Why is asking a girl to be a virgin such a bad thing here? Some of us had health and other issues and need someone on our own level to grow up with, not subhuman used goods.
Why is asking a girl to be a virgin such a bad thing here...
It's just projecting
Go after younger girls, aoc is 16 for a reason.
Why do you think you deserve a virgin maiden? Does she also have to be attractive and a virgin or will you settle?
What if girls only wanted virgin guys
Not OP, but I’ve dated lots of non-virgins and I’d like to date virgins like myself for a change.
almost no virgin girls want to date virgin guys, sorry opie
Because I'm an attractive virgin guy.
Sure, but why do virgin women want to date you? Unlike men most women dont see virginity as a virture when seeking partners. They are seeking stability. Virgin men tend to be very unstable people especially the longer they are virgins. Its a red flag for a reason to be a male virgin. They tend to be shallow, fucked up mentally, blameful and hateful. They also LOVE using it as a victim card.
I attempt to dissuade people from it because every year you age the likelihood of finding one will decrease, because you can't go after girls under the legal limit, as you get older the stigma for going after girls fresh out of high school increases, most of the girls who were still virgins after 18 will eventually find a decent enough boy to pop her cherry or get married, and the virgins left will be hideously ugly so no guys went after them or have given up and gotten fat and bitter.
>They are seeking stability.
Stability means monogamy. Monogamy means not marrying female Tarzan of the swinging branches.
Would be good and produce a stable society.
Then buy a windowless van and a lot of candy. That's your best shot at a virgin, you clampet.
I am sorry but that is only a part of stability. There are many more factors to address when it comes to stability such as mental health, financial, sociable, ect.
>Virgin men tend to be very unstable
Yeah I feel you. I don’t see virginity as a virtue so much as I see sex as a gamble. I’d just like someone more likeminded. I’ve had female friends young enough that I’ve seen what they’re like before and after losing their virginity. Sex goes from being a want to a need. They complain about not having had sex in two months.
White trash can be monogamous. Monogamy is the simple act of being with one mate, and no others. Monogamy isnt end all be all for stability. If you are a terrible unambitious boring person but a virgin, virgin women dont want you because you are just not a good choice in partner. Virgin women are also incredibly picky. So why should they pick you JUST because you're a virgin? It is not a virtue in itself. You need context, especially to women including virgin women.
How does that make you a good partner? Those are rather shallow considerations. No virgin girl who kept it out of virtue is going to drop it all for you just because you are attractive and a virgin. It says and means little to nothing about who you are as a person.
You can't have such jarring tonal shifts in your bait op, and this formula is really over used. Try again and really let your creativity flow.
Not OP but I'll just take mine to the grave if is how the modern world feels.
Also adding to this, don't worry about what society says, be strong, confident, and yes pretty rich/handsome, and you'll nab a girl half your age and everyone will be reeeing with jealousy
What makes you think you can tell if a girl is a virgin or not? And why does it matter to you?
>as you get older the stigma for going after girls fresh out of high school increases
[citation needed]
This. I was a virgin, and this 10/10 good looking, muscular, charismatic, funny guy wanted to sleep with me and I rejected him because reasons. Virgin girls are either religious or have weird standards or criterion. Even if you do find one, the chance that she'll be a) compatible with you and b) willing to sleep with you is slim.
>What makes you think you can tell if a girl is a virgin or not?
I'm not on the female hate train so I believe that if you talk to her like to a normal person the truth will come out.
>And why does it matter to you?
To grow together
You misunderstand, it's to find someone in a similar situation and then connect.
>why >why >why
Because I'm not a fornicator, I don't want to be one, and I don't want my first and only to come from that background. If it means zero intimacy my entire life then all the better for the other parts of me. (Not OP)
Virgin men tend to be stunted eliot rodgers tier. She will have more to learn from an experienced stable partner and the chances are a sucessful stable man will NOT be a virgin. One of the ways men suceed is their ability to seduce and date women, climb a social ladder. You are at the bottom. Virginity in men DOES NOT say the same about virginity in women.
How does one climb the social ladder
>master key
>broken lock
Be attractive.
Don't be unattractive.
Anyways OP most people in here are right. I was a late 20's virgin that recently lost it a few months ago to a girl without telling her I was a virgin. She's a great girl and has done everything right, but I'll never be able to get over her having a past and me not having one. It damages men irreparibly in my opinion and most women realize this. I don't think anything I can do from this point on will make up for me not losing my virginity until I was 29 despite me having everything else in life going amazing. It really does destroy a man.
Virginity has different meanings for men and women.
Virginity for women signals a virtue (being able to resist the temptation of men offering themselves to her), being virgin for a man signals that you're not good enough to get women.
You're not in the same position of a hot, virgin girl. You're much worse than her.
You're lucky if you find some "used good" willing to go out with you.
Exactly. Men and women are different and because of this standards vary. You being male and a virgin doesnt say anything possitive like being a woman and a virgin.
Women have such an easy time getting laid compared to men its not even funny. You can be an insane fat cunt and STILL get laid. If you are a woman holding onto your virginity it says, if anything, you are good at resisting temptation and seduction. For men it means you are just undesirable and unstable.
In fact I really wish I never lost it, because before I didn't realize or think about all these things. I was like you, I just wanted a partner to grow with. But now I have to face the reality that there is nobody to grow with. I'm all alone and will never be able to relate or trust anyone.
It's not like nonvirgins did anything wrong, they were just out living life and trying to be happy. But we are cursed to walk this path. I think I might never have sex again.
This just makes me so mad because I was drugged out by psychologists until I was 25 and never had a fucking chance to not be a virgin, and now girls hate me.
Global psychology is the United States national drugdealers' guild.
I just don't know how to recover. It's like I was not even myself until a year ago. I'm only now able to live my own life and I find out it's already too late?
I'm mad at the psychologists.
I don't think a lot of people here think preferences are inherently evil. What is pathetic and makes me look down on you though is you thinking that having sex makes you "subhuman used goods"
I'm saving money so that I can re-roll in uni, I don't think that idea is bad. I mean I don't mind hanging out with younger people because It's like I was frozen in time. I eat right so I look young enough, and have a lot more energy than before.
You sound like me bro, don't worry we will find someone!
No idea why you are dishonest with girls though, it feels better to tell the truth.
I'm not dishonest?
>What is pathetic and makes me look down on you though is you thinking that having sex makes you "subhuman used goods"
This. You are just an unreasonable judgmental asshole. Virgin women have higher standards than that, virginity isnt typically one of them either. It comes down to you being right for her, if you actually have chemestry and work well with together. Your virginity is gone after a single night. It is a shallow standard that doesnt matter in the long run. Besides, how will she even know youre a virgin. Men can lie about their virginity easier than women.
As someone who was a virgin till relatively late (21), any man who asked me if I was a virgin or my partner count got rejected.
I lost my virginity to my husband, who had a few girls before me, and I couldn't be happier.
You didn't tell that girl that you were a virgin, it's not a position of weakness if you look strong and normal.
What? I've never been with a girl I have no idea how to even talk to people.
I'm cursing the psychological system for stealing my youth.
>relatively late (21)
Shit like this completely fizzles with me, I'm 26 and just now started to show interest in girls/people. How do normies wake up so early.
Oh sorry., I thought you were the guy who lost his virginity but didn't tell the girl.
Don't worry, youth is a state of mind, I have more energy now (26) then I had at 19 so it's hormonally relative.
Average age for losing your virginity is 17. I was pretty late to the party, you are really late.
I was sick with inflammation throughout HS so it's weird af.
>I was a late 20's virgin that recently lost it a few months ago to a girl without telling her I was a virgin.
Why didn't you?
It is not inherently a bad thing to want a virgin girl. It is typically a bad thing to write off people you don't know as "subhuman used goods," especially when a lot of those people are very unavoidable. An easy shorthand is assuming the reason someone wants a virgin girl is because they believe non-virgins are "subhuman used goods." That's why asking is seen as a bad thing.
In other words, you're an asshole and everyone sees right through you.
It's not, but really, bashing other peoples' taste in other people is both arbitrary and ineffective.
Like what you like, let others like what they like, and maybe for once in human history, we'll shut the hell up about shit that doesn't involve us or matter to us.
I just came off as edgy to garner more attention, but I believe my reasons are valid.
There's a problem because for some reason (I think it's resentment) girls overreact to such questions, they regret losing "it" to some random guy then are jealous of purer girls.
Isn't it obvious?
Only literal 10/10 dudes get the qt virgin girl while the 5/10s(majority of men) have to content themselves with the sluts.
Of course they defend their slut girlfriends and try to denigrate you for something that's your prerogative and logical choice.
>the majority of men are 5/10
More like 2/10
why does it matter whether theyve had a dick inside them or not
Weird friends. I never talk about when i got laid for the last. The urge suddenly comes after a few months and then ill hookup with whoever is down to fuck, and forget about it again.
I'm not a pussyslayer, i'm not fucking 10/10 thots, but it's secondary to me either way. Life itself has more meaning than just fucking around every day.
>I put my dick in a lot of vagenes henceforth I'm experienced XD
>If you haven't put your dick in a lot of vagenes, you are an le Eliot Rodger tier and I don't like you =[
This board, kek.
Bonding, not being a cuckold, wanting your woman to be 100% emotionally available and not thinking about another guy, wanting your woman to be able to defer her gratification and 100 other reasons
Not a big deal but why pick the non virgin when you can pick the virgin?
Why does it matter if they have another dick inside them while you're sitting next to them reading the news? I mean, if the other guy's clean what's the big deal? Would take an insecure fuck to get mad over something like that right?
>implying you can pick the virgin
>and even if by some miracle you do find one post highschool age - implying she's gonna stick around forever
>Some of us had health and other issues and need someone on our own level to grow up wit
Health issues? like being in a coma? Being a social outcast through your teens and early twenties doesn't mean you should aspire to date a virgin or gain what you have missed out on.
>why does it matter if they've had a dick inside them or not?
>because I have cripplingly low self esteem and my partner having any more experience than me will undermine my false sense of superiority I intend to hold over her
Don’t know why but I feel terribly embarrassed about being a 20 year old virgin. I also think that guys would be turned off by that somehow. I’d prefer my first to be a virgin but since I like much older guys, it’s not really possible.
>turned off by a younger, virgin girl
You know, I have seen tons of people get insecure about silly things in my life, but that just takes the cake.
No because of the reasons I told you, I'm not exactly insecure lol
Keep reationalizing your slut gf
Why are you guys always so passive aggressive? We get it - you don't mind other dudes having fucked your lady. Settle down, ffs.
>lol mate, you're worried because your gf takes 10 other cocks a week?
>pfff, what an insecure pathetic bitter incel cuck, am I right? What kind of cuck cares about his girlfriend being rammed by 10 other men's cocks every week?
Tried Tinder but most people on there just want a quick fuck. Too embarrassed to tell them I’m a virgin so I just say that I don’t do casual sex. So yeah user, I don’t know why. I’m just a ball of insecurity, anxiety and depression.
They're insecure about their choice and try to convince themselves they did the right thing by making their case in front of other people. That's why they're so vehement about it and that's why these threads always get 5000+ answers.
>had one or more dicks in her is the same as taking ten different dicks every week
This is why no one takes you seriously.
If you're looking for a longer term thing with more meaning, Tinder isn't your best bet. I recommend Hinge. I end up in a lot of actual conversations on there, it's much less of a hookup app but it's getting big.
Best of luck in your virgin-hunting.
Well yeah, obviously tinder is not what you're looking for. But I can guarantee you that thinking your being a virgin will turn men off is totally stupid. I'll tell you what, if you want your first partner to be much older than you and a virgin, you're probably on the right website. Let me introduce you to plenty of specimens of older virgin guys from the board /soc/ who would be glad to meet you, say hi :
Your mental health issues sound semi-serious though, maybe you should consider seeing a professional about it.
Well, let them be mad, fucksakes my dood. People get mad at everything, some people snap at people who offer them good-natured help. Some people are beyond reason and yes, people who lose their temper over a question are probably in there. Just remember you're never sexually appraising guys, so you never deal with the shit they deliver. For instance, just about anything that applies to women applies to men. Imagine liking a guy to find out he's had more sexual partners than years in his life by a wide margin. It kinda sucks the fun out for women too.
The important thing is not to make sweeping generalizations based purely on anecdotes, whether yours or another's.
Ok, can you please tell me what the difference is, in the absolute? If your gf having taken cocks in the past is absolutely of no concern to you, surely it means the concept of your gf taking another cock, in itself, doesn't bother you at all, so what's the big deal if she takes one now?
The modest revolution approaches.
Apparently it uses matches you based on Facebook friends so yeahhh that wouldn’t work for me.
No matter how hard life gets, I’d never post on /soc/. I do hope to meet a semi normal guy who browses Jow Forums irl though. Are my mental issues that obvious? I’m seeing a psychiatrist but it’s mainly for adhd.
>hurr durr what's the difference between one and ten?
You're actually retarded.
Nah, I think Hinge used to do that, but not so much anymore. I've looked up some of the people I've been out with, only one has had a mutual friend. Everyone I know who's tried it has ditched every other app.
Would you eat an ice cream someone else had stuck their dick in? If you're a straight man, the answer is probably no.
>No matter how hard life gets, I’d never post on /soc/.
Well let me tell you you're wrong about that. There are plenty of cool people on there despite the appearances, pretty much from any Jow Forums boards actually. It's like, if you want to find a semi normal guy who browses Jow Forums, you have 100% chances of finding them on /soc/ and 0,00001% of finding them IRL but heh, it's your choice I guess. That virgin thread I just linked to is pretty wholesome and has some pretty normal people in it, including some surprisingly good looking virgin girls I might add. But whatever. Me I'm more interested in this from the sociologist spectator's point of view anyway.
>Are my mental issues that obvious?
Well you're the one who mentioned being 'a ball of insecurity, anxiety and depression' so it wasn't exactly hard to deduce mental issues from that.
If I don't mind someone doing something once, why would I mind them doing it 10 times? Like, what's the limit then? Is 5 cocks a week still overdoing it? 2? Where's the line and why'd you put it there?
No, but I'd stick my dick in it, if we're keeping the analogy perfectly parallel.
>If I don't mind someone doing something once, why would I mind them doing it 10 times?
>if it's OK to eat one cookie a week, what's wrong with eating 10 every day?
Truly you must have an awful diet my friend.
are you retarded? human attractiveness follows a gaussian distribution, so the mean would be around 5
You haven't answered my question though? Why would one cock a week be ok and not 10?
Well even though I’m insecure as fuck, I’m also really picky and narcissistic. Not sure how that works. Alright, I asked because I don’t know how you managed to deduce semi-serious from just a range of mental issues.
Why would one cookie be OK and not 10?
Women's perception tends to be distorded and they generally view average men as sub-average though so if we're talking about women's standards, what he says makes sense.
Because 10 cookies a day everyday is bad for your health. Is 10 cocks a day bad for your health and is it the reason why you wouldn't want your gf to take 10 cocks a day?
is exactly what I was talking about.
Pretty much.
>Well even though I’m insecure as fuck, I’m also really picky and narcissistic. Not sure how that works.
That's not uncommon. But what I'm saying is that you shouldn't see /soc/ as a gathering of sub-humans. Sure, there are 10 dick threads per page and it's fucking annoying that the admins didn't make a safe for work version of /soc/ yet, but there are some interesting threads with some high-quality people in it. Like there are guys who have literal 10/10 model physics, guys who are rich and successful and social or whatever it is you're into. I mean I know this sounds like advertising but I just feel like it's silly to not go there just because of your preconception about the kind of guys you'll find there, because it just seems to fit your current situation and what you're looking for perfectly. Just go for the ideal mate threads and stuff like that, trust me on this.
>I asked because I don’t know how you managed to deduce semi-serious from just a range of mental issues.
Because I'm clever and I deduce stuff rapidly. Nah but it's obvious you sound like a sane, functioning human being who just has a few issues,so semi-serious seemed to fit well.
Ok, and if the reason I wouldn't like my gf to take 10 cocks a day is because I would be disgusted to no end by the idea and I will never let anyone near her not even over my dead body, do you think that makes me an insecure cuck? You have interesting views.
>But what's wrong with unrestricted random sex though?
It subjects millions of children to poverty and physical abuse.
Yeah but then in the eyes of women, most men are 2/10 rather than 5/10 so that other user was right.
A perfectly average woman is 7/10 and a perfectly average man is 2/10. If people had followed tradition these rating numbers wouldn't even exist.
For me personally, I'm waiting until marriage for sex, and I'd expect anyone I might be with to share my values.
Is there any reason this expectation isn't reasonable?
See, where you read that as "single mothers cause poverty" I read that as "single mothers are more likely to be poor due to the fact that children are expensive and they're relying on a single income. This lack of money leads to lack of opportunity, which leads to lower income levels later in life." I don't think it's single mothers, I think it's poverty itself. Was this data adjusted for income bracket of single mothers, as well?
Okay so if my girl took 12.5 cocks in the past but 2 in the presence and 8 without me knowing, and one of those was solicited by me and by the way she is reflecting on it, I can conclude she will take at least two more cocks in the space of 24 months, how far up or down does that put me on the low standards cuckold scale?
Do you post there? Nah it’s not the dick pics that turns me off from /soc/. I guess anonimity is the real issue there for me. They just immediately become less attractive to me without their anonymity whereas if I were to find someone irl by chance, it’d come as a pleasant surprise. I find that people often tell me I’m different in a good way (I’m not trying to be a special snowflake I swear) but lose interest quickly because I get borderline obsessive when I find someone I can relate to.
>you sound like a sane, functioning human being who just has a few issues
Barely functioning at the moment, unfortunately.