Do poltards support the orange retard pulling out of NATO?

You realize it could result in WW3 right?

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yes you cuck. I support WW3 too. accelerationism is the only way to build upon the jewish graves.

>pulling out of NATO
Sage until you give details.

>seeing WW3 as a negative at this point in western history

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stop talking to bots vre pousti.

>tfw unfit to serve because daltonic
>tfw get to watch from my comfy house in the alps
do it

it will be the last negative user

Germany will be energy dependent on Russia. They wouldn’t have done this if russia was an enemy. Hillary sold Putin a bunch of US uranium so the Obama administration obviously didn’t think Russia was an enemy either. Everyone loves Russia except the media.

Europe is pulling out by forming the pan-EU military. It’s their decision. They didn’t have the money for NATO but already spent hundreds of millions on their EU military which even has a brand new shiny building.

They won’t be able to stop Russia, but Russian overlordship would actually improve Europe.

And that's a good thing.

yes. Fuck nato let russia roll over the fulda gap they will be liberating ethic Europeans from there Marxist globohomo subverter ruling class who are determined to destroy them. Cant wait for the mass executions of elites and OP!

What's your point, faggot?

>Everyone loves Russia except the media

That's absolutely ridiculous. You must be Russian

Ofcourse I do

Germany is now butt buddies with Russian oil, obviously they don't think Russia is a huge enemy, so why NATO?

Just because they purchase oil out of necessity doesn't mean their not enemies. Both can exist at the same time.

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You realize that NATO is the army of Satan, right?

Google Kay griggs

So it's cool to fund your enemies? Thanks Obama

Let the eurofags make their toy military. Then watch their cuck soldier's mascara run as they cry about the advancing Russian lines.

Good. Bring on WW3.

>usa wins via economic attrition and nukes
ohhhh nooooo

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Bring it on

WW3 is the only way that we can stabilize the human race

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sure give us WW3

if it does America right as America today is, leave NATO

we will soon need to involve ourselves with annexing Canadia anyway, don't need to worry about fucking Russia gobbling up Ukraine as long as they leave us to conduct our official business

come on Chyna just invade Canada like it's written in your plan to, hurry up already

Wonderful news. Get out of NATO. Europe can take care of themselves.

pls no.
what would we do?
spend money on our own defence?
thats absurd!
who would use money to protect themself

>EU military
The last thing this fucking USSR vol 2 needs is military power to back up its tyranny.


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>You realize it could result in WW3 right?
Don't threaten me with a good time

>You realize it could result in WW3 right?

Yes that's the idea

it's only a world war if we get involved.
who gives a fuck if the germans and russians want to murder each other.

he forgot to include brainwashed drones like you and boomers still believing cold war propaganda

Trump would be assassinated if he tried.


That's the spirit!

Europe hates America. American protection is outdated and unnecessary. The EU is the adult in the relationship. They know best. Get Americans out of European business and politics.

>Europe hates America.
Stop talking out of your ass...
Europe is not a single guy that can't get enough of Commie dick.

>Trump would be assassinated
Please try.

you're a brain damaged trauma based mind control slave with no opinion of his own, everything you know was programmed by media, schooling and video games. You're the dumbest type of human to ever exist.

I could give a fuck if Europe speaks russian

NATO was/is basically the USA. Trade organisation my arse. It was always about liberal American military power in Europe.


Whatever the relationship is or isn't doesn't matter. Europe wants us out. America gets BTFO by European powers.

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Even if that was the case could you elaborate why would that be a bad thing? You are acting like it's a bad thing that Americans are stopping Europeans at killing each other?

>US pulls out of NATO
>Europe rips itself apart again because big brother America isn't there to hold its hand
Who fucking cares, let them sort it out themselves this time. I don't want to be responsible for some smug French asshole or Swedish cuck.

>EU = europe
>EUarmy already has a building
>EUarmy is comfirmed
fake news :^)

>Europe wants us out. America gets BTFO by European powers.
You're talking out of your ass again. Europe is a continent and not a single entity.

yes fuck nato, why is America paying for their security

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Because it's Americas duty as a World's Leading Superpower to keep order and stability in place so we all prosper out of it at the end? As soon as America takes its eyes off of Europe it will be IT'S HAPPENING time.

death to tavistock 300 committee and nato

Thats the plan

>a single european country pushed Russias shit in, while fighting a war on all fronts
>all european countries wont be able to stop russia

>You realize it could result in WW3 right?
How libnigger?

>America pulls out of a deal
>countries on another continent start killing each other
>somehow America's fault
I don't want WWIII, but that's retarded.

I don't care
He won't do anything his superiors don't want him to do
And it so happens that they're all in the USA

It’s already happening with the shit leaders you have elected in Europe. None have children all support mass immigration. They don’t give a fuck about you and quite frankly neither do we. We are done paying for and protecting your ungrateful asses. Figure it out for yourself. Good luck, Godspeed

You do realize the entirety of European history has just been mass murder of each other right? The last ~80 years are an anomaly.

Trump has never said pull out of NATO

I know. I'm saying that's why it's not America's fault. Besides, 80 years is a stretch. It's only been like 25 years since Yugoslavia's civil war.

yes, its not Americas responsibility to babysit the world. they need to start thinking about themselves and their own problems.

putin troll detected.

America hasn't done shit for EU. They've used NATO to destabilize and destroy countries like Libya, and left the EU to clean up the mess. Russia was never the enemy of Europe.

Pulling out of NATO ensures my faith that the Jewish stranglehold on this world is diminishing. Israel will die and so will ZOG.

>America hasn't done shit for EU. They've used NATO to destabilize and destroy countries like Libya, and left the EU to clean up the mess. Russia was never the enemy of Europe.
Totally agree. It's been a waste of resources and time since 1945. We fought WWII and occupied Western Europe for all the wrong reasons. We need to get the fuck out yesterday. What a waste of money.

Warpac is long gone, so there's basically no need for NATO, especially since the US is carrying the entire team. You guys don't have any money as it stands, you can't afford to be subsidizing other countries' national defense. Thanks to that, we had more money to spend on socialist garbage, enabling us to get to the state we are in today.

Lesser countries like leafland and EU shitholes could benefit from upping their militarism, there's definitely enough money for it if they cut social spending.

Staying or leaving?

So Mr. Trump still wants out. According to NY Times (fake news blabla.) this is something Trump keeps bringing up. They talk him out of it, a month or two passes and he starts again, unable to remember what was explained to him the last time. With Mattis now gone this is in my opinion likely to happen with, lets say interesting consequences in its aftermath. (Its a disaster.) Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Whats Jow Forumss take on it? Are we eurofags about to be fucked in Russian ragnarok atomic bogaloo mk. IV: the revenge of Putin?

I hope he doesnt do this. We are spending. Dont crack the world order please.

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Not true. At all. You have been reading the merchants leftist media.

Again, not true at all man.


The US is leaving Europe. The threats aren't there. The EU is trading with both Russia and Iran. The Asia Europe Russian partnership is strong and a war will never happen. Just good days ahead.

The truth is a in the people. We're out. Be happy. This what you wanted. New days ahead. Bright and shiny.

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Its not about necessarily having a huge standing army, but the insurance policy must be backed up. Trump has questioned this. And no, like you we have little in common with Russia and China. If Trump does this its bad for the world, in the end maybe even America.

Again fucking germans. The idea is to contain them yes? If they are let lose again...

I’m not a imperialist, so yes, pull out.

Not an argument.

> WW3
This is the reason why you urban rednecks aka liberals are global laughing stock these days lmao

>there's basically no need for NATO
for you

Once NATO goes the EU and Russia will form a new Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. We all know what happens next.

What I fear is that it will lead to the creation of a standing EU army, and it will be the end for us.
Brits have a 3 month window to get out before the EU spirals out of control.
Save yourselves, brits. Don't fall to the european tyranny. Bring the continental balance back.

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> (You)
>Its not about necessarily having a huge standing army, but the insurance policy must be backed up. Trump has questioned this. And no, like you we have little in common with Russia and China. If Trump does this its bad for the world, in the end maybe even America.

The American Empire, whatever it was, is now dead. We aren't the superpower. We are thugs that rape and kill. We need to get out of world politics and stop playing police. It does nobody good.

I support it. We need to bring everyone back home so we can duke this out properly and kill all traitors, be they politician, police, military or otherwise. There's a mixture in all these groups and we NEED to purge the corruption.

I recommend a second civil war.

Needs to ditch the UN first, but yes

the opposite is true
sage this low quality shitpost

Even fucking Bolton wants to keep the alliance.

A 2017 Gallup poll showed that 80% of Americans said that the NATO alliance should be maintained. A majority of Americans, 78%, said Trump should defend all of America's NATO allies if necessary, according to a Quinnipiac University poll from July 2018.

>Even fucking Bolton wants to keep the alliance.
That should tell you plenty. Nordude. Bolton is a warmongering neocon cuck.

>We all know what happens next.
The pact fails after 2 years?

Massive scale annexations. Oh and also war.

Trump choose him because he is a hardliner and they see many things the same way. Even he says this is retarded. Putins dream come true.

Just listen to this jewish pundit, he despite his origins, put it quite well:

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That's good. WW3 will stars and all kikes, mudslims and shitskins and any other nigger will burn, then we will raise from the ashes.

WWIII or a civil war would be best case scenario to liberate the West from Marxism

Can congress/senate stop him on this??

>Even fucking Bolton wants to keep the alliance.
>A 2017 Gallup poll showed that 80% of Americans said that the NATO alliance should be maintained. A majority of Americans, 78%, said Trump should defend all of America's NATO allies if necessary, according to a Quinnipiac University poll from July 2018.
Americans are fat, stupid and lazy idiots. Most Americans can't find Germany in a map. Whatever CNN says is gospel. If we leave, they won't even care. Just tell them, "US leaves Europe at its safest and most prosperous time. Thanks for the memories." They'll be happy with that.

Gtfo of Europe America.

And why would it?
We have the right to self determination, if anything it'd pull us out of some stupid war.
Also, that means we would be allowed to use military force against Turkey if needed and considering that we have over 800 military bases in just Germany alone and are storing nuclear missiles in several of our vassal states- I suspect none would oppose that. Russia might get their panties in a wad though.


Ok then. You pull the pin and it starts. In 50 years Europe might look very different and have a nasty attitude to boot when Putin and China have taken over. Eree we goo!

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Pulling out of NATO would cause kvetching but all the countries will either sign one-one treaties with the states treaty and or massively amp up defense since uncle sam isn't buttering their toast anymore.

It will all kick off the moment the world economy bottoms out and the threat of American interventionism is gone.

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>it'd pull us out of some stupid war.
It won't. It will drag you into an existential struggle and war like the one with the Soviet Union.
The problem is that authoritarian/totalitarian political system and constitutional political system are totally incompatible with one another.
Either all the world will be democratic with the US leadership or all the world will be totalitarian shithole with the Chinese/Russian/Neo-Soviet leadership.

The 2016 election interference is just a prelude to what will happen to democratic systems if totalitarian states gain power. Democratic systems are just too dangerous for the totalitarian states because democracy spreads like virus, liberty is just too attractive for the people. The only way to keep totalitarian system indefinitely is to destroy any alternative and any hope for the people. That's why totalitarian system will try to do everything and anything to physically destroy the US.

That's why either the US makes the whole world safe for itself by making it democratic and liberal by any means necessary or the US will be destroyed by totalitarian powers which will make the whole world safe for them by making it totalitarian and illiberal by any means necessary.
It's an existential struggle and it's impossible to reconcile.

How is Russia a threat? Most European countries get all their energy resources from Russia. They're a reliable ally.

God I hope so.

Lol. No they are not. They are pretty much the opposite in every matter possible. Kremlin is corrupt to the core. Think US is bad? Its nothing. Russia wants to grow. Think its a good idea to let it?

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Against whom?

>supporting the money-sucking military alliance

Why is no one else talking about this?
This is the real problem with NATO

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NATO is anti-white, and is the main reason the Europoor elite dares to try to genocide their own people.

No NATO, and the Europoor elite would need to invest in their own folk again.