How can you tell when your friends are abusing you?

How can you tell when your friends are abusing you?

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Are they doing things that count as abuse Y/N
I mean you can tell when somebody punches you right
Same shit but non physical.

When he holds you to standards he himself doesn't meet.

OP here. I feel like I need to mention I'm a 28 year old woman.
I used to have some girl friends but stopped hanging out with them because they would constantly tease me. It hurt my feelings and I'd ask them to stop but then they would perform some mental gymnastics as to why it was OK for them to do it. I know how much it hurts my feelings so I don't do it to them.
Then they'd drink A LOT and act like they owned my apartment. Drank my booze and broke dishes without replacing or even apologizing.
I think I'm just so easy to take advantage of but I'm really lonely so I forgive them easily.
I'm a pussy. I know it. I just want people to be nice to me and have some friends but I feel like I get walked all over constantly.
I need a personality overhaul, I guess.

I know how pathetic I sound. I tried to go to therapy to work out problems but my doctor sucked. I stayed with him for like 10 years until I had to pay with my own money and couldn't afford it. Then he wrote up appointments for me without my permission and his secretary called and told me he'd charge for absence the day I missed. It sounds like I'm making this up but it is 100% true. I find it hard to trust any doctor anymore.
Like I used to have gaming girl friends (lmao gamer grrrrl XD) too but I guess they weren't really my friends because they went off and started to do their own things online without me. Maybe they thought I was OK but the games we used to play weren't fun single player and when I tried to join them they'd ignore me.
So all of this has culminated and now I'm sitting here thinking either a) something is wrong with me like actual autism or maybe I'd do stuff and they didn't like it but wouldn't tell me or b) none of these people were ever my friends and just saw me as a gathering point with a nice apartment or the ability to lead and organize in online games

Just set your boundaries clearly and early.

Nothing is wrong with you. But I think you're not allowing yourself to enjoy life, lady. You seem way too self-aware, and I don't think that's healthy. I don't think those people were your real friends, real friends wouldn't do that to you. I think you should consider finding a new doctor

I guess you're right but I never had to tell people what I like/dislike in terms of treatment in the past. I guess I was just accepting of whatever because I was always a weirdo with like two close friends at a time.
Now after all of this shit and unluck with friends I have a really hard time socializing at all. Like I feel like I'm going to say or do something wrong. Even when I do nice things like bring snacks or presents to friends, I feel awful immediately after. I kind of have stopped trying to make new friends altogether but I'm super lonely and know isolation is bad for humans.

I would really prefer to not see a doctor. I've managed to learn better coping mechanisms with normal everyday stresses and shit. I'm not lying in bed for hours at a time or drinking myself to death. I just feel like I'm socially retarded and exposing myself to social situations will help me. I just don't know how to make friends, I guess.

Yeah. I feel like I bother people with my presence.

Do you think you were always like this? Or did something might have happened to make you this way? Were you like this before the abuse from your friends?

Idk but my dad got really abusive towards the end of his life (died because of prescription drug abuse earlier this year) and it made me more reclusive in general. In hindsight my parents were pretty shitty. At least I live on my own now.

Just tell them they're not your friends and they're not welcome near you. In those exact terms.

Actually my entire shitty white trash family probably made me think abusive friends were normal. I don't know how to talk to people anymore cuz they'd punish me for random shit.
Huh? My parents? My dad is dead and my mom lives halfway across the country and never calls me.

Your friends, not your parents
Ignore your shitty parents. Mom will die soon and ideally with a heart full of bitter regret.

Your friends are shitty people who get tolerated. Don't be part of the problem; don't tolerate them.

Oh I ghosted all of my friends and changed my phone number. I feel guilty about it but I feel healthier mentally and emotionally. I'm just lonely and trying to figure out how to make new friends with lasting bonds when I literally have none nowadays.
My sister's a thorn in my side though. We work for the same company lol.

21 old dude here with little to no friends tring to better myself.
Try to join a club where you find similar minded people. You like games and nerdy stuff? go visit your local board game club. You like music? join a music club or a band. I feel, as adults, this is the only way.

Man. I gotta just get this off my chest too. Just because it's really funny and frustrating.
The friend who abused me the most (legit got drunk and way too feelsy with her hands, tried to fuck me once too - no she's not hot) would always, ALWAYS bring up at least twice per hangout "You have more friends than me." out of nowhere. Like loneliness was a competition.

I tried the club thing when I was in college and I didn't know how to approach people then. Sat there trying to say hi to people and start convos but they'd just go "yeah lol" then go back to their pre-established cliques. Even tried to join churches and it was the same there. Longest place I stayed was a kendo club and people would talk over me all the time. I'm really small and mousey and am not into the usual popular stuff - tvs, movies, popular music etc. I like animation but don't know where to start in finding friends.
I tried to do tabletop gaming this year but despite really, really liking the guys I was playing with, I didn't know how to talk. I was also a newbie and playing with veterans. We made it all the way through the entire campaign so I feel proud of at least that. I just never really spoke through the whole thing. I didn't know what to say. I feel so stupid thinking back on it. I want to play more but it feels like my communication ability has completely disappeared.
Like, would a public speaking course help me?

So, I guess we are... destined to not have friends? But maybe that's ok as long as you find meaning in hobbies and your job

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Forgot to say people stopped paying attention to me in kendo club when I sustained an ankle injury from regular running routine. Lasted a year. Everyone stopped inviting me to go out to eat or party even though I would drop by with my brace on my foot.

I think we can have friends. We just need to learn how to fucking get people's attention in a positive way. And also we probably get along with people who are quiet and reserved like us. Although I get rowdy when I'm having a good time.
Pursuing my hobby full time (when not at work) would probably make me a lot happier. I draw a lot but haven't posted shit online because I have no one to show my art to. Not even my sister looks at my artwork despite me asking her to. Takes two fucking clicks, you dumb bitch.

Wish you luck then, femanon.
P.s try not to visit Jow Forums since you are a newcomer. It is not friendly towards women and aside from that, it's really addictive.

I've been here for 10 years, faggot.