Racists of Jow Forums will unironically argue against this

>racists of Jow Forums will unironically argue against this

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what's the african one?

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speaks volumes that the first three have to be (((diagrams))) to get your point across

a big sandcastle

You are literally comparing a peasant hut to massive projects

Attached: 11-colosseum-2.jpg (640x320, 53K)

3 continents/areas with countless different cultures vs one ethnic group.

How fucking stupid are you op?

oh it's that mud crap they gather every year to rebuild? looks decent in the drawing, while in real life is a fucking mudhut

Ethiopia, I think

>implying huts weren't massive german projects

Every single person lived in a walled off mud fort? Cool beans! I'm fine with high violent crime and wasting tax money now!

>implying whites don't commit violent crime
Racist logic never ceases to amaze me

All these buildings were built by Germans, change my mind.

They really think their own people are infallible lmao.

>Implying that's what he fucking said

oh look, another illiterate retard.

Changing your mind .......... done.
Your mind is now changed.

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>implying living free under the sky without the degeneracy of cities is not the best way to live

cringe post

>African structure
let me guess, North African?

>fucking fuck fuckking fuck fuck fuck fucking fuck fuck fuck
All racists except a very very small minority are unintelligent. Prove me wrong. You can't

looks Ethiopian

Germans arent white

Is it "act like a retard but pretend like you're spinning gold day" or something?

>muh ancient shit
Modern African architecture looks like 2000 year old Germanic architecture

Being white=better than old buildings. Civilization corrupts anyways. Just look where the biggest degenerates are today. In the cities. Varg is right on this point.


>civilization (aka willful subservience) is güd

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The African one wasn't even built by negroes and the Indian and Middle Eastern ones were built by genetically different people from what we would consider to be arabs and wogs today you utter fucking spastic. Read a book for once you retarded embarassment.

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Say fucking a few more times, maybe you'll feel better!

>be Germanics
>literally conquer everyone everywhere and create the modern world

We have nothing to proof, everybody go home

Time has changed those societies quite a bit...dumb ass

he so totally fucking will

Stop feeding this fucking bait, you're make us look bad. Idiot

Fuck off ape

>his only "argument" is complaining about a single use of "fucking" as if he were a Victorian spinster

Niggers and kikes will try and fail to prove whites are inferior. Spics and poos know whites are superior.

Holy fuck so the get for this half of the year is some autistic dead Jew worshipper who thinks the Jew he worships is going come back to life and get rid of Jews

What a fucking waste.

But I'm whiter than you, lol. I also have strong slavic cheekbones. Pretty sure I fit your racist stereotypes better than most of you here. Yet I'm way too intelligent to be racist. Blacks are pretty cool and they make good music and jump high in basketball.

What's the matter? Offended? You poor racist soul you!

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You don't really seem to understand how civilization develops and spreads.

You are such a retarded little yiddish cocksucker that one day you'll go so far up your own ass that you'll be unidentifiable to the rest of your autistic little bum chums you colossal fudge packer.

>Ted-pilled Germans.

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>the coliseum is German architecture
Roman’s hated Germans and considered them savages lmao




>What's the matter? Offended? You poor racist soul you!
Yeah, you really offended me by making Richard Simmons look like Dick Proenneke in comparison.


>Indian and Middle Eastern ones were built by genetically different people from what we would consider to be arabs and wogs today you utter fucking spastic
Care to explain how the genetic makeup of Indians and middle easterns changed over time since I don’t believe you

No point in arguing with such unintelligent, uneducated people. It's best to let them enjoy their delusions, or they just drag you down to their level

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>Care to explain world history to me since I dont believe you

>look mom, I can reverse google image search!!
It's bed time, sweetie

Dumbass you can’t say ridiculous things and not provide a source

>2000 years ago

>Roman’s hated Germans and considered them savages lmao
t. watched a youtube video about Rome one time
Read Tacitus

wtf you talking about, retard? I said nothing about the image you posted

>literally conquer everyone everywhere and create the modern world
Did you mean the English.

I'm just going to assume you were talking about the culture who's language you wrote that in

Dont you know these retards consider romans, egipcians, indians, Chinese and any other race they can think of as "Wh**e" as log as it serves their narrative?

Hypocrites do the "wewuzkangs" shit

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>ridiculous things
That really depends on how ignorant you are in the first place, doesnt it?

What he means with germanic is white people. He is extrapolating the savagery of the germans tribals to the rest of Europe.

Alone in the wilderness a man must check himself.

Ok, my mistake since I don't know the name of that black gentleman I posted. Still, no need to call me a retard. I know how to integrate a two-variable system, after all!

Me reading Tacitus won’t change the fact that the coliseum isn’t 2000 year old German architecture

Sure why not

Here is another fun fact
>pic related

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>African means black

reminder: this is what sub-saharan 75 IQ negroes actually think

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they build ships that could reach greenland and north america though. the germs were nature fags

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source please on that '2000 year old African architecture'
also comparing peasant housing to massive public works projects lol, let's compare the typical slov hovel to the empire state building, you dumbass

Let me guess you wouldn’t beat your dad to death for a Rite of passage would you?

>africa - a model
>india - a drawing
>middle east - a drawing
>germanic - a (((current year))) picture

you're a fucking retard

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even centuries later, nobody could build ships that could withstand the journey to north america/

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Getting a chubby for ancient huge buildings is pointless because you have no use for them as a nomadic hunter in a place that's cold as balls.

Kek this

How did the Germans came from that to the most NPC Robotic white people of Europe?

or ethiopia or timbuktu



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alright, Cvetko, you had enough fun trolling americans, it's time to stop now

>African architecture
Isn't that a model of Qarth from Game of Thrones?

You’re embarrassing yourself all up and down this thread my man

>african architecture

Yeah citation needed, Mr Diaspora

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You not being racist won't cause a nigger to leave you alone if he feels like harming you in some way. You live in a bubble.

>Impliying Romans we're Germanic

Romans we're med

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ye ok

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Romans and greeks had blonde hair and light eyes. Ever read the odyssey? Fucking brainlets i swear

Why do all blonde, blue eyed, clean shaved guys look like ultra feminine sissyfags?

>be English
>literally conquer everyone everywhere and create the modern world


You cut the part where you wake up all sweaty screaming we wuz meds n shit

oOo I like this

Based Isreali

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