What's it like living here, bros?

I got a job offer in Idaho and I'd like opinions from people with first hand experience.
I already noticed that there's an abundance of horribly fat and grotesque women on the dating apps in Idaho but I'm hoping there are more redeeming factors.

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Somalis and meth. Nuke this country now.

It's a shit hole unless you have money but it's sparse enough that the money will get you further

Whats the housing market like in the Boise area? Also probably the most important question is, whats the racial demographic?

I'm also coming from Southern California so anything is more appealing to me.

It's whiter the father north and innawoods you get

Boise is full of Mexicans
You will fit right in as a Cali native.

Fug. Can I come stay with you and drive the touge, desu?

>Boise is full of Mexicans
Umm Boise is 89% white?? Granted that's the 2010 numbers but it can't have shifted that hard?

Its a paradise. All you the potatoes you can eat and all the women are Mormons.

Nonstop "hoe" puns such as no you da hoe blah blah and potatoes.

Panhandle is up there with best regions of the country. Low populatin, low ~diversity~, affordable, beautiful land, clean air, low on poor people and crime, no natural disasters. It's where intend to settle, I've lived all over the state and most of the country.

Most mexicans are considered white officially. Why do we keep having to remind people of this?

2020 census will beat down your soul so hard you're going to have to actively fight the urge to commit suicide every day

In close proximity to Yellowstone. One of the first to be kill so that's a plus in my book.

No. Latino/Hispanics are 8% of Boise
>actively fight the urge to commit suicide every day
That's what I've been doing every day for the past two years or so I'm kind of used to it

As someone who lives there, it's crazy right now. They're building new houses and apartments wherever they can fit them. You'll probably have no problem finding one, but most houses are only up for a day before someone buys it.
Last I saw Boise was around 80% with more generous ones being 90%. I'd recommend heading up the panhandle though, I'm heading there myself when I get my degree.

Only been to north Idaho. Great scenery but the people all looked inbred. They will be about a decade behind California when it comes to any trends like restaurant styles. Cloudy shit weather most of the year. Abundant outdoor activities but that’s all to do. Not many big readers there. Good if you like hunting and church.


This is what I've heard. Also a bunch of stupid faggot Californians like me trying to escape the brown hordes. The position I was offered is in the Boise area though so If I accept it I will more than likely live there. Know what neighborhoods I should avoid?

I sorry, fren

seems decent but too close to yellowstone

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Can caliniggers please stay in fucking cali?
t. Texan

We’re full. Fuck off

You get a state full of low education, low standards fuckpigs who will let you absolutely blow out their slagholes while they grunt and oink like the stuck hogs they are and you're bitching about it?

Considering most of the 'caliniggers' are white conservatives fleeing the state and helping to keep Texas red I don't see what the problem is.

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There aren't many, Boise has a low crimerate so there shouldn't be too many problems. The only neighborhoods that I think you should avoid are south past the river, but those are few and far between, also where most of the migrants have been stuffed.
If you are living in the area of Boise then most of the towns around the city are very nice with few crime as well. What's the specific area that your job is located? Might be able to give better insight.
I'd also avoid Caldwell, which is several miles to the west of Boise. There has been gang related crimes going on there recently, and there was also a gang shooting there.

That area still has local white nationalist chapters. I'd love to live there.

I went to Idaho once. Absolutely wonderful place, white picket fences, white children and people are the majority. Peaceful, good weather & safe; it also has a bit to do too

Bullshit, Texas has been going blue for years because of California Democrats fleeing their failed state, not realizing that their idiotic voting history is what killed it.

No. It's been going blue because shitskins invaded it and are in the process of outbreeding whites.

Niggers stabbing rapefugees, set a new record

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Don't come. There is nothing here. Stay in Southern California. I would be there instead of here if I had the choice.

If op works for mu gimme the tips should I call or put this week next week and every week for the next 6 months

>They're building new houses and apartments wherever they can fit them.
It hurts to hear this. The Californians will bring their "realty bidding wars" with them and the cancer will grow.

I lived in Texas for a year. Too many beaners and shit was boring and humid.

a lot of the legal mexican immigrants and their families are every bit as conservative as other conservative Texans.

>california democrats
Yeah it's definitely not the millions upon millions of mexicans that won't stop breeding

Well....TOPS knives are made there, right next to the Tex Creek wilderness area, so there's that.

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Burn in hell you Boomer

Blame all the people moving in, most of the places they're building these things on have been empty for years.
Ruined some nice river views as well. Use to be able to see the trees surrounding the Boise River, now there's houses and apartments blocking the view.

I'd be working at the airport. Don't mind commuting. Nothing can be as bad as SoCal driving.

Don't believe the memes, fren. This place is a literal hell hole. The weather and geography is nice though.

I just moved to the Boise area from Los Angeles and it has been a blessing. I finally can afford to live in a White neighborhood in a 1700 sq ft single family house. All my neighbors are based and red-pilled. Best move I ever made (praise be to God). And there are lots of very fit and attractive women, they don’t use dating apps.

You should be fine then. You'd most likely have to take the highway there. Driving is nowhere near as bad here, but traffic can sometimes be bad especially in mornings and late afternoon. Drivers here also don't really like using blinkers and think they can go ten miles above the speed limit so expect the occasional tailgater.
Also, expect road construction. As the saying goes 'One does not simply drive across Boise without running into construction'.

just uhh aiming for a certain time

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all full, fuck off

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Don't the kikes have something to do with that?

>20.1 people per sq mile

Sounds like what I think the entirety of America was like in the 50's before the kikes opened the flood gates of mud people. Nice.




Not bad at all, It currently takes me over an hour to drive 22 miles to my current job and EVERYONE on the road is either on their phone or a low IQ beaner in a Nissan that can't drive. Idaho sounds so refreshing.

Probably yeah, trying to pack as many people as possibly into Boise to get the state to go blue. Even if Ada County (The county that holds Boise) goes blue, I doubt that'll make the Democrats win the state.
The funny thing is Boise has accepted more actual Syrian refuges than cities like New York City.

Best sex I ever had.

Stay in your shitty state you degenerate communist.


Bullshit "red pilled" my ass that's why Ada County elected Democrats and the Mayor is a full blown commie .

Ada County is a Democrat County and your neighborhood is mostly leftists .

Boise people are trash who ruin everything within 100 miles of it's shithole boundary

>Whats the housing market like in the Boise area?
Why dont you look for yourself, stupid? Too stupid?

>that blue filter
lol nice try attempt ay making your trash, ugly state look nice

been seeing more and more Washington plates have a libtard neighbor from WA. People complain about CA but if it was so cali area most likely it was white flight beaners and asians took over

North Idaho is best Idaho... fuq Boise
Cda master race reporting

Perhaps, I just wanted some confirmation. I've got a friend from Boise, and although he doesn't quite grasp the reality of race, I got him to understand why Jews were so universally hated. As a result, he told me that the kikes in the city are generally the ones buying up all the properties and driving up the prices, much like the chinks in Canada.

HI Chink. Fuck off.

Utah here

Idaho is a Mormon spillover state except you have all the Somalians and Utah doesn’t .

Just move to Utah faggot or don’t i don’t care

this movie

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its terrible
heifers everywhere, big drug problems, natives and terrible college ball
youll be much happier literally anywhere else i regret being here every day of my life

That’s fucking metal

What's wrong with Yellowstone?

You need to secede to be able to say that with authority, user.

>low education, low standards fuckpigs
you talking mexipigs in cali?
or huwhite roasties in ID?

The census records support his claim. Note that both "white alone" (including hispanics) and "non-hispanic white" are both listed.
From: census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/id/RHI825217

Attached: idaho_percent_nonhispanic_white.png.png (854x227, 28K)

> Granted that's the 2010 numbers but it can't have shifted that hard?

I doh no

Sounds good to me, Arizona aint getting any better and I've always been fond of Utah culture.

I havnt really been to south idaho but i grew up in a small town in the panhandle and it was pretty good hard working honest people and beautiful weather, its true there are some ugly women around but from my experience thats true for pretty much everywhere

I got laid on that Tubbs hill once


Unless you have a ton of money, don't.
Nothing to do in Idaho other than Wilderness.
>Would love to see a furry try and chase down a Coyote.
Yeah, if you are a Furry who run up the Foot Hills to hump a Coyote, it might be worth it

50% European white.
39% Latin o White

>Why do we keep having to remind people of this?
Because it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Such an absurd distortion by the government.

Be prepared to try and fit in, cops don't like tags from other states.

Those are some pretty neat digits you have there dixieanon

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Look at them snappers....

Porque no los dos?

L.O.L. Nobody buys that nonsense here, user.


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I quick death would be nice. I am expecting a few years of feasting on the corpses of minorities and eating pine needles after the apocalypse.

It's okay, Wyoming is better.

suck it and stay out

Theres a moment in that film where you can see a Denny's sign. Thats the same Dennys where they found that meth head who killed/kidnapped some kids

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Just stay away from the niggers because you know.... aids n such


You stupid fucking Recucklicans never ever learn do you?

Texas is going blue because greedy white business owners IN TEXAS who VOTE REPUBLICAN demanded cheap labor because they didnt' want to pay fair wages to whites. THAT IS WHY TEXAS IS BROWN AND SHITTY and soon to be a Democratic majority. There is literally no other reason.

I will keep them off the menu as long as I can. I only have so many packs of ramen noodles left lol

Caliniggers and beaners completely fucked Nevada and now they are fucking all the states I want to fall back to. I really wish someone would nuke that shit hole.

Do it. There's some good skiing/snowboarding to be had there for a reasonable price, especially if you buy a season pass. If you don't ski/snowboard, it's easy to learn and fun as fuck. Also you get Jow Forums as fuck.

so true like in Idaho with all the new builds mostly mexican labor. Some builders dont even live in here the big apartment builders are in Utah