Is there anything you do, that will instantly make you feel happier?

Is there anything you do, that will instantly make you feel happier?

Attached: Parabains.gif (320x218, 353K)


Maybe a walk, exercise.

Attached: NO WAY BUCKO.png (694x555, 302K)


Eat yummy food

Play VR games
Or this


>Is there anything you do, that will instantly make you feel happier?
a girl

A congratulations would do

Also making fun of Jordan Peterson. Yeah, enforce monogamy you brainless piece of shit. It won't backfire at all.
Dude is probably a fucking incel himself, except maybe not with all these queers sucking his dick now.


Anything that releases dopamine

>has a wife and children

É como cerâmica.

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jacking off. I probably jack off too much.

>he has a wife
I'm a little sadder this day.
What a shit-piece he is.
>we'll just make it so every woman can only have one man!
>that'll fix women not wanting to fuck desperate people!

Are you Polygamous?
Why are you this mad at Peterson



Flying aircraft

this dude knows

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Actually, I'm monogamist. I just think Peterson is a deluded numbskull who's just taking advantage of incels' vulnerabilities by acting like a voice of reason speaking to them, but from a position of dignity and high station.

He nonetheless espouses dumbfuck ideas and shoots off such inspirational advice as 'if you don't change, nothing will change' and 'you can't expect someone to do it for you so start at the bottom and work your way up.' People who have also probably told you this
>older co-workers
>older friends
>people who have survived trauma
>people who have lived with those who have difficulties/disabilities
>people who have difficulties/disabilities

I mean, he was a meme-- he's pretty much faded from the public eye now and probably only has a small following-- and it's not like he's directly being a shill or shitty. I think he just wanted to espouse a viewpoint against SJWs and ended up going a bit too deep and ended up speaking to a crowd that really just wants someone to back them so they can wipe the sweat off their brow and know they're not just screeching into the dark.

But the whole 'let's tell people what they can and can't do' thing? What the fuck mane. The whole 'everyone needs to be monogamous' thing is hilarious, because we can barely get laws and ethics right. You think people are just gonna stop having orgies cuz you said so? You think by saying they can only have one man, women are all just gonna flock to these high-strung nerds? Like dayum son, you're a university professor, and in fucking psych wasn't it? How can you not understand the futility of making people obey rules they fundamentally disagree with, that have no precedent, and have no demonstrable benefit?

As for polygamy, fucking hilarious. Because EVEN MORE people is what relationships need, considering how often they fail now. Never seen polyamory succeed without money and status.

In this order:
Instantly? Probably a girl randomly groping me on the bus, or smoking weed

I dunno if that counts, but everytime I remember that someday I will die I smile since that's the closest thing to happyness that I'm feeling these days

When my boyfriend kisses or cuddles me.

Drugs in general I guess
Fasting then eating a warm meal
Warm shower

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