>I'm a blond haired, blue eyed man
>my fiancée is Japanese
>we love each other very much and our relationship is great
>we start talking about kids
>my girlfriend thinks it would be great if our child had blond hair and blue eyes like I do
>I think it would be great if our child looked just like my fiancée, but I also think it would be cool to have a child that looked like me as well
>I brought up the idea of possibly using invitro fertilization, using an egg from another blond haired, blue eyed woman
>this would just be for one of our children
>our other kids would be half her, half me
>when I brought up this idea she seemed really upset about it, but she was the one who said she wanted a blond child, and this is practically a sure thing with this method
Is she overreacting? What's wrong with us raising a child together from another woman's egg?
I'm a blond haired, blue eyed man
Because it wouldn’t be hers genetically. Its a weird thing to say to your gf. Try not to be too much of a dummy if you want the relationship to last.
Wow. Not sure you can dig yourself out of that hole. She was attempting to flatter or compliment you and you're blue eyes. By suggesting another woman's egg you effectively rejected her and everything that is her ethnicity. I'm not sure how you could be so dense. Do your best to plead ignorance and say you let your limited knowledge of biology get the best of wanting to deliver on her want of a blue eyed child. Say you were just thinking of her happiness and profess your love of her asian attributes. This MAY work.
Because it would not be hers you dumbass. What more do you need to hear? You fucked up go tell her you are sorry and every thing. You really need to think about what you said to her dumbass. You are talking about having kids but not with her really..... take a long ass walk and just maybe just maybe you will open you’re eyes to you’re own stupidity.
This is one of the funniest things I've read all week. Excellent bait.
>Hey OP, I love you but it'd be cool if I got knocked up by someone else, you know just once, maybe a guy that has black hair and stuff like me so we can have a kid that looks like me! You'd be cool raising them right? Huh? Why not? I don't understand...
Psychology dude
She wants to carry on her genes too you know.
Just apoligize and have some fucking kids, it really don’t matter.
you are a fuckingg retard!!!!
No. We really both discussed how rare blond hair is, and how great it would be to have a child with those features. I really don't understand it. It would still be our child. It's 2018, who cares about who the biological parents are? The important thing is it's ours.
But it would be hers. We could even put the fertilized egg inside her, if she really wanted.
And we would carry on her genes. We can have more than one kid.
This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard oh my god
What's stupid about it?
You are an idiot if you think genetics doesn't matter. If my wife suggested this I would be beyond furious
A lot of people jump on the cuck train too quickly but asking your gf to carry someone elses child solely for the looks is pretty much the height of cucking.
My boyfriend is partially native and he likes my blue eyes and light hair. That doesn't mean he'd be fine with me having a child with someone more european.
Why would he?
Are you really this dense?
And on top of that you want to create half siblings, like that never causes problems.
There are literally billions, 1/6 of the human population is a conservative estimate, of father's raising a child that technically "isn't theirs" and it doesn't bother them at all. If it does bother them then they're a manchild who needs to grow up. In some countries it's illegal to get a paternity test for this very reason. I fail to see the importance in having a kid that is biologically yours. The important thing is she gets the blond kid that she wants.
If I ever have a child I will get a paternity test and if it is false I will beat my wife to tears as she should with you infidel
Men don't care whether the child they're raising isn't their wife's, as long as it was conceived with their own semen. But of course his wife will be concerned.
It's like Zeus was happy keeping Herecles, but Hera was bitter and resentful even after nursing him because she knew it wasn't hers.
Just tell her you weren't serious and don't ever bring it up again for fuck sake
>It would still be our child. It's 2018,
Yeah I totally agree. You can totally have one kid with DONATED SPERM and egg. And the other kids would still be yours :)
The fact that you just dont ask her why shes upset about it says a lot about your relationship. Do yourself a favor and dont have kids
>What's wrong with us raising a child together from another woman's egg?
>when I brought up this idea she seemed really upset about it
Genuine question: are you retarded?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Imagine if your wife wanted a 100% Japanese kid cuz you wanted one: would you be okay with a rando sperm taking her egg? Would you want to raise a kid that you had no connection with?
Jeez, did you even stop and think why she didn't like this idea before posting on Jow Forums??
Hello is this remade post from reddit, fuck off you bait nigger
would you feel comfortable raising a child that’s not your own? not an adopted child, not a step child, but having your wife be impregnated by another man’s sperm and then being by her side through the pregnancy, childhood, and rest of that kid’s life? no? that’s exactly how she feels.
and why would she want some random person’s egg stuck inside of her? she probably feels like an alien. yeah, some women choose that because they’re infertile, but that’s something they came to the conclusion of on their own. they didn’t have their husband say, “hey how about you go through all the pains of pregnancy and childbirth to have a baby that’s not yours just because i want it?” if you want a blue eyes blonde haired child you should’ve thought of that before proposing to her. if you truly love her, then it shouldn’t matter.
FYI, it’s still possible genetically. small chance, but possible. i know a guy who’s married to a korean woman and they had twin boys with caramel coloured hair and blue eyes, but their features are still asian. they’re already in second grade so i don’t think their hair and eye colour will change much in adulthood.
>I'm a blond-haired, blue-eyed man
>my fiancée is Japanese
*Prepares your parent's phone number and a quality leather belt*
>I think it would be great if our child looked just like my fiancée, but I also think it would be cool to have a child that looked like me as well
>I brought up the idea of possibly using invitro fertilization, using an egg from another blond haired, blue eyed woman
*Brings out my common sense and past experience of reproductive biology to slap some sense into you*
*smacks you with a 4 volume 500 page each leather-bound book set*
You stupid dense motherfuckers - you and your retarded good for nothing chink chonk which I would gladly kill.
IVF is absolute dog shit. Natural impregnation is a million+billion times more feasible than this garbage "technology-assisted" bullshit where it's just a bunch of white-coated cavemen making an ovule and sperm kiss and make out in an ashtray. And then said "fertilized" egg gets shoved back into the uterus like it was nothing, like being outside of an uterus doesn't matter, like being inside a void space is a good thing or going to matter.
Seriously we might as well impregnate a chicken egg and say "Lol I'm doing science" or sea monkeys or learning anatomy through Barbie and Ken dolls.
Well no shit she's upset, you dip.
>I hope my child has/doesn't have X
>we could just cut you out of the equation and have a different biological parent
I promise you that wanting the kid to have blonde hair and blue eyes isn't more important than fucking procreation.
Maybe reconsider the whole breeding thing, on account of your retardation.
Roughly 1 to 5% of men are rising a child who isn't theirs. 5% being a VERY high and unlikely estimate.
Stop spreading lies.
Aaaah suck on your own balls, you overreacting aggramatic rednecks and sheeple. Overly emotional failures and leeches. Dorks.
The son will never be yours and it isn't your legacy.
That kid will always be the main byproduct of your 4 grandparents, you gullible Sheeple. You will never be in control of your life with this mentality.
You're talking like you're two great parents and it's only the crap genes getting in the way. You're probably a bunch of poor asocial introverted losers with no real plan and smarts.
I'm almost like my grandpa on my father's side. An indifferent, sadistic, criticizing, skinny, retard with both manly and feminine facial features.
I danced on his grave when he died while everyone looked in horror, after that everyone in my family smiled. Useless cunt poisoned us with his shit genes and predestined us to each having cold indifferent families.
I was suppose to be like my mother and my mother's cousins. Naturally benevolent, responsible, noble-looking, and with huge banks of memory. Instead I have the memory of a goldfish since I was 2, absolutely no concentration and easy memory access.
Of course as usual my mother also had to come with her own genetic baggage. Her Kazak/gipsy father had anger problems. She takes pills so she doesn't end up shaking and dying, all because her parents made her in their 50s and her parents are natural idiots.
I've also seen countless quality children pulled down by their parents lack of natural parenting skills and their genetic baggage.
I've seen quality parents with egotistical useless shit kids.
And here I am. Still as unhappy as I ever was since the age of 2.
And you failures want to convince OP to not make pure healthy kids?
You useless, egotistical, murderous, traitorous pieces of shits.
If you lived in the middle ages you'd sell your kid for organs so shut up. Generation of selfish mind-controlled beaten up rednecks.