>Research finds over 80% of the US male population are attracted to girls younger than 14.
What do we do about the Americans friends
>Research finds over 80% of the US male population are attracted to girls younger than 14.
What do we do about the Americans friends
You Bong don't have to do anything at all. Sit back, pop a Monster and watch the Jews, spics and niggers take care of America.
>men attracted to girls capable of having children
Holy shit I hate biology now
Source nig?
Link to research. Also, from the papers ive read its not just the US, but Euros, Asians, and everyone
Carpet bombing would be a good start, but definitely not enough on its own.
i have had 14 y/o girls with big tits lusting after my dick. i didnt do anything besides make out because i was inexperienced and thought the age difference made it wrong, but mostly the former. Now that im more comfortable around woman and aware of their nature and tricks i probably wouldnt be able to resist a girl that was 14 with a rack who was down to fuck.
Aslong as they have been through puberty it is absolutely natural. The point is people accept that is to young and fucking them is taking advantage and is therefor, correctly, punishable by law. Its pre-pubescent that becomes an issue as this is actual pedophilia. Danielle Bregoli is my case in point.
This is the biggest mistake of your life.
change federal laws to reflect the will of the majority.
This. For all of human history and even evolutionary ancestors post pubescent female where having sex and reproducing. Though laws restricting them to eighteen or so are still good, teenagers are fucking retarded, and can't have legitimate relationships with adults.
Based, and christpilled.
We tell men they will have a criminal record if they are caught fucking a 14 year old. If the uncivilized wish to make themselves known over a price ass juvinile ass, then we can use that information to form a more perfect union.
every man was attracted to small girls in his life. you know, when they were small boys, too. idiots
*world population
don't be pedo.
No, change them to reflect modern times where females are developing faster and at younger ages.
from you flag i assume you're asking what's wrong with the other 20% right?
>younger than 14
Can anyone give me advice on how to date girls younger than 14?
You tell us Muhammad