Is the reason the right wing is against women's liberation is because they can no longer get laid (rape women)?

is the reason the right wing is against women's liberation is because they can no longer get laid (rape women)?

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Do you have an argument ? or you just going to speak in fallacies faggot

I was thinking about the movie Thelma and Louise the other day and realized it is pretty red pilled.
>Be women
>gain freedom
>get drunk and party
>fuck Chad(Brad)
>drive it all off a cliff.
Hmm, seems about right.

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what's wrong with that?

>Be women
>go to college
>receive Marxist indoctrination
>party and bang dudes nonstop
>graduate college
>get some shitty job working for a man
>party and bang dudes all throughout 20s
>hit age 30 brick wall
>realize they want kids because their shitty job doesn't bring them happiness.
>no man wants damaged goods
>point of no return
>double down on feminism
>ruin next generation

>right wing
>rape women

Aren't most niggers democrats?


Here we go

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I don't give a shit as long as bitches and lazy cluster B faggots stay away from my income (which isn't the case now).

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but according to women, they're getting raped more now than ever. maybe they were better off when we actually raped them. pic unrelated to rape.

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Lmaooo alt right incels BTFO. They’re just “nice guys” that became incredibly jaded

everybody knows consensual sex was invented two years ago

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They're not getting laid regardless they just wanna be spiteful about it like they are with everything.

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Why did you parents mutilate your genitals while you were an infant? Did you thank them?

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wrong neighborhood roastie , now i will blackpill this shit

Nothing, you should drive off a cliff right now.

Women’s liberation destroyed the family.

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What is this?

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what do u think?

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>is the reason for this because sex
Wanna know how I know you're a fucking retard.

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Yes, the right wing is obsessed with not only raping women but also little boys, this is because they are mentally weak

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Fuck you, even hitting on women is forbidden under feminism

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Ask me. And yes it is. we are so depraved that only solution to get back to work is to have sex. Seriously this has been norm since time immemorial. Men work hard day time and at night they get reward of their wives. In this era, men are working day and night and hardly 20% of top men get to have sex everyday. It's doomed. When we could have policy of family rating system based on how much they contribute where loyalty, cohesion and family mattered, we have fucking divorced men and women wasting more than two third of their life chasing to find the next with women being getting lots of choices while men waste almost the same amount to not even get rejected, cucked or betrayed but put in jail for behaving in manner that women don't like.
Something in our cosmos wants our progress to be stalled for sure. We cannot ever fuck our system so bad. Women's right. Most of fucking contemporary philosophers and even e-celebs like stephen molynuex or jordon peterson don't have a slight idea that everything wrong in today's world is because of one single damn thing and every fucking thing stems from that. Women's liberation.

no, right wing is against because because being against something is their bread and butter.

We’re against women’s liberations because...well look at how women behave when they aren’t accountable to their husband/father.

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Based pajeet.

Often artists are idiots, but they are able to convey fundamental truths in the stories they tell. There's a Socrates story about that.

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Kek. Shitpost ftw

anyone can get laid, all women are whores today. They pump themselves full of alcohol and drugs and then look around for cock to score. Half of the time you do not even have to take them home. Just fuck em' stupid in the car. And you can cum in all of them too since they are all on Birth Control and getting fat and crazy because of it and wondering why all their BF's break up with them. Fucking sad THOT generation we live in. If you are not getting laid, you must have AIDS. But even then you would get laid, nevermind. Most of the people on Tinder all have STD's and they still get laid. Hmmm..

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It doesn't matter what political ideology you have. All women belong in the kitchen.

I don't know about the entire right wing, but if I could get laid I'd be a whole lot less interested in politics.

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Wow, there it is. All women are whores and sluts. I envy the kids in high school who get to fuck virgin girls and ones who have only had like one partner. Video VERY related.

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I'm still a childless loser, u guise.

Meme flag
Stupid emotional post based in fantasy
Most likely a nigger or fag.

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Yes. This is the main reason. It has nothing to do with women being used and manipulated to push a progressive/ socialist ideology by political strategists in an attempt to convince them they are victims and socialism has the solution to their trained victimhood mind set the socialists created.

Fuck off , dont talk to me

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its because womens lib wasnt about women being treated fairly it was about women being treated like men. Which is a stupid way of thinking that just encourages the female animal to act out. women are lesser and should be treated as such- albeit with respect (but still boundaries). womens lib actively hurts women that dont go all in

everyone who replied to this thread without using sage will get the rope too

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>women's liberation
Female liberation undermines the core of the social contract that keeps society operational.
Yes, men are in the most literal sense *are entitled* to a functional womb as a reward for our contribution to building, defending and maintaining society. Once you take that reward off the table, society is done.

Right wing wants to prevent western societies from descending into anarcho tyranny and genocide of white people. Ergo right wing is against female liberation (at least until suitable replacements are engineered). Getting laid by individual members of right wing is only marginally related to that.

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Not in the slightest, at least for me. It makes me mad to see how women have created a society where they can marry you, then cheat on you and still get half your things and your kids.. and it also makes me livid that lefties literally sexualize little girls in TV, music, movies, etc.. usually towards race mixing agendas at that which will ensure their offspring are dumber than they are..

But no, OP, rape is evil nigger behavior. Though hey, we aren't allowed to talk about who commits the vast VAST majority's of rapes in this country either- now are we?
>implying an extreme amount of hatred for you and the world

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more that I no longer want too.
Woman are not worth my time, and that's tragic.

>most fertile ideology
>can't get laid
btw conservatives also report higher satisfaction with the sex they have

Dang, that's gonna leave a mark

Is the reason the left is against the 2nd amendment and concealed carry is because they don't want women to be able to defend themselves so they can rape them?

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I had no choice

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Can't women make a fucking picture without provoking men. Stupid dumb useless creatures. Thank God I'm MGTOW.

If God exists then why do women exist?

Women in a nutshell. No fucking moral code.

There are many reasons why traditionalists resent/hate women's liberation:
>women's political participation has directly caused a hike in national debt, exponential increases in public expenditure, and tax increases
The tax increases were easily implemented because women didn't work outside of the home very much if at all, but they did have feelings and they did have a vote.

>women's participation in the labour market de facto DOUBLED LABOUR SUPPLY WITHOUT RAISING LABOUR DEMAND
The way wages work is that a man's hourly labour has a certain value, and the more men there are to choose from, the more likely it will be that an entrepreneur can negotiate a lower wage.
In turn when there are few men and there's a labour shortage, the entrepreneur can't afford to undercut the wages, because a competitor only needs to offer a market-conform wage to get the labourer to jump ship.
Obviously, the latter is what's best for the worker. It's what's best for families and thus what's best for the economy in the long-term.
Because women doubled labour supply, WAGES HAVE BEEN HALVED.

Now, a working woman has more caveats than raising taxes and ruining wages for everyone including themselves:
>career women don't have families and don't have kids
>career women don't live with their men because they don't have a man
This limits happiness across the board, because after all biology can't be rationalised against.
The FAR BIGGER implication however is that THIS DOUBLES DEMAND FOR HOUSING.
Forget the banks and their dodgy schemes, and you can even forget the immigrants.
The housing bubble is a direct consequence of feminism and women's liberation.

So when you count it all up together:
>larger gouvernment + greater public burden
>higher taxes
>halved wages
>population decline
>lower well-being
>housing bubble
Can one conclude anything other than women's liberation being humanity's absolute worst decision?

I have no idea, I’ve never seen this app

Those digits don't lie

Why is he giving us the finger? Rude..





Include me in the screenshot nigger


fucking die




