Do your duty

Do your duty

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>buying their product
Wow, that's a really big fuck you.

why arent you shaving like your grandfather did with a straight razor or safety razor

>using razers at all

Use a fucking electric trimmer you negro

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I still have about 9 months of mach3 cartridges I have to use up first. Then switching to safety razor.

t. brainlet

>Not wearing a beard like a real man

The true hairpill.

Stfu with this already nigger. You sound like a fucking parrot. I doubt you even shave. If you do shave with a straight blade make good use of it and cut deep

>packaging is blue, green, white, and black
>herbal extracts least you tried.

Electric trimmer... Fucking hipster neckbeards

Takes too long to clean and I have to clean it like 2-3 times per shave so it ends up taking like 20 minutes to shave fuck that.

>spending money on a product cause Jow Forums told you to

You dont shave your neck? You're literally a neckbeard?

>not using shekel shave club

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Hydro5 by
Owned by
>Edgewell Personal Care
Key people
>David P. Hatfield
>President, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors
>Rod R. Little, CFO
>Colin Hutchison, COO
>Marisa Iasenza, CLO
>John Hill, CHRO

Can anyone see if they are kikes and/or leftists

I just went and bought a pack of 50 Gillette razors so I can burn them in a fire as protest when the sun comes up

>owning a cuck razor because "it just works"

What are you talking about? You literally open the top and knock the hair out. Are you a nigger?

meh, just steal that shit from the stores, or hide it all over the store

idiot just knock them all off the shelves and buy any other razor

they last a whole lot longer if you don't cold shave

Bro you dont ebin need to look it up.
You know theyre both

i already use off brand shit

Straight razor's fine if you have a little kid beard.

I dunno the one I bought doesn't open like that, you gotta pinch it on 2 sides, then clean the inside and the top part that you take off. Plus the amount of hair it holds is so minimal you do like a few swipes and it's full

and it was like 90 bucks too

i wouldn't even steal a Gillette razor now
you couldn't fucking give me one for free

i can't have women using my bathroom and seeing a Gillette razor FUCK THAT
protip, don't leave it on all the time

Another triggered toxic asshole.

You are one dumb faggot.

>says the triggered cuck with a toxic asshole

I use a strimmer.

I use DSC because I base my purchases on logic, not the opinion of others. Thats what makes me better than you. People like me are always gonna own people like you.

not letting your wife trim it how she sees fit with her toof

shick is a competing brand to gilette and the hydro 5 directly competes with the fusion

>dollar shave club

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>not plucking every hair yourself

How about a flash mob campaign to buy opposition razors in bulk?
The photos of Gillette products unsold next to empty shelves would make a strong statement.
You still get to use the razors eventually.
If enough people do it in selected stores/supermarkets at a specified time it could be easily done, I suppose.
Are there enough angry men?
Who wants to organise the necessary flash mobs in selected key locations?

Based, it even works on my legs :3

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>needing shock absorbers on your razor

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Ben pls go

>That handwriting
user I respect what you’re trying to do, but jesus fucking christ

After watching Gillettes video I am sorry but I have to agree. Men could be doing a lot better. We dont hold eachother accountable enough for taking these actions that we all know are wrong. If we stopped eachother from bullying and sexually harassing women it wouldn't happen anymore. Its been a good run men, but is what we are today the best we're going to get? You want to settle for being almost the best a man can get? Not me, I want to be the best a man can get, and any true man would say the same. Lets do this!

Electric trimmer, straight razor, or eat a dick.

be a better man by killing yourself you fucking pussy.

did you actually go out and buy the thing only to post this? What level of cuckery is this.

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no i bought it because i threw my gillette in the trash so i needed a new razor

You’re right. I’ll slap the next onions boy I see.

So you support the company so much you bought two to throw in the trash.

On the left: the Gillette Sensor razor I’ve been using for ten years. On the right: the Wahl safety razor and Wilkinson Sword blades that replaced it today.
Also, ignore Harry’s shills, Harry’s is an equally vile bunch of demasculinisers.

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Barbasol. American owned, made and run. It’s good shit too.

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Sell them on eBay and take sales away from Gillette