Why do I hate black people?

Why do I hate black people?

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You envy their big dicks

Because you're an ignoramus who's probably never left the city and state you were born in. You're surrounded by like-minded ignorant racists who have never been brave enough to venture out side of their comfort zones.

Probably been on Jow Forums too long

You've probably lived around Black People too long.

Because you project all the things about yourself that you hate onto blacks and then use them as a proxy to hate on instead of your actual self.

The myth of the big bbc gigga nigga who doesn't work and impregnates women and smokes weed all day is a projection of a frustrated working white man who is sick of his job, wants to be seen as sexually potent to women and is a slave himself to a system that he created

it's a natural instinct to hate people who are genetically very distant to you. this instinct is stronger in men. it is due to your body wanting your genes survival over others. for this same reason you also naturally like your race more

Bait, not Jow Forums.

You've spent your adolescent years on the internet. You never had any friends, or if you did they were just as weird and fucked up as you are. You probably have some form of autism. You've learned all your beliefs about society and the world from Jow Forums. You don't interact with mainstream society and so don't realise how far from acceptable your views are.

So there isn't an issue with blacks having unprotected sex and leaving the women they've impregnated?

>unprotected sex and leaving the women they've impregnated?

White guys fantasize about impregnating qt waifus all the time take a trip to Pol and see for yourself

It's kind of easy to find a plethora of examples of them being sub-human. As a result, it's very easy to extrapolate that to 'all of them.'

There's really not a whole lot more to it than there being a ton of shitty examples of them. My city has the same problem with aboriginals/natives, they're almost entirely a bunch of freeloading, petulant drunks, but you're a racist if you say that despite it being highly demonstrable. We hate them because when we bump into one, they're probably a freeloading, petulant drunk. You probably hate blacks because when you run into or see them, they're being a bunch of hypocritical, unethical apes.

Because you are in the Trump administration.

why shouldn't?

I do cause they're pussies who left their countries to come in the west, as someone living in a developing country too, I hate people that run from their problems.
I haven't met any black people till I went to Italy at 17, and that kind of ruined the internet "big black guy" cause they were all old balding manlets, barely surviving, but they deserve it for being traitors, I've met people from Ethiopia and they were amazing people, while all immigrants from those countries seemed to be the lowest of the low from African societies.
European blacks = pussies

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>I do cause they're pussies who left their countries to come in the west, as someone living in a developing country too, I hate people that run from their problems.

Do you hate all European protestants too? Fuck off

>Actions are the same as thoughts

Yes, Catholic or orthodox bitch, pick a side and stick to it pompous cunt

Growing up in a major city with a huge hoodlum problem, during the gangsta rap era of the 90s, I had a shit-ton of negative feelings towards blacks—always trying to act gangster as fuck and rob folk on the bus or act hard while spewing drivel. It tainted my view of all blacks. I never had an Asian or a Mexican endeavor to rob me; any violence from them directed at my friends or I wasn’t due to random pseudo-thuggery. I know all ethnicities commit crimes randomly against others; in just saying my experience was with blacks.

After moving out of that particular city and interacting with blacks in other settings who were civil and not active hard, my repugnance towards them dissipated. I realized it was the social setting and other factors that was the issue.

Now I have some good black friends, my favorite athletes are black, and I actually listen to some rap and a lot of old school jazz now.

Anyway, all I’m getting at is check out if it’s due to circumstances.

Because you're a shut in with zero real world experience.

Living in NYC, it's immediately obvious who is likely a piece of shit and who is likely a decent person. Avoid the former and you're fine, you'll also discover the latter comes in all races.

I dont hate blacks. I just hate the ghetto hood-rat niggers. I dont mind respectful blacks. Most older ones are cool af. Am i racist?

You must be a Trump supporter.

>ghetto hood-rat niggers
>Am i racist?
The short answer is yes.

You do not need a reason to.

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you need to meet more black people

Many of them are total stereotypes, but that is true for most people.

They're not all niggers
some of them are awesome

I don't hate black people, I just hate niggers, there is a difference

Jesus Christ you're such an utter boomer cuck

>buzzword buzzword

I've been bashed 5 times by blacks. I feel my hate is justified.

>Why do I hate black people?
You tell us. What happened?

If you did, you wouldn't ask why because you'd know.

tl;dr this is a bait thread and the non-existing mods aren't deleting it, as usual.

Also, I hate people like way more than I could ever hate a whole race.

Sage goes in all fields.

they're scary.

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