What does it mean when a guy call a girl nerd?

What does it mean when a guy call a girl nerd?

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It means you're underage and shouldn't be posting here, according to the rules.
We're not mind readers and we have no idea what her context or intentions were.
Please refrain from asking retarded, personal-context-sensitive non-questions about interactions you shared.

That he thinks she is a nerd. If you are trying to read to much into it, make a longer post with more information. This question by itself is a waste of a thread.

I meant is it a compliment or an insult. If you don’t like my question then GTFO.

He's teasing you, therefore he likes you.

Oh this is a bit extra. I just don’t know if it’s an insult and you bring it to the whole new level lmao!

Explain the when, where, why, and how

He wants your [spoiler]lunch money[/spoiler]

It means you’re going to be the dorky girl that turns into the superficial hot chick in a 90s move, but you’ll eventually have an epiphany about how the inner you is more important. You’ll duel with the popular chick who made you hot and somehow win, then you’ll repair whatever relationship you broke with some dorky loser or you’ll convince or learn your hunky crush loves the internal you (sometimes by his inner growth; sometimes it was already there but you never realized). It maybe occur in a southern Californian rich school setting or on a majestic mountain top ski resort.

>Explain the when, where, why, and how

When: we were doing project together
Where: at uni
Why: god know why he said what he said. We just talked and after asking me a few questions he called me nerd
How: there has to be how?

He probably did it to get a reaction so yeah he probably likes you. Try not to completely break his heart user

I probably won’t break his heart. I kinda like him too

Yes there is a how

Did he smile when he said it, did he have a look of disgust on his face, did he play fully shove you

Don’t fucking break my heart either.

He kinda say it playfully but also stated it like it was a fact. He asked me if I went to this or that event for cosplay and comic etc. so he’s serious? I don’t know

I can make you nachos and call you a nerd all night long. Give em a chance!

I need elephant poop.

It depends on who he is.
If he looks down on nerds, it is an insult.
But most likely, it was a compliment.
People rarely insult people so vaguely they don't know if it is an insult.
Nerd can mean a ton of things, since you won't tell the context, we can only guess.
I doubt he just walked up to you and said "nerd".

What do you mean by context? He’s pretty a geek himself I guess. Into metal, kinda freestyle, doesn’t care what people think of him, confident but not to point of arrogance. I don’t know the word, a hipster I guess?

Depends on the situation, and the guy.

If he is confident, and have experiecen with women, he could be joking.
If not, he could be trying clumblsy show you his interest.

Carefull tho, if he is super shy, he won't ask you out. So, if you are interested, ask him to grab a coffe OUTSIDE of uni, and stay with him.
Also try to make phisical contacs ( taking hands, linking arms, if you sit toghether outside of uni put one of your lefg on his, and so on ), it ll give him confidence ( gods only knows it if we need it, expecially now, where you could be fingered of rape and getting your life ended before even a trial, even if you are innocent ).
If that doesn't help, oh well, what can you do?

>put one of your lefg on his, and so on

Are you fucking for real bro?
Well he’s pretty confident and I think he’s experienced himself. Just don’t know if he will ever make the first move or we’re just about to chat, have conversations, sometime online chatting and that’s it. He tried to initiate a conversation every time we met but again, could be out of friendliness.

You must realize what he puts out migth be different from what he feels.

For example, i used to like a girl at uni, she was insanely beatifull to me.
Couldn't gather the courage to ask her out, even if i am considered a fairly confident dude.

So don't look at apparences, look at the facts.
Thats means, try to undestand if he had experiences, and/or if he is emotionally scarred atm by a past relationship that could hold him back.
In my case those 2 things held me back, and i am nothing special, so i believe its a common thing.

> Are you fucking for real bro?
Doesn't have to be that, just try to get the contact you know?
The physical contact.
Holding hand, linking arms, things like that.
I'm sorry if the leg thing it's too forward, maybe i have become too jaded.
It helps tremendously to show this signals.
Ofc, if he is a chad it doesn't matter, but again, don't look too much into apperences.

There is no way I can tell. The only thing that I am pretty sure of is if a guy talks to a girl there’s a high chance that he’s available.

I don’t know if he’s interested or just being friendly tho. This’s also makes me wonder if he ever makes a move at all. Been like this for awhile since we talked.

>maybe i have become too jaded.

Probably you were bro. I can’t do that since I’m not teenagers anymore. It’s too cringey

I fucking hate you. I was going to bed, and i saw you reply now. I hate Jow Forums, and i hate my life lmao.

Still, this is like a drug, so:

>There is no way I can tell.
You can tell by asking him if he had past experiences, and guessing. Most likely, he ll tell you himself.

>I don’t know if he’s interested or just being friendly tho. This’s also makes me wonder if he ever makes a move at all. Been like this for awhile since we talked.
It looks similar to the situation i had. Either you push him, or it 9/10 that it won't happen anything if thats the case.

>since I’m not teenagers anymore. It’s too cringey
Bwhahaha, you seriuos? I am well past my teens, and a girl that i know ( to be fair, dunno if she have a crush on me or if i am just immagining things, still, i am loyal ) did that to me.
I legit ment the opposite, since when you grow up, you start to lose the.. awquardness? of that.
It just gets fun.