"Deadliest attack on US forces by ISIS in Syria"

We all knew this was coming. The first two times Trump tried to pull out they said Assad gassed his own people. I smell the Jew from here. Did they kill Americans to get us to stay in Syria?

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>Did they kill Americans to get us to stay in Syria?
actually it was erdogan because he fear the dominance of Russia

>4 casualties

GTFO with your hysterical bullshit. We have school shooters with higher body counts than that

How would American soldiers dying cause Americans to want to stay?

kek the kike is scared shitless of assad and Iran nuking his ass

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manjib is the base deepest into Syria near Turkey. I thought we were pulling out. Another lie I guess.

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The deep state wants us to stay in Syria so they are turning up the heat. Use your brain morans.

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Not being in a country that does not want you to be there seems to solve the issue of servicemen dying. At this point in time knowing how Trump flops on every issue that involves resistance I am sure that he will go back to sending troops to die for israel and forget that he wanted to pullout of the middleeast. Iran is going to fucking bomb Israel, Assad isn't going fucking anywhere, The kikes are just going to have to deal with it. No amount of wailing and weedling is going to get you any fucking sympathy from the american people, It will get sympathy and support from Trump but you will not get support from the american people.

Death to Israel and Death to America if it wants to aid Israel.

The (((media))) is going to hype it up. They'll say Trump was wrong and ISIS isn't defeated yet and we need to stay.

oh what a fucking coincidence

there was a puzzle. jewrats warned Trump that we should not withdraw troops.

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Well, time to escalate the withdrawal. We must protect the troops.

Trump can use this for his advantage. Claim that Syria is a useless loss of American lives, and we don't want Iraq 2.0.

Back then it was WMD, not it is "we surely won't be there forever! Just until ISIS is gone." Which can be forever if you keep rebranding ISIS and recruiting retarded sandnogs.

Trump will take the bait.

since when did american troops go on patrol in syria anyways? is this vietnam?

This is a Jew poster.
Jew physique nowhere near matches that.

We are already going to war with Iran, the shit in Syria is just chump change compared to that.

> Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Scott Cooper Dayton, Air Force Staff Sgt. Leo Austin Bieren, Army Spc. Etienne Jules Murphy, and Army Master Sgt. Jonathan Jay Dunbar.

why these guys all going on patrol together?

wait im dumb those are the old guys that died

blood demands blood
instead, we will only lose more blood, for nothing.


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Exactly. ISIS is probably sitting back waiting for us to leave so they can do whatever they want again. No way they'd risk an attack while were in the middle of leaving.

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Hebrew you're fooling no one here.

>For some reason this reminds me of the snipers in Iraq. It was almost like they had access to our patrol routes and comma.

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I wonder if Israel gave them the explosives. Nah, just kidding. I know ISIS is Israel.

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Stupid question ah.... why would ISIS bomb America in order to make them stay if America not staying was good for ISIS?

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>Stages bombings
>Stages gassings

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>Deadliest attack on US forces in Syria
>In Syria
Despite English not being my first language I seemingly still manage to posses better reading comprehension skills than alot of Burgers on this board.

I guess another chemical attack was one too many.

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Trimp needs to respond immediately by full evacuation.


>raid Iraq to kill 1 million iraquis for the WMD lulz
>rushing out leaving a vacuum
>create ISIS

probably the same reason Assad is always gassing his own people for no particular reason.

You mean the CIA/MOSSAD justifying the continuation of wars for benefit the .mil industrial complex? War is peace, ignorance is strength.

This isn't just a war for the military industrial complex. The US being in Syria is crucial to Israel at this point. They want Assad gone and they're afraid of Iran being there. Iran could take them out if we aren't there to protect them.

Death to Israel

except there's no evidence that this will change anything. we're still pulling out

Right on cue

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No kidding... Shouldn't ISIS technically want U.S. to leave?

Why would isis want us to leave when they want to kill us all? And I thought trump said isis was gone.

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They weren't from what I heard. A suicide bomber blew up a restaurant that American servicemen regularly attended.

yea I know those were the guys who died since 2015. I really fucked that one up

im surprised they didnt have chemicals this time,
did they lose access to them?

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>US troops killed
even better reason to bring them home faster

Trumps an idiot. He's right tho about needing to leave Syria. Guess what, if our troops weren't there they wouldn't have died!

CNN actually showed the video of people getting blown up. They're pushing hard.

> oy vey, look ISIS is still around and Americans got killed! You better stay!

it's all so tiresome. Are you gonna take the bait?

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>4 people is the most deadliest attack in Syria
>mfw Syria is safer than Chicago

this always makes me suspicious when media releases a video immediately following the big event. especially when its CNN

How convenient!

Now Trump can stay after all ... I mean has to!

But he is still totally /yourgoy/ because he totally wanted to leave.

We obviously are not happy that troops were killed, and we obviously dont want it to happen again. So, obviously, the logical conclusion is to continue with removing our troops from syria, as we have minimal interests to pursue there. ISIS lost their saudi funding as well as CIA funding - let israel continue to fund them fruitlessly.

The only way to convince us to stay is by having a massive false flag in the US. However, that would in turn validate all of trumps policies (ie; border security, muslim travel ban) and garantee him a victory in 2020, so the kikes are once again forced to make feeble low energy moves like we see here. This is simply israel acting out of sheer desperation.

Yes, you Jews sure are proud of your latest false flag attack. That's why you've been spamming the board for hours.

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ISIS to the rescue, always taking responsibility. Can i get the source where ISIS claims that? Thx, let us trace that IP. Computing 101. Come on now.

just making a show of it so they can say they scared off the infidel berders