ITT: Ask Men Pretending To Be Women Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself.

>Is my dick too short?
no, it's not

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Other urls found in this thread:

would you agree to lose your virginity with an older (50-80yo) woman for considerable money?
I need many answers

Tl;dr me and gf broke up on friday after 6 months. I pointed out she didnt seem to have a lot of time for our relationship, she agreed. Talked it over, agreed we didnt really want to break up but that it would probably be better that way. She said she was too busy and that she had things with herself to work out. She said thanks for being so understanding and that i truly am amazing. We both left the opportunity of getting back together in the future on the table.

Am i crazy for thinking we could reunite at some point, or was she just trying to be nice and soften the blow? Should i cut all contact for a while, or just do small things like maintain our snap streak? And do you think she's thought about me at all?

Depends, who's paying who? If she pays me for sex I guess yeah I would.

I wouldn't go older than 57.

I met some girls I never spoke to before from my class on one of the nights out. We talked for a bit, got along and all that, I added them on facebook but that was kind of it, after that we just sort of assumed we can now say "hi" to each other while in college but they never really message on facebook or want to do anything or if they are, its in their own group, I got mine too. Except this one girl who seemed to want to stay in touch more than the others, she would be the only one to invite me over to hang out or join her group for drinks on one of the nights, then we'd have conversations on messanger every now and then and she'd be really nice and talkative, more so over text than irl. Eventually we stayed in touch over summer and hit it off even better, we're just talking and there was no or very subtle flirting going on but somehow we managed to talk more freely with one another around that time and she even started tagging me in some things on social media which I noticed is kind of a big thing since she only ever tags her best friend, family, or her girl friends from college in anything.

Am I right to assume she might see me as more than a friend? what I wrote so far may hint she might be but for some reason I got a feeling like I'm wrong, like if she did like me she'd be more obvious, but maybe she's just shy? I only saw her for about 3 weeks, then just talked every now and then over summer so I'm still trying to figure her out

If a girl is nice to everyone so I can't really tell if she's interested or not, is it okay to ask her out? Or do I need more specific signs?

protips for attracting a introverted sad-seeming jewish woman? normally i do not go for these types so my normal game won't work.

Why has interracial dating so popular in America, how did black and brown guys become so sought after by women?

the fact alone that you need to ask those questions shows how poor communication you had.

Do whatever you feel like. Don't expect her to do anything or come back to you ever. You can hope for that, but give up expectations.
And move on with your life for now. What happens later, happens

yeah, she pays.

why 57?
what if she was older, but looked fine?

Just a meme

Interracial dating isn't extremely popular, most people stick to their race.

White men date outside of their race more (especially hispanic and asian women). Just a very small percentage of white women dates black men.

It hasn't and they haven't, you've just been duped by the combined efforts of Jow Forums and the liberal media.
>yes you read that correctly. It's a match made in heaven.

always ok to ask out, waiting for signs just reduces the risk of rejection

>do I need more specific signs?
You will never get any signs from any girl ever.

I'm a woman, 27 soon. I never used to think attractiveness has THAT much to do with age, but then my sister (19yo) got a 35yo boyfriend. He was really fun to hang out with and I got many friends through him, but now I realise he poisoned my mind, saying men always prefer younger women and he wouldn't date over 30 and such... And my sister too is glad to be called his "teenage pussy" and everything. But still, they are better adjusted mentally than I am, with better self-esteems and they don't burden others like I do.
Now I worry about my age every day. I nearly hate myself for getting older and am now desperate to get a boyfriend before 30.

Guys my penis hurts like hell when my gf tries to give me a handjob and I feel 0 pleasure when she gives me a blowjob

She's good to go I can get her off with my dick mouth fingers but I seem to not have any enjoyment from sex aside from vaginal without condomns

is this just my virgin dick adapting to actual sex or what? Ive been using a balm that helps with irritation and inflamation and doing stretching exercises, shits improving but I have no ideea whats wrong with my dick is it literally just that I didnt stretch the shit out of it all these years? Also pointing the shower on my dick helped me with the sensititivity and now it feels much better

also how the fuck do you keep a hardon with condomns they fucking suck

t. 26 year old with first gf

Interracial dating has never been popular, and black guys are the less sought after by women in the US according to any set of study available to this day.

Unless it's like a real load of cash and I only have to fuck her once, I would never consider it. And even if it was that I wouldn't be sure.

mind explaining why?
don't you want to lose your virginity after all?
and yes, it would be just once

I'm a guy, 25yo.
my gf is 52.
so don't sweat over it too much, the bf of your sister spoke only of his preferences

I'm not saying that age has nothing to do with attractiveness, but the guy sounds like a douchebag and your sister like a really dumb kid with no self respect. Who the fuck is okay with wasting her best years on a man who will not be with her when she gets older, and calls her his "teenage pussy"? Come on.
They're far from well adjusted mentally.

A well adjusted man will love you and respect you even past 30 because you bring to the table more than just your physical attractiveness.

Same here girl. But I've been poisoned by this stupid Thai wood weaving forum. I'm 21 and haven't told my boyfriend my birthday because I don't want him knowing when I get older. I intend to kill myself at age 35 because of it. It's really insidious.

>Re-posting from last thread.
Do girls like messaging people on social media apps in general or do they only spend hours talking to someone if they really like them?

I guess its not a gender thing but as a guy (and because of personal preference) I never really go on social media and avoid messaging people too much, I only talk to people for hours if I really like them. I've had a good few conversations with this girl I like, that went on for hours, is this something to go by or do girls just like messaging people more than guys do and I'm just exaggerating it?

>Do girls like messaging people on social media apps in general or do they only spend hours talking to someone if they really like them?
Depends on the girl.
I'm pretty introverted and hate texting, the only man I talk to constantly is my bf because he's a qt 3.14 and I love him.
My best friend is super extroverted and hates being alone, so she will hit up every guy just because.

if you masturbated at least once a week, you should be stretched enough.
I assume your dick hurts from handjobs, because the foreskin gets pulled down and the girl is touching the head with her fingers? If that's the case, it's normal. Instead, instruct her to pull the foreskin back again. Also, maybe she's just clumsy.
As for oral, I don't know, but maybe you just need to adjust. Do expect it to feel very good, but don't expect you'll be able to come this way - that's normal too (although, in the previous thread we learned there are some extremely skilled anonnetes, who seem to be able to make men come this way)

As for condoms - yes, they suck as all hells combined. I have hard time to stay hard wearing one, even though I can fuck literally for hours without it. Don't think that killing sensitivity with your shower is exactly what you should want, but that's your choice.

But is it really okay of him to talk like that? And for my sister to think it's fine? They both critisise me for having low self-esteem and complaining of it to others, but this guy keeps shooting comments about MY physical attractiveness to MY FACE and my sister thinks I should just ignore it, which I tried but ugh

no, it's obviously not ok.
still, you indeed should have enough confidence to just tell the guy to fuck off and to demand respect from your own sister. So they are right on that account and you should work on that, as lack of confidence is very unsexy in women as well as men.

Is it ok to tell a girl directly that you are atracted to her and that you would like to go on a date with her? Even if you haven't set a flirty vibe.
This girl probably knows that i'm atracted to her but i don't really feel like wasting time, we are casual acquintances and had had some deep long conversations. Thanks.

>wasting time
if you liked her, you wouldn't feel like wasting time even just hanging out with her, so I don't recommend approaching her at all.

but in general, yes it would be ok.

How pitiful am I? I am a woman, 27yo, and I had my first friends when I was 23yo. They were nerds and pretty autistic to boot. Now I've expanded my circles somewhat but still awkward, and not like a woman my age should be. My confidence is extremely low, and my self-respect.

If i ask out a girl and she replies with: ''that's so sweet of you, but right now i'm kinda talking to someone''. Do i still have a chance with her if things don't work out between her and the guy she is currently 'talking to'?

I don't really mind that, I don't really like when a girl has a ton of friends to be honest, means she might like going out a lot or is very extroverted which would make me anxious.
I had one real good friend throughout my life until I was 19, then I met my group in college and it made me more out going and more sociable, hanging out with them and being part of that group made me more confident than I've ever been so might work on you too if you give it time, and if your friends don't make you feel comfortable then you need yo find better friends

whatcha doin there Rabbi?

I would just leave it, let her come around on her own, show you're not desperate and that you're ok living life alone. If she does come around then ask yourself if its worth it, I mean, do you really want to be with someone that considered you a 2nd option or a backup because the better guy didn't work out? much better finding someone that clicks with you from the start

Would not keep my hopes up

>mfw grannies post on Jow Forums and try to fish losers for sex

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chill guys, I'm just a guy opening a brothel

>do you really want to be with someone that considered you a 2nd option or a backup
That's kind of the tricky part. The other guy made his move before i did so perhaps that's why he gets the first shot to date her.

employing senior citizen aged whores and accepting only virginal male clientele whom you will be paying to fuck grannypussy. sure. that makes perfect sense on all fronts.

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would you guys let me feel up your fake lady tits? If i ask first though

are you fucking retarded?
it's rich, older woman who are going to pay for the young, tender bodies of my workers

Wow that's pretty hot

that's actually even less believable somehow. weird.

>cross path with crush on tinder
>he doesn't like back

If you're already friends with him/her and they don't already have someone just ask them out
Why don't people ask their crush out, I don't get it

I literally never spoke to him and just when I had some hope.. REEEEEEEEEE

Chad doesn't find you attractive, get over it

I wouldn't want to have anything to do with a girl who fears to talk to me in person

he's not even a 5/10 and I'm legit out of his league
it's not that easy

>but this guy keeps shooting comments about MY physical attractiveness to MY FACE and my sister thinks I should just ignore it
Like he's telling you how hot you are? Or how fugly you are? Which is it?

Okay I know this might not mean anything but couldn't not respond to this. First of all, realize that most of these voices online are from really young guys. It is normal for perspective to change, a given twenty year old girl will also look at a forty year old man as an old fart, but in two decades a lot changes. Remember being fourteen and feeling like your coolest peers were awesome little men and women to be, while fourteen year olds just look like (maybe cute) kids to you now? Just because a bunch of 15-30 year old guys are shivering at the idea of a woman past thirty five doesn't mean it's a universal truth. Not to mention if you have found a relationship by then, your partner isn't exactly going to view you objectively. Look around you at how many happy middle aged couples are conventionally hot.

As for the 35-year old, the first user really said it all. Men like this exist but it is an offense both to yourself and to men as a group to give them too much power. A man in his mid thirties bragging about nailing a literal teenager? A girl at nineteen already being primed to believe her age is her most valuable asset? Neither of these are people to envy and honestly you'd do better to try to look past your jealousy and try to protect your little sis from this guy letting her identify with a porn category.

Thirdly, people still fuck and fall in love in nurseries. The urge to be intimate with others, to build a connection and have that private little bubble is a lot more encompassing than just desire to fuck a hot body. Real individual attraction is (also) aimed at someone's being: their smile, how you feel around them, something in their gaze, their posture and way of carrying themselves, something that sets them apart from similar people their age. This itself doesn't fade.

If you don't call it "The BROthel" you're doing yourself a disservice

If you have ever had a crush on a famous man who has grown old by now, go look up a good personal interview with him and study his mannerisms, his eyes, and more likely than not you will see what you saw in him isn't gone even if diminished.

Men also look most handsome at, say, 22-30 depending on their aging process. Then they also get lines, their skin becomes less shiny and lush, they start greying or balding, their metabolism slows down, you name it. The reason men 35-40 are still often depicted as very sexy is because of a combination of still looking quite good AND having that confidence, that charm, that life they lived that's a testament to their character, those accomplishments. Now I won't deny that men are depicted like this much more often and there's plenty of reason to believe men simply care more about signs of aging than women do. But the whole idea of MILFs taps into the same love for a woman who's lived a woman's life for some time already, who has figured herself out, who has let go of petty insecurities. Just because it's less visible doesn't mean men are incapable of appreciating qualities in women beyond having porn perfect bodies.

Last but not least, it is incredibly suffocating and dehumanizing to view yourself as a potential sex partner first and foremost who has to be instantly hot first and foremost. Do you look that way at your mom, do you see her as just a fucktoy past her prime? How angry would you get if someone else did? Can you imagine having a daughter, seeing her grow up and discover her personality and sense of humor and how her mind works, only for her to at some point conclude she's only good for how many men would deem her fuckable at first sight and that she might as well kill herself if that gets too low?
This is YOUR life, your single lifetime. Allowing a shadow to be cast over it because of your perceived idea of how others judge/rate you is an eternal waste even apart from whether or not there's truth in it.

>it's not that easy
yes, it is. you are not out of anyone's league if you aren't able to hold a normal human interaction. this is a very big red flag

Even if you were a fat, triple chinned woman in her fifties with a permanent rash you would be able to watch sunrises, joke around with people just because, enjoy great music, cuddle puppies, take a cold shower after a long day in hot weather, grow flowers. There is a whole lot of life to live, a lot to do and enjoy with your body, a lot of the world to see, beyond sexual relationships with other people, let alone beyond sexual relationships based in overpowering carnal attraction. Honestly if you have trouble believing this and don't have reason to be wary/believe it is going to go wrong for you, consider doing a bit of acid sometime.

Also try to get in some compensation, watch arthouse movies that depict older women as complex characters with a life of their own, make yourself point out older women in the street you think still have that X-factor, try to limit your exposure to the places where you run into this judgment.

>not being a normie
>red flag

are women evil?

depends on your definition. They just feel things differently, and gain pleasure and fulfillment differently, like playing mind games and stringing along men. They get their emotional fix from these beta males, where men can only get it from a woman they are actively seeing.


What percentage of women are virgins after 25?
I’m 22. I’ve dated lots of non-virgins but I’d like to date virgins like myself for a change.

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this post is great

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>dated lots of non-virgins
>still a virgin
user, you're doing it wrong

>I've dated
>but I'd like to date virgins like myself

Wtf? How have you dated multiple non-virgins, but not had sex yet?

My guess is either

1. He didn't date them for very long
2. He didn't want to lose his virginity to any of those girls
3. Both

You need to change your environment, do you keep searching in San Fagsisco or something?

>he's not even a 5/10 and I'm legit out of his league
then what do you find attractive about him if you don't even know him and consider him a 5/10 and that you're better looking than him?
also the fact you might be out of his league could be the reason he didn't "like" you on tinder, I was on tinder once and I didn't like any girl that I considered out of my league, I felt like I couldn't get on their level and I assumed she wouldn't like me anyway. If I knew she's cool and actually likes me then I wouldn't mind dating her.
>ask him out irl

>2. He didn't want to lose his virginity to any of those girls

Why would choose to DATE a girl you didn't want to lose your virginity to? I thought men just fucked unsuitable girls, and dated the ones they actually liked?

Maybe he didn't know much about the girls and dated them to find out more before deciding it wouldn't work out?
I don't know, ask him

He's so cute, the way he smiles and acts.. My friends seem him as below 5 but to me he's a 10. He's also really good at something he does and I kinda admire him for it. Yeah, at least now I know for sure he's single.

I just don’t see sex as a priority. It’s kind of a gamble, if you think about it.
I’m from Denver. Plenty of virgin women, I’m just not religious.

Girls never make it obvious. In their mind it is but really the only way to know is to ask. Can't hurt after, really

so why would you choose to date somebody 3 years older, when your desired characteristic is strongly related to age?
and why do you even ask about virgins if you claim to know many?

also, why the fuck do you want a virgin if you don't even want sex?

>why 57?
My mom is 57.

>why would you choose to date somebody 3 years older
I don’t necessarily want to date older, just wanted to know what percentage of women after that age are virgins.

Again, my problem is that I’m not religious and that you could argue I’m a virgin by virtue, which is a really REALLY rare combo.
I just want to be understood, lad.

so you can't be understood by somebody who has already tried sex?

>why the fuck do you want a virgin if you don't even want sex?
IME non-virgins are pretty ruthless. They can really, really like me, but if I’m not “taking her sexual needs seriously” or if I’m just plain not ready they won’t wait.

I wouldn’t know.
Doesn’t have to be a virgin if she’s a Beach Boys fan, but I haven’t found one of those, either.

Best sex advice?

I've had sex with three girls, but on only one occasion with each, and each time I feel like its gone okay but I feel like i'm not doing as well as I could be, for lack of a better expression. Any advice for someone with little experience?

>if I'm plain not ready
I find male virgins who are 'not ready' really weird. You're literally hard wired to fuck anything and spread your seed. And you have nothing to lose - a girl actually loses her hymen and experiences pain and likely doesn't masturbate - whilst you've been emulating sex with your hand since you were 11.

>Doesn’t have to be a virgin if she’s a Beach Boys fan
Why does that specific detail make you lower your standard?
I mean technically any girl could be a Beach Boys fan if you introduce it to her

I see. Well, just date an asexual. There's plenty and you can go to a meeting, where you're going to have plenty to choose from

for this just go to the concert...

of course a man loses - possible STDs and pregnancy are a thing. I find it weird too, but I understand.

only practice, really. You need to spend a lot of time in bed, constantly trying new things and learning moves. It's all about muscle memory - just like riding a bike - so beside the basics you can't be taught much verbally.

Find a gf, have 300 intercourses, say goodbye to inexperience

>risking disease
>risking unwanted pregnancy
>risking Allah forbid a rape allegation
I’ve had this type of phobia for about a decade now.
>any girl could be a Beach Boys fan if you introduce it to her
Technically you’re right but I don’t think it’s the same.

>wear a condom
>wear a condom
>have consensual sex

You say that like it’s a bulletproof plan.

Try to let go of your preconceptions of what sex should be like and figure out in the moment what both of you like the most. Sex isn't a one size fits all kind of experience. People who are good at sex don't have magical moves that work on everyone, they just combine a solid amount of potential moves with being perceptive about what a new person enjoys. Sex with a woman who loooves penetration and has rape fantasies is going to look very differently from sex with a woman who gets most out of oral and has a dominant streak. And these are still much more stereotypical than most people's preferences.

Try to relax and not see sex as a performance but as having fun together, enjoying each other's bodies, feeling and giving pleasure. Many guys spend some time trying to fuck like they're in porn and then realize they need additional time to unlearn acting like life is porn.

For sources I think this website is the best one BY FAR, imo it's not really easy to get an overview of all the info but by clicking different links there's a lot to discover. See and first. Good luck!

Bonus concrete tip that guys often miss: when she tells you to keep doing that, keep doing just that, don't go faster/harder. Many women need to work their way slowly to an orgasm and any change, even if the change is it being "better" or more, can throw them off.

it is

I'm a different user but I can tell you that being
really horny all the time doesn't necessarily
delete the pressures of having sex with another
person for the first time.

Lost my virginity to a prostitute, have since fucked about 150 of them. I'd say half of them were over 40, at least 30 over 50 and I've fucked 1 that was 77. As long as she's attractive to me, yes.

that's the spirit

Kinda the opposite of a "reee I wanna virgin gf!" post,
how do I find a non virgin girl who isn't going to be off put by the fact that I'm a virgin and perhaps more importantly have no idea how to do the sex?

Where is this?
>tfw want to fuck a 40 something, but none of the brothels I know have any
I'm from São Paulo.


Why would she date you? I don't mean to attack you, I'm just asking why would a girl spend time with you and try to teach you about sex? Can you tell me that?

>go on 2nd date with girl from tinder
>she insists throughout date that she isn't going to fuck me
>night ends with us making out and dry humping in the back of her car
>see that she doesn't show up on my tinder anymore
Did I fuck up?

That's just resentment and frustration talking. As with everything in life, you can tell when a girl is into you, even if sometimes we make mistakes and see things that aren't there or don't see thre signs that are there.

But more often than not, you can tell.

How do I stop getting randomly anxious that the girl I'm dating is gonna drop me

Also we've been dating for almost 2 months and I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet, is that weird? She keeps talking about things that are months in the future so (logically) I think she wants to stay with me, but I just get so nervous that I'm fucking things up. I'm 27 and I have legitimately never had a real girlfriend before so I'm kind of winging it here

(I sort of had a girlfriend a long time ago but the relationship was so weird that I don't really count it)

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