I recently started dating a girl who bullied me in elementary school. I know its been years...

I recently started dating a girl who bullied me in elementary school. I know its been years, but part of me sort of resents her for it... and it makes me sometimes lash out at her. Shes apologized to me, but I feel like she doesn't really understand what she put me through. I am honestly thinking of breaking up with her, but I feel like kind of an asshole breaking off a good thing over stuff she did when we were in kindergarten. How do I get over it?

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Have a good old hatefuck.

>elementary school
What, are you in middle school now? Get over it. When girls bully like that at that age it's because they have a crush anyways.

The last couple of times we had sex I got really rough with her... like beyond just spanking... like at one point she said that I was hurting her and I had to back off, but part of me didn't... I can't explain it, I really do like her, but for some reason part of me still hates her.

it was more than small pranks here and there, it was really harsh stuff. She made me drink from a toilet, she used to get me in trouble all the time, like she one time set some stuff on fire and blamed it on me, she used to pants me then kick me over... and not like, just pants, she would do pants and underwear. She would call me button dick and tell me my dad was going to touch my wiener at night. I once pushed her back after she pushed me and she beat me with a tree branch. it was 4th grade when I finally stood up to her, and I beat the absolute shit out of her, like to the point where she was hysterically crying and I had to see a counselor and I told them about the bullying but they just fed me bullshit like "why didn't you go to teachers" and shit. I had to go to a different school and we didn't see eachother... then we bump into eachother, she recognizes me and instantly starts balling apologizing and we talked it out, got dinner, and it all went from there, things are mostly going great, but I have this looming resentment for all the torment she put me through.

You're golden dude, you just gotta keep that resentment barely in check and she'll be all over you.

is she hot

bullying people makes you feel hella bettter. you never bully anyone? she has issues with controlling people so you control her instead now. get over it and don’t be a beta. you’re in charge now

kill her and rid this world of such a useless cunt

Trips but this is a dumb idea, just fuck the shit out of her op. Bully her back too.

I also feel bad because I can tell shes guilty about a lot of it. Shes heard over the years about the counselor I had to see, and our fight really stuck with her too. On one of our dates, I bought her a necklace as a gift, and she cried and told me I didn't have to be nice to her... not I didn't have to be so nice, not I'm the nicest guy she knows, her words were exactly "You don't have to be nice to me" and part of me felt guilty, but another part just really wanted to relish in the guilt I know she felt... but some part of me feels like it wasn't enough, the stick beatings she gave me, the nicknames that stuck, the times she'd kick me over, the nose bleeds she gave me, the times she'd stick my head into mud and make me eat it... the bugs she'd make me eat... The time she had some older kids duct tape me to a bench, she then sat on me and kept pinching my face, and spat in my mouth... I want her to know how much she tortured me for those years... but part of me feels fucking terrible for wanting it, and honestly for doing the stuff I have done to her. I just want to be rid of the resentment and be nice to her 100% because I feel like I'm abusing her... I don't outright hit her, but I've done and said some mean things and shes become such a beaten down girl that she just lowers her head or apologizes profusely... I guess it hard because part of me thinks shes still that awful, evil little girl, when now shes just a sad chubby nerd who is just so happy to have a boyfriend shes putting up with all my bullshit I throw at her.

I guess... I need help, I want to be good to her... shes not who she once was... but I can't stop fucking seeing her as that twisted little fucking girl.

Do you know why she bullied you?
"It felt good" is not answer.

>a sad chubby nerd who is just so happy to have a boyfriend shes putting up with all my bullshit I throw at her.
The "bullshit" you throw at her is part of the package and she either enjoys it because she feels like she's atoning for what she did or because she just has daddy issues like a normal girl.

people change. you’re not the pussy bitch you were when you were younger, at least i fucking hope. grow up bc people change and so should you. learn to love who she is now, how she actually likes you, would do anything for you, actually feels sorry for your pathetic ass. if you can’t see you used to be a beta piece of shit but grew up and can talk to a grill then you deserve the bullying. grow up or you’ll be a fag your whole life. shit, it looks like even she did. sure she bullied you when you were young af. when you’re that young it’s different then now. next time you look at her think of her as a pathetic fat piece of shit who actually feels bad. think of u in her position. grow up and actually care for a woman, or break up with her. sounds like your a yard stuck on the past

Just getting over it would be a pussy bitch move as well. He needs to make his own present, and she needs an assertive partner that won't kowtow to direct physical abuse OR 'woe is me' manipulations.

Fuck her in the ass. I'm talking about literal surprise buttsex. No lube, straight up one punch that rectum. You'll feel better after that.

There's definitely a masochistic side to her and she's feeding off that resentment like a symbiotic relationship. It's pretty perfect really.

Love her of course but absolutely show her that negative side when you're fucking her. She'll get off to it.

>I recently started dating a girl who bullied me in elementary school.
Hot. Post hatefuck greentexts



Grow the fuck up dude, I have cerebral palsy, and was bullied way more than you, accept her forgiveness and forget about it. if you cant, dump her, and sort yourself out.

Hmm that's some extreme bullying, but if she's in a relationship with you it means that she regrets it right?

why did you start dating her in the first place?

She is probably just like you
Getting off some fetish about going out with a loser

If this isn't proof that Jow Forums is some sort of scratchpad for aspiring writers, then I don't know what is.



Reading this reminds me of my on and off ex bf, i always lash out at him when he starts giving me attitude or when i bring up what happened in the past. Its because he had (not sure if he still has it) anger issues and said some horrible things to me calling me a fat whore who wants to suck dicks and be a bitch. Ah good times i guess....