How much longer do we have?

I've said this before but I wanted to discuss in depth.
Regardless if you believe in God, the elites believe something.
They know something(s) we do not.
And they openly pay tribute to lucifer/satan.

Evil is everywhere.
The pedo/trans stuff, i believe, is ushering in the end. There is no longer a fence to keep the dark out. Nothing is off limits.
The alter has was dedicated on 12/10/18.

How much longer do we have? What's next? And who are the 144,000?

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couple of years. look what happened last

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I was reading the Bible today, and it was in Acts where I came across some lines talking about I believe Moses, learning the secrets of the Egyptians. It also talked about Moloch and other idols the Jews worshipped in the woods. In many parts of the Bible they talk about secret knowledge and sorcery and all sorts of interesting things unknown to us, but were known to others at the time. And apparently many people barred witness to these things. People performing miracles and healing people and raising people from the dead. So many people at the time believed this, because I think it actually happened. For the prophets, it was God who gave them the powers. Hebrew and Greek are gematraic languages. It's a language based on numbers. The idea is for the words and numbers to match up and correlate with one another to express much deeper meanings to what is being said. It's why Jews recite their holy books in Hebrew at the synagogue. There are many things that give way towards the prophecy being fulfilled. Once the 3rd temple is built, that is when things will get wild. Which is supposed be not to far away

We only have 15 minutes left. BTW what was the 2 gorrilan get

They think by doing evil they can bring the messiah quicker. Its like two trains coming towards each other on the same track.

Your whole life

Choose wisely how you live it as best you can

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I believe this as well. Why fight for a losing side though?

>who are the 144,000
The black dudes who fucked your mom

we either got till around 2024 or 2027 i believe

Road to hell ....something something good intentions.

Because they are possessed by demons. They worship the material realm which is Satan's realm. Those who are good and of God are not loved by the world. The crazy shit you see is satan and his minions are out building his army.

>only 144,000 are chosen

Stop following JW non-sense.

>Beheaded by Pope Francis

Top kek

shit novel set op

This sixth trumpet is coming soon bros

Christcucks worship the wrong god lol gg faggots

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Considering the fact that the authoritarian agenda that is playing out now has been slowly planned over many generations tying back over 100 years or more far more than the average persons life time. I think well these elites are greedy and certainly not stupid they would realize these goals would have not come to fruition in their life time so they wouldn't bother because of how narcissistic they are unless one of two things is true.

>1.They can live longer than we know about

>2.They know a something we don't

Possibly both may be true and I'm leaning more towards the possibility of both and whatever their end goal is I don't think it's as simple as just money and power their is something else.

Why go to such extraordinary lengths just to sit on the throne as king of the world with all the money and power even if they had all that well what then ?

I think this about something else , something possibly fundamental about reality itself that we don't know about.

Why do they feel the need to rule? Are our minds really that important that they must have power over them?

I assumed it was just pure satanism.

>Which is supposed be not to far away

How far ?

i find it really difficult to believe that Jesus Christ would ever approve of war, so all the neo-cons and Democrat war-mongers would definitely fall on the no-no list.
If Jesus wants to wage war, that's His prerogative, but countries should only be concerned with defending their countries, not invading other countries (for any reason whatsoever, even for "humanitarian"reasons, since war just makes even more chaos and misery).
the pedo/trans is obviously wrong.

an user quoted John 4:16 and said some shit how jesus will come back and slay the kikes

Yes exactly I know that anyone with half a brain realizes that there is no need to have absolute power and all the money in the world. These elites are very clever people surely there is a deeper reason behind wanting this control.

I'm not religious in any way but I do believe there are things about reality we as humans just do not know and for all we know there could actually be evil forces at work they may not be from any religion recorded here on earth but evil none the less.

I do feel whatever is behind this whole thing is very sinister in nature and definitely is something that we would consider supernatural.

its metaphysical good vs metaphysical evil. nothing inbetween, just one or the other. they are just metaphysically evil and thus try to destroy everything that is good.
There was a thread on 8/pol/ recently talking about something called "Cute Aggression". Basically (((some people))) rather than having their nursery and protective instincts getting triggered when they see something good they start raging and wanting to kill the good and the cute, and it appearently can be caused by an underdeveloped amygdala. This is very similar to what i mentioned. They see something good/cute and instinctively want to destroy it. Wether it culture, tradition, morals, spirituality, general well being, everything thats good and holy is an enemy to them.

Explains why serial killers start off killing household pets.

>i find it really difficult to believe that Jesus Christ would ever approve of war
not really. God in the bible is basically said to have fun wrecking shit on others nations, jesus himself said he didnt come to bring piece but a sword. Its just the reason for war matters. Todays neocon wars in the middle east are indeed something God wouldnt approve i guess, but war in general is still a way to go. There is an entire passage about how you are allowed to make war, what trees you are allowed to cut down in an act of war to turn into weaponry etc.

gay pride parade events serve as nexuses and hives for spreading their viruses, who knew the skit in Team America called: "Everyone has AIDs" was not satirical

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I've seen quite a few studies on people who meditated for several months 10 mins a day and their amygdala's actually go smaller and as a result they were much calmer people they had much smaller responses to anger and fear and were generally much less inclined to anything violent.

The amygdala is the brains organ for creating anger and fear if it was underdeveloped why would this cause such a thing ?

okay... but i'm not talking about Old Testament Yahweh/Jehovah/God.
I'm talking about New Testament Jesus Christ. Not Paul, not Peter, not Catholic popes, not modern day Protestantism.... Jesus Christ.
Which means, the Gospels (the first four books of the New Testament).
The Gospels says nothing about going to war, or about killing people you disagree with, or who don't worship in the exact same manner as you.
Unless you can show me something from the Gospels that encourages acting like a bloodthirsty barbarian, i'm just going to assume it's just people distorting the message of Jesus Christ for their own political/monetary gain.

This is also why the traditional Catholic mass in Latin was memoryholed
It has real power

oh, and as far as "came to bring a sword, not peace", i still think that's more symbolic and not literal, because actions speak louder than words.
Now Mohamed definitely came to bring a sword, and not peace, and his actions are proof to that.
But the only time Jesus got upset was at money changers in the temple, and even then he didn't use a sword. He never killed anyone.
He also often spoke in parables, so just as Jesus didn't literally mean for people to be a mustard seed, i don't think he literally meant for people to resort to the sword.
Sword is often symbolic of "sword of truth", i.e. words of truth.

Why are people trying to seperate Jesus from the old testament, when he himself confirms he is the son of God those prophets talked about
>17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.
and again
>34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword
>35For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law
this specifically says that a true christian will be basically be at war, to some degree, with everyone around him, edging on with people that enduldge themselves with sin and depravity and calling those out and refusing to submit.
And in the same manner we are meant to oppose evil everywhere.
Are we meant to go to war with every non believer? Probably not, but we are meant to spread the gospel and call out evil and subversion.
Are we meant to subdue nations purely based on their fate? Probably not too.
Are we meant to go to war to stop evil from happening and spreading? Absolutely. Its just that this never is the reason for war anymore.

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Nobody is mentioning how soon before jesus is said to come back.
I use to not be a christian. It wasn't until I started digging into simulation theory that opened my eyes. Now it's unmistakable. We are here to learn and evil is everywhere and seems to grow with each day. There is nothing left.

Schizo posters fuck off back to

kys shill

simulationtheory is just christian genesis void of anything divine. Instead of God the all mighty you get some pleb outside the simulation, instead of the spiritual realms, the heavens you get another material one outside of this one. Instead of satan wispering lies into your ears it occasionally becomes saturn casting the matrix onto us.

>We are here to learn and evil is everywhere
this is true, but think about what the bible said. We ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, thus are meant to learn of this. We knew of good from God already, but not evil, and best way to learn is through experience. We cant experience evil in eden thus had leave, and now experience evil that we may learn from it and comprehend it so that in the end we may decide for good over evil fully aware of what these actually are.

Simultaniously Satan tries to show God how lowly we are, thus he plagues us with every plague he has that we may fall from faith. However since God knows and trusts us he lets this happen, we have to learn of evil either way, and this way might as well teach Satan a lesson, make him see how after everything he could do we will still glorify Gods name and showing Satan he was wrong about us the entire time making even him turn around in the end possibly

>9The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance
Is Satan included in "everyone"? I think so.

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>How much longer do we have?
Don't ask Christians for the answer.

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Simulation theory was just the start on the path.

what was the rest? what made you fall from faith?

Matt 24 + Luke 21:31 + Mark 13:29 ... I think when the 3rd Solomon temple will be built, then a very short time

>Why fight for a losing side?
Oh boy, you're in for a rude awakening when it comes to war.

Do you know why knowing how to use a knife is important when we have nukes?

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The word schizo has lost all meaning just like nazi

Please include a definition or kys

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Why cant it be both?

Stars can be dots in the dark and patterns can be recognized as art

Ignoring art in patterns of assumedly random dots is just arrogance from a pleb or whatever's point of view is it not?

who started the simulation though, ever think it's a simulation to find special people that was created by God?

simulation theory works to explain the properties and principles, but it fails as a philosophical foundation as its void of any of purpose and reason creation brings with it.