All of our problems are very simple:

All of our problems are very simple:

Feminist introduced women into the workforce.

Immigration introduced immigrants into the workforce.

You cant compete with that.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, that's why there's affirmative rights and quotas for women. Because they're winning in the competition. Right.

is this wamon real?

Are you retarded? Have you seen real women before?

she's gunna be fat in about 3 years. scope the thighs, the pasty, thick thighs





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Both problems, you can thank the jews for that.

Yeah but who created feminism?

who let in the immigrants?

Its hard to keep coming on Jow Forums when you re in noFap

Simple solution: All white men drop out of the work force.

In 1950 women were 1/3rd of the workforce in 2018 that is still only 43%. Mostly brown women in the service industry.

There goes 44% of the US workforce.

Oh shit wait a minute...

She must be bred by over 6’ redhead with blue eyes man

To be fair this is Jow Forums

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Which goes back to mainstream media, which pushes these things in a mindless crawl toward 'equality'
Sorry, brits aren't sexy enough to compete with cowboys

>ability to skirt minimum wage laws

tfw no ginger wifey in her undies lounging around the house while the kids sleep

Here is how it goes.

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>Chunky gingers
>A bad thing


I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Even better

R...s family clan. Everyone knows it. they rule this rock with vengeance. ;-)

It comes up naturally.

>jews pushed for feminism
>jews pushed for immigration

Hmmm, Im starting to see something. A kind of pattern. But it's probably nothing, I'm going back to sleep boys!

In all honesty. Giving women "freedom" hurts them so much.

1.Thirsty betas and underhanded chads push sexual liberation.
2.Women think it will give them more control over their own sexuality.
3.End up as worthless cumdumpsters.
4.Women cry out for the government to police human relationships.
5.End up as being avoided, worthless cumdumpsters.
6.Cry for even more "womens rights".
7.Repeat ad infinitum. Destroy the family and public trust in the process.

A lot of guys here think being am attractive chick is winning a lottery ticket. Pic related. This chick was beautiful when young, but she decided she is too smart to settle so she sucked some old rich guys cocks, then rode the carousel, now she's a D-list celebrity single mom with mental health issues.

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not that naked no sir.

If you think about it, all great empires were built on this cycle.
First you build society, then women break it.

Capitalists (brackets optional)

No this is a planned genocide

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how can you realistically make this statement about the entire labor market

Fuck off Nigel redheads belong to Éire/pol/ alone

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rotherham bitch

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stahp raping muh SC1 goliath..!

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Feminism is a viral bioweapon virus. Feminism is bio-terrorism, a bio-terror attack.

Both of these groups increase the supply while demand falls due to automation, and both these groups are quota'd

Yes all started by Jews

Too late, I'm already engaged to a redhead scottish girl.

Far older than the Jews themselves user

>How Civilizations Fall: On the role of radical feminism in the decline of civilization
>The Fate of Empires (specifically XXIV The Arab Decline)

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You're right.
I can't work for pajeet-money. I'm more skilled than Pajeet, so I should be earning more than him.

Fuck off, poofy Pom! You didn’t want them in the first place, so you shipped them Stateside.

God I would violate the fuck out of that.

Once women entered the workforce it was the beginning of the degradation of western families and it shifted into nothing more than a loosely bound group of worker units that could disband at will (divorce); the introduction of foreigners only sped this up. All of this was simply so (((private corporatists and corrupted bureaucrats))) could increase profits.

>t. ahmed

>>> 200000000

oh shit just noticed, when did that happen?
I was waiting for it but fell asleep.