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Transgender kids are like vegan cats: We all know who’s making their lifestyle decisions.

dont you have debt to pay back cunt
also your women prostitute themselves for sandwiches

Indeed but still...

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Do you have any loicense for that outdated meme?

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Partially. (((They))) made it trendy to cover up the fact that environmental toxins are literally lobotomizing our kids. If you notice it, youre a bigot.


of course it's a trend. it's like Emo back in the year 2000.

a recent study came out saying that 70% of all transgendered kids just happen to have at least one transgendered friend.

>environmental toxins are literally lobotomizing our kids

it's not toxins bud, it's the behavioral sink

No wonder they want to push the furry fandom so much, with it being so open to LGBT community

Attached: cnn_about_furries.png (1146x508, 770K)

can confirm, trannys wasn't even a thing when I was in school
seems to have come out of (((nowhere)))

A huge amount of a person's sexual interests is derived from their environment/surroundings.

There was no "thiccc" movement in society until 10 years ago, even in the 1990s rap music, all the black chicks had slim bodies.

There was no Xtra-Large prom dress business until 10 years ago, when it was "courageous" for a girl to embrace her womanly curves and to be "proud in her own skin" and be proud to be 300 pounds.

The Transgenders were created, just like the SUV craze, the Selfie craze, and the eBay beanie baby craze of the 90s.

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>pushing Jacon (((Wohl)))

Yes we know jews have all the freedom on twitter to say anti-SJW shit without getting banned.

Stop shilling yourself here you retarded jewish faggot

you can thank your own kind, jacob.

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They're using the latter to cover up the more persistent and debilitating reality. You think it's propaganda, because they thick it on to make it obvious. Propaganda is something people can process, inescapable environmental warfare is something you cant.

Theywnere in hiding.

I think my highschool was somewhat unique with a decent pac islander population but we literally only had one "tranny" but it was just a fa'afafine which is pretty different to the degenerate shit going on today

Checked and so very true

Can confirm. I graduated in 1993 and we fucking hated it if a girl had a gut on her. We would refer to her as, 'fat', not 'thicc'. Or 'lazy' or 'ugly'.

Its dietary engineering

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No they werent. They were in therapy if they existed at all
Fucking faggot

I feel like they want to push furry because they think it's another identity group they push around, cept there is no political unity amount furries. About half my furry friends want to MAGA and some of them are honest to goodness NAZIs. The only thing that brings us together is that we are all degenerate scum

I know it is because in 2000 it was officially recognized that most Westerns specifically whites were suffering from epidemic levels of overt zinc deficiency and steps have since been taken to ensure we are zinc deficient in perpetuity.

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Imagine if they hid this chemical in folic acid pills, so only people who were smart enough to try and take prenatal care would be affected.

Why did you change your flag?

When I was in high school, there was two gays in my graduating class. Two. Plus an unspecified number of intermittently bisexual women but that's just women in general.
The freshman class my senior year was full of faggots. It's probably the first thing that opened my eyes to the cultural shift occurring right in front of us.

Quit posting this neocon kike. I don't give a shit what he has to say

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I constantly wonder about this type of shit too

this is true though

I want nothing more that to outlaw furry culture and holocaust those who practice it. Truly the lowest of the low degenerate culture. Symptoms of a truly troubled and disturbed mind.

liberals should tell this guy to like dog cock

Or they should at least arrest any furfag that walks in public with fursuits.

the right admitting how psychologically weak minded they are?

English, you fucking cuck

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It's not "trendy". It's child abuse. Almost always perpetuated by the mother. In 20 years some of these kids will be pressing charges, so if you're an aspiring attorney, angle yourself to exploit that niche. The tears will flow.

I'm a liberal. I should tell him to like horses fucking his ass

Based advice

> transgender kids
Poor children.

Just go for the simpler explanation thats actually real and obvious, Jesus Christ. It's called Occam's razor.
Kids literally aren't raised anymore, they are thrown into liberal institutions at the first chance (daycare, public schools) and when they're not there they're constantly on the internet or a cell phone. Mothers are too strong and independent to raise their kids because they're too busy working all the damn time. Kids see no time with real people because they don't go outside, ever, unless they're being dumped at a daycare.
It's extremely easy to create a disassociated personality in kids that compels them to go for weird internet fetishes and make awful life choices when kids aren't raised at all because what the fuck else are they gonna do? They have no grounding in reality.
That whole "it takes a village to raise a child" is a real thing and the village is too busy working or too busy being diverse and multicultural to give a fuck about what it's doing to the next generation. We're fucked.

There was a study publushed and hushed up that said that exact thing.
That peer pressure is the overwhelming cause of the explosion of transgenderqueers

Didn't ya hear?
Jow Forums is pro-Jew now

>Emo back in the year 2000

forgot the flag there

SUV are useful vehicles if you have a child

I considered going to law school just for this reason's almost as if there were always trans kids, but norms of gender policing kept them from becoming their true authentic selves? that might be more likely than faux news fever dreams about "liberal" parents pushing a trend.


Not true

the number of haggard men in their late 40s popping up in clothes they bought in the girls section at walmart screaming they be addressed as ma'am is proof enough of a social fad which attracts the emotionally maladjusted by offering easy group acceptance and a false sense of empowerment (entitlement).


dont worry, one day a resentful "trans kid" with a body wrecked by hormones will grow up, aquire an AR and splatter their brains.

no. it's proof that society failed them as small children by not encouraging gender creative play so they could discover their gender identities earlier.

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>doesn't see the variance of true meme debnts versus debt
Are you the newest faggot here?

So here's one.

Being gay is involuntary. I'll give you that. Caused by trauma, but you still can't be blamed for it.

But what kind of culture have you built for yourself when people are allowed, nigh encouraged, to mutilate themselves as result?
And why, in God's name, would you allow children to?

Should your kids be getting tattooed?
Taking amphetamines?
Eating nothing but meat?

This isn't even slippery slope. They're flat examples of dumb shit "adults" do that cause irreversible damage.
I'd even consider this worse.

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Lmao. Keep telling yourself that. Even my bull dyke cousin and her partner think you freaks are mentally ill. Enjoy your last 5 years before you off yourself.

Best post in this thread desu.

I hate furfags as much as the next guy, but I still have a problem outlawing something that doesn't harm someone else, and would be mostly private i their own home.

It's all part of the push to normalize pedophilia.

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Toys aren't gendered anyway.I had a friend who was a girl when I was very small, I'd go over and play "soldier" with the barbie dolls. Its not a matter of encouraging gender creative play, a kid is simply just going to adapt any toy to how they want to play.

It's still that way. Thicc is a meme

The truth is that a woman who has just enough fat so it accentuate her figure is the kino of bodyshapes, but the term was highjacked by jealous landwhales who want to force people to venerate their lardy asses because they're too dumb to realize how to improve themselves, or are simply unwilling to do so.

let me add one more

>raising your children as Republicans

They were called "Scene Kids" when I was in school. The not so popular kids become posers to some trend for attention.

There was only one twink faggot at my high school. Wore pink tutus over his jeans.

This was in the early 2000s. Probably hundreds now knowing this faggot country

Kids weren't allowed to be trans 10 years ago you piece of shit. Millions of people are trapped in the wrong body and you want to deny them the right to find happiness. It's disgusting.

Anybody who did the full emo goth look in 2010 was an absolute fucking weirdo and way behind the times.

t. graduated high school in 2012

well no shit, Laquintriesha and Tyrone in Malcolm X High looked like shit doing it. it was the last white subculture and died along with malls

this problem is actually very easy to solve

>Trapped in the wrong body

See I’m old enough to remember when that was the argument to legitimize gayness. Nice try tho

Faggots can't reproduce so they must recruit.

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Children push against their parents beliefs during their early 20's in an attempt to define oneself. It's not till your brain fully develops do the teachings of your parents really stick and you find yourself saying "Wow, I'm exactly like my father!" So ask yourself, why a generation of GOP Boomers, raised a generation of kids who voted for hard lefty policies, only to reverse and go right 4-8 years later?

You cry now about Trump, a man who ended a 70 year long war, boomed the stock market, created millions of jobs state side, removed foreign spending on stupid shit (Paris Climate Accord can fuck itself, they want 80 billion from us to run a study that 7 other nations conducted already, "just because they want their own set of data". Fuck that).

Want to know what good ol faggot boy Mitt Romney would of done? Probably expand the war in Iraq, collapse the nation worse the Bush and Obama combined.

So quit your bitching. Nation is fine. It was fine under Obama, it's fine under Trump.

trend literelly trannys documented long ago no its just that they are slowly being accepted

oh buddy, i know it's fine...especially for someone like me.

"everyday republicans" (aka uneducated, Steve King-voting racists) should be shot.

>push tranny shit
>oh that surgery will be several hundreds of thousands goy
>oh goy you need to pay for hormone "therapy" for the rest of your life

This is all Jewry

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>it's not toxins
You'd be really fucking surprised the frogs are turning gay meme isn't a meme do a google search on aquatic life from Florida you'll see their alligators are producing testosterone levels on par with female alligators, and their dicks are literally becoming smaller, and smaller every generation along with them becoming less, and less aggressive. There is DEFINITELY something wrong with the water.

Can you guys teach me how to put a picture on here? Sorry, it's not as easy as is.

all the females pissing birth control pills into it

this. every cisheteroswine piece of shit needs to be rounded up, injected with HIV, and allowed to waste away in a filthy warehouse.


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I no shit support them supporting furries. It'll actually make them look worse than they already are, and when normies wake up to furries, and the shit they do it'll will be delicious.

(((liberal parents)))

blah, blah, blah
did you see the pics posted on /b/ of all the tranny bodies rotting in the dessert?

That's just part of the problem, but yeah it'
s bullshit they're pushing it on us when we can clearly see the effects of female contraceptive, and how damaging it is to the environment.

GOD these fuckers just want to completely destroy the west dont they

furry nazi's
the absolute state of nazis

Wow it’s almost like misery aka HIV fags love company.

> liberal parents

Woah Jacob, getting a bit spicy with the lingo there, what do you really mean buddy?!

Ok schlomo

You forgot your memeflag

if you aren't trans or gay, you have zero (0) value as a human being and your ignorant ass should never have been born. in the future we will screen embryos to make fucking sure no more of you ignorant cisbreeder fucks walk the earth.

Rolling for jewish deaths this week


Transgender kids as vegan cats is a beautiful way to put it. Let them become synonymous in our culture so we can put this disgusting and shameful trend behind us. 99% of it is because normal people can't talk honestly about this shit. There's just a 1% that enforces it and has ties to the levers of power, or sympathetic allies there.

lmao imagine how hard this faggot was molested

poor thing.

>im like my dad
Fuck I hope only in character and speech.
As if a lot of conservative reps in america arent raising utterly atomized shitpiles of divided families.
Its worse here I guess as you guys still breed, (maybe its only the spics and religious fundamentalists tho) but the dynamic has been disturbed too much to be seen that easy.
Hell, most people get children in their 30s now. Thats putting a huge gap between generations leading to further alienasation.

Somebody needs to bust a nut.

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probably was molested to trumps apprentice in the background so he has a extra hate for trump in his heart