothesis
>Not listing the most important one.
Be willing to talk to a lot of women. Arguably all those others are useless without this one.
It's not really about how you look or what you do but how you handle all that. I think the more content you are with yourself, the more attractive you are. It's that simple.
I was a virgin NEET for 23 years and I never expected anyone to fall for me. But it just happened and it was the biggest surprise of my life. But for that you do need to go out occasionally and at least try. Not too hard. Just put yourself out there. Randomly start talking to people.
>Tl;dr: You're worrying way too much about something instead of doing something about it.
That's why I'm making this list, to improve myself.
I must be weird as fuck because never had attention from females.
How do I do this?
Why would you want to act like someone you are not to attract someone who doesn't even like who you are? Being single is better than being in a dysfunctional relationship. Those people praise their gf because they develop Stockholm syndrome
There are no requirements.
Be the best version of yourself. The right person will fall in love with you for who you are. Anything else makes no sense.
It does if the rule is phrased in an absolute
Your personality is probably going to be your biggest deal maker or breaker.
You can be the most perfect shiny apple in the world, but if you're rotten and full of worms on the inside, would you still wanna take a bite? Nope.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Not thinking getting a girlfriend is like unlocking achievements in a video game helps
Only requirement I can think of is you have to be conscious. So if you are alive and not in a coma or asleep you can get a gf.
No one gives a crap about hobbies.
I will do what I must
The rule is just your theory though, it's up to you if you're not man enough to be yourself.
As much as this is phrased like an incel post, he's not wrong.
Anons a good sport godbless
This is how you die a virgin.
This list, oh and be tall
literally this
unless you are repulsive as fuck, have severe mental or other problems, you can get a girl
maybe not a hot one, but you can definitely get a 4+/10 girl
>t. former incel
I got my first gf at 17, even turned down girls when I was 16, and I didn't meet any of those standards.
this is where I'm screwing up. my gf just dumped me and maybe it's because I didn't build intimacy
my severe problems are that i don't understand how to flirt or even socialize with women, have social anxiety, misread signals, and tend to unknowingly be weird/creepy
>literally happened yesterday
wanna shoot myself t b h
There are no requirements. What you have to do is actively look for a gf. Don't wait around thinking you've got these achievements that make you deserve a gf because that's not how it happens. You're the man, you're expected to be the one approaching the girl. You start now.
Guess I'll just fucking die alone then.
I was abused as a kid an it's ingrained in me not to share things with others. I don't even know how to start
therapy would be a good start.
Can't afford it/don't even trust them desu.
Besides that, talking to some head doctor about my poor feelings ain't going to really fix shit. I know he's only listening to me because I'm oaying him. That would hurt more than just trying to figure it out on my own.
There’s nothing you can do.
It’s the most fucked up force in the universe.
I’ve dated girls and they met all the “”signs of attraction”” (Youtube shit), talked and laugh until dawn, and they still turned me down. Ended up with the cold, quiet weirdo.
I’ll never understand it.
Go to one therapy session man. It's not about someone pretending. I get what you're saying because that's my approach to therapy too, but it did help after I went in with an open mind and aired out all my bottled up shit.
Doesn't matter what it costs anyways, it's probably like 75 - 200 per session depending on where you live and your happiness worth at least even that higher amount, once, isn't it? if it does something for you.
>every women wants something different
Bullshit. If that was true it wouldn't be so much easier getting an ugly/fat girl than it is getting a hot girl.
>tfw 27 years old, alive and not in coma and still can't get a gf.
I must be repulsive as fuck.
First, ugly/fat girls aren't easier than hot girls. You've clearly never ventured into the real world to say something like that.
Second, some fuggly girls are indeed easy, but that doesn't indicate that all women want the same thing, that only indicates they're desperate for male attention and they are willing to lower their expectations, although these original expectations were difference from one woman to the next..
Make them laugh without being offensive or making left-handed compliments. If you can make any girl laugh, theyll fall in love with you. Girls like a confident and funny man who knows how to have fun and laugh at himself, but never at the expense of others
How do you make a girl laugh?
For me it's not that I can't get a gf.
I've been given a decent amount of opportunities to hit it off with girls throughout my life.
Even recently I've been surprised to find out certain girls I knew liked me or thought I was cute or something along those lines.
The issue though is that I'm not mentally in a good place right now, and I'd hate to put someone in a situation where they'd have to deal with me.
Never at the expense of others? Wow, girls are such angels
It definitely depends on the girl.
Some like it when you make funny voices, some like it when you act out ridiculous scenarios. Play around with humor until you find her funny bone.
If you are either very attractive or very rich, then you won't have any problems getting pussy. Doesn't matter if you have a dead-end job, if you look like Henry Cavill you will score. Doesn't matter if you're an old geezer and ugly, if you're a millionaire you will score. Now, since this is very unlikely for like 99% of men, then you usually need this for a long-term relationship with a good woman:
>decently good looking (don't be overweight, take care of yourself, dress well for your body type)
>decent job and a desire to improve (doesn't really matter if you don't make a lot of money at first, women want to see that you want to improve/are passionate about what you do/have future goals)
>prove that you'd be a good husband/father (loyal, affectionate, responsible, not a childish mommy's boy who doesn't even know how to change a light bulb or fry an egg)
Have these things and you already have a major advantage over most videogame-obsessed pussified millennial men.
Have aspirations and work towards them instead of being some loser that does nothing but jerk off and smoke weed
Getting a girlfriend is really just a matter of exposure, especially nowadays that young western women probably have the most relaxed standards of any group in history, and most have mommy/daddy issues and will date the type of guys their parents don't want them to date.
Talk to women, get them to hang out with you, show them a good time (as in have fun doing things together and move them emotionally), and avoid doing something that turns them off, makes you look weak or otherwise below them and they'll overlook a lot of things that they believe a guy has to have to date them. If you don't believe this befriend woman and look at the disparity between what they SAY they want and what they actually respond to. Also, being attractive and financially stable gives you a leg up. It sucks to hear that if you aren't those things but that's reality.
just be yourself
What has worked best for me (1 marriage, ~5 relationships longer than a year, ~20 relationships shorter than a year) is quite simple.
1. Care about your appearance. If you don't care, why should anyone else?
2. Be funny. Turns out that girls really like it when you are consistently entertaining and charming.
3. Be confident. If you love yourself and who you are, everyone will pick up on it.
That said, all girls are different. Some are into heavy muscles, some aren't. Some want a daddy figure, some want an equal. The things on this list are the things that everyone likes.
Ok, thanks and how tall are you?
>be female
that's it.i'll date literally anyone i'm just desperate for love.
The requirement is to stop thinking of gfs as something awarded to you by the state after finishing a checklist
>The requirement is to stop thinking of gfs as something awarded to you by the state after finishing a checklist
I'm just trying to improve myself and hoping that one day I can finally get a gf.
spot girl
ask her
whats the big problem?
implying what?
>implying it's anywhere NEAR that simple
you knew exactly what you were doing when you posted that bait
it literally is that simple
what can happen? maybe she says nay, big deal, life will go on
it's not that simple if
>you don't know how to socialize in general
>you don't know how to talk to women
>you don't know how to flirt
>you don't know how to not be creepy
>you don't understand dating
>you don't understand romance
>you don't understand relationships
>you don't know how to not be creepy
one day you will realise how stupid and slutty woman are and that they are totally overrated
Really none of them are "requirements". They simply help. I'd say personality is the absolute most important thing, then looks/body, then hobbies, then money. I say this as someone who is in effect in poverty and still have a cute GF. And honestly, you only really need one or two of these things in order to get a girl. The easiest one to get is the body, since you can literally just start running or something and keep at it for like a year and you won't be fat anymore. Being fit also enhances your looks - developing the muscles of your jawline via mewing or something will make you look a lot better.