B-But tendies

B-But tendies..

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Get the fuck off this website and get a job you lazy fucking nigger have some self respect

Alabama leading the way. Roll tide.

>can't pay for food
>can pay for interwebs

Roll Tide! (More of an Auburn fan if I had to cheer)
>psychotic depression
>borderline personality disorder
>schizoid personality disorder
user I think I'm honestly a danger to everyone. I might be the exception to the 'just get over it and get a job' accusation.

I make about 2,400 a month with a 20 hour job and disability. Still able to qualify for EBT, it's a blessing and I appreciate it every month.


All other countries that see this thread take note, THIS is the average American you are arguing with on Jow Forums. Don't waste your time.

Lmfao nigs can't read or are going to ignore the letter and spend it all at once, then get pissed they've got no food come Februrary.

Are all of our southern brothers this helpless or is welfare just a southern thing?

You're not. You're just some lazy asshole who apparently can't be bothered to receive the necessary help to make yourself a productive member of society.

As long as you vote for Trump to get rid of illegals you can keep your money.

This has gotta be done on purpose, everyone knows niggers will spend it all within a week.
Nigger riots in feb everybody, mark your calendars.

Lazy and entitled. Off yourself, you fucking leech.


Yeah we know. Despite the clear warning a month in advance the dumb shitskins will spend it all immediately and chimp out come February.

Diagnoses are for faggots. Are you really going to let your life be dictated by what the shrink read out of the DSM?
Rise above you little bitch

>psychotic depression
they should put you in a supervised work program and be done with it

I did.

I'm white and I typically only buy produce, I have about $300 on my card still from 30 days ago. It's just to help, I don't depend on it, it's just to help out.

I don't think you're a psychiatrist or qualified medical doctor, I was working 10 hours a day, six days a week working at a translation firm but the constant interaction with people turned me into an alcoholic and I almost died from it and the treatment plan included a step back from being overexposed to people and getting onto disability for a few years while I work on a treatment plan.

I'm sure a lot of you know what it's like to fall apart, I'm glad you guys got it together so quick, I just needed a minute on my knee to get my shit together. Not everyone who uses disability or EBT is a fuck faggot nigger lib, sometimes normal people need it too and that's why I pay taxes.

What's schizoid personality like?

lucky bastard
i wish i could of get the bux for free
instead im forced to slave to death just before im taxed into a coma

>I'm white
Then it doesn't apply to you does it, you're going to plan ahead like a white man.

You should probably kill yourself.

get on meds fag

I think this is a case of has and has nots, I don't think you understand what it means to have that mix of crazy. My NIMH support group is basically violent alcoholics and heroin addicts anonymous. It's rough man.

So let me guess, you believe the moon landings were fake and the earth is flat, right?

I understand what it means to have failed as a man: congrats you’ve done it!

Schizoid sounds like schizophrenic but it's not, it's a schizoaffective disorder that makes anxiety build up in the presence of other people. I worked hard to stay at work, I even talked to HR and got my own office, not cubicle. It wasn't big but in the given course of a day I talked to about 50 people and it wore me down like a belt sander. I stayed for 12 years.

>america is not a groided socialist shithole

this is now an america hate thread

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>asking people on TendiesBux to budget

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a dangerous burden on society that we all pay for. great.

>contributing to a society that hates you

1000mg seroquel nightly
6mg xanax a day

I think about it a lot.

You're correct, it's taken about 8 months to find a medication that worked to help stabilize and have been seeing a therapist 3 times a month working on CBT for 13 months. Currently hoping to be back to a working level by 2020.

You're not wrong. Life's not been kind to me, but that's no excuse. Dealing with a lot of PTSD. Maybe we'll make it, senpai.

Alabama neet

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>asking non-white slaves to budget their handouts

Common sense should've told you to inform your employer after visitations to a psychiatrist or doctor so that a record could be made for your disability. Most places of employment are required to offer accommodation to their employees if there's proof of the disability they claim. Again, you're a lazy asshole that couldn't be bothered. Next time follow all the way through with the suicide attempt, no one likes a quitter.

For what it's worth, I hope you never have to go through it, all the humiliation and exhausting work trying to claw your way out of a confusing, spinning black hole just so you don't get called a faggot.

I work 25 hours a week delivering pizza in addition to disability checks. I'm a 35 year old man with a bachelor's degree in political science. I have a job, nigger, and I have some shred of self respect. I even own a house from before all the shit hit the fan.

You guys can be so judgemental sometimes.

Ha trump cucked
Made payments go early rather than let people see what gov does

>t's taken about 8 months to find a medication that worked to help stabilize and have been seeing a therapist 3 times a month working on CBT for 13 months.
and.....whos paying for this?

I did this. I took a 6 month FMLA, managed to stop drinking, returned and within a year it was back to square one. The idea of applying for disability never even occurred to me until I just quit going to work one day and my psychiatrist helped me get the process started.

Its fukcing happening. Niggers are way too stupid to budget. By the end of February half of the niggers in this country will of starved to death. Trump is solving the nigger problem

slave goyim such as yourself are burdening society far more than he is

>When the weather turns cold they'll make their move...
Audibly Hmm'd out loud...

When you get on disability, you get basic medicare. When I was working I had zero healthcare, I couldn't afford to pay a psychiatrist $300 an hour, after I qualified for disability, I only owed about $50. It changed my life, it was a huge help and I finally had access to healthcare.

Laundry list of excuses for being a useless piece of shit.

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>all these mad wagecucks

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leeching nigger

>give niggers all their gibs early
>they eat it all in January and starve
Was this the plan for cleansing America?
Also get off this board nigger, no white man needs gibs

>25 hours a week
A full time job you nigger

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Weak ass nigger. I talk to at least 80 people a day and it's fine. Stop being a spastic and clean your room!

America is trying to kill off its white population.

If I make more than about 2k a month, ie 25 hours a week, I lose disability. If I lose disability, I lose medicare and can't afford medications, psychiatrists or therapists and I'm back to square one. It's all balanced because I went to find professional rehabilitation and I'm currently 40% of the way through that process.

I know you guys are just memeing but surely you have to understand I'm trying to get out of this problem I'm in, I'm not trying to live off other people. I am the person this system was made for, not third generation welfare niggers.


Nobody forced you to become an alcoholic you did that to yourself. you put yourself in this situation.

Nah most of us aren't meming
Just like with druggies
We want them to od and die
Welcome to the mommie board
We dont care that people suffer, its worse than us

Do everyone the favor and stop existing.

So basically, what this letter is saying is you get free extra money for spinning rims and a new iPhone this month, and that you'll still get your usual money next month.

If you actually have those issues you should throw yourself off a bridge headfirst into concrete

if you don't do that at least don't waste time and air by reproducing ur fucked genes

just tagging to see who got the get

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>living like utter trash to own the jews

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No, I think because of the shutdown they are issuing them early to avoid not being able to in Feb. As for the other hyperbole, I drive a 2016 Focus with nothing added but Black Ice trees and I have a free phone from Cricket which I pay less than $30 for because I don't have anyone to call or text but I need it to set up doctors appointments.

Cool, thanks.

I'm in recovery, I haven't had a drink since I began treatment.

Oh lord it's happening now drugged up starving hordes are in your future

>psychotic depression
>borderline personality disorder
>schizoid personality disorder

kill yourselves

See you can be proud of yourself and thats key
Doesnt change what other people think
This how all the minorities feel when getting shat on.
Learn fromit and rember why you shouldnt
Sadly a lesson many will never have

Why does a lonely fucker like you need to make doctors appointments?

for sure

Just out of curiosity user... Have you heard of Ayn Rand? If you have, thoughts?

>get raped multiple 50+ times as a kid until you run away at 16 because duct tape can't restrain you
>get personality disorders due to the fact everyone around you seems to want you to have sex for accomadations
>people repulse you because you've been assaulted your entire life and now you have a hard time interacting

And you're telling me to kill myself. I asked for none of this, guy, you make it sound like I went shopping for this shit. I'm trying to get well and it's niggers like you who just want me to fail so you can laugh about it for three seconds. I wouldn't wish this degree of trauma or PTSD on anyone, ever, for any reason.

Thank you for saying that. I am trying my hardest.

I see a therapist 3 times a month, a psychiatrist once a month and a GP once a month.

I read a lot, mostly scifi which is a genre relegated for the time being to coming of age books like Mortal Engines or whatever, so I dig mostly 60-90's scifi. Ayn's books seem to have a lot of controversy surrounding them and I admit I don't know much about them, sorry.

I only ask this because it helped me out quite a bit. It made me realize that I am the faculty of my own life, that with my own hands, not with the labor of others, do I own my life and can produce for man who need their assistance from me.

It helps. They're all fiction books. But I'm 100% independent now. I don't know your mental illnesses or how deep in the hole you're in. Care to tell me about it?

Keep your head up, user. Start working out, talk with better people! Nobody here is going to help you the way you need.

You realize that a lot of the board is White supremacists right? Like they're as NPC as libs are they don't care about the fact they have mental health issues as far as they believe they're totally fine thinking they can kill or maim whoever they want and especially degrade people online because lolnoconsequences but the truth is their ego is being shattered by all the whtie hate going on and that's what caused them to come out of the shadows and destroy this place
Good on you for getting help, don't feel like you're alone and push through
t. psychiatrist

I've been there user it's hard for people to understand unless they've been through it. Hang in there, keep on not drinking and things will get better. Take it easy on yourself it will help you heal.

Came here to post this. They're going to spend it all on takis and crab legs and starve next month.

assuming this isn't some LARP, you probably contribute more to society and are more self-starting than the edgelords replying to you lmao

>have a job, you so pay taxes and aren't just looking for more gibs
>in recovery, so you know admit you fucked up somewhere
>have actual, non-bullshit mental problems

the only thing I can recommend user is that you don't focus on the labeled diagnoses too much.

If you keep thinking that way, you're telling yourself that you can be typecast off a few symptoms. That can be helpful for docs, but you're more than that.

Men throughout history, and probably close to you in your life, have overcame these same issues with the same skills and options that you have, maybe even less. You can be one of them.

do you pay (full)rent somewhere? if not youre rich and should stop stealing my money

tfw get 70 shekels on snap while niggers and spics get 300 because they shit out kids

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>psychotic depression
>borderline personality disorder
>schizoid personality disorder
All of these things are just pseudonyms for “fucking asshole with a desperate need for other people’s attention and money”. There’s literally nothing wrong with you other than you choosing to be an effeminate faggot

Sounds like juche.

Uhhh well this is all pretty serious but I'll try to tl;dr it.

When I was growing up I had a babysitter who would fingerblast me in the garage away from the other kids, her husband got involved and I tried to tell my mom but she seemed not to mind (as an adult I ponder if it was child prostitution). I wasn't sure if it was wrong for a few years but then as I got to be 14 or so, I tried telling the public school system and my mom swooped in and told them I was 'extremely autistic and ADHD.' I finally gave up and started fighting back, like I'd grab a knife and leave. Eventually she got me a cat and it all seemed to calm down a lot from there but once I was in love with my cat, my mom would constantly kidnap him and tell me if I didn't do what she said, she's starve my cat and chop it's back legs up so it would eat them. This continued for 2 years until I'd had enough. I threw a chair through my window and me and my cat ran away across state lines where, to keep the story short, I met a hispanic man who said I could sleep in his warehouse if I sucked his dick twice a day. I did. The warehouse was for a Mexican grocery store so I ate like a Hispanic king until my cat finally died of old age. I cleaned up, got a job and a girlfriend. She had 2 abortions and it really fucked me up, third one she had and I'll summarize it by saying I had a daughter die of her mother's negligence while I worked 3 jobs to support her mom's meth habit. This was when I broke, quit my job and tried extremely hard to kill myself with alcohol. I lived out of a Ford Focus for 2 years and donated plasma to afford food / gas. My dad stepped in out of nowhere, supported me while I applied for disability and for a few years I struggled hard, but 3-4 years of calmness have helped and now I'm in recovery.

Please keep in mind that's vastly oversimplified and there's a lot more unpleasant stuff stuffed between those way points in my life.

>please make sure you budget
my sides! oh this is going to be good!

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>You guys can be so judgemental sometimes.
are you white?

>food stamps
>misspelled Jow Forums
Nigger confirmed

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>said I could sleep in his warehouse if I sucked his dick twice a day. I did.
fucking why??!!!!!??!? just sleep in a trash can. NO ONE HAS STARVED TO DEATH IN THE USA IN 100 YEARS. common dude

t. was homeless for years and never sucked a dick

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Clean your room
Take your meds
Wash your dick

Oh dont get me wrong, consider you cumskin wiggervtrash.
I am not going to let you return to the table.
That doesnt mean there arent other tables nor that i would ghost you.
Youexist and are improving.
The secret is to remember how far youve pulled yourself up, not how far down you still are from me
Improve yourself, dont accept that fallen table, keep trying to come back

Is this sent to all your niggers?

Fuck man, that's brutal.

Okay. I mean, obviously you've been through pain and suffering, and seem to want some help. As for Juche, it couldn't be further from that ideology. it has an understanding for individualism in its entirety, and the ultimate man is the one who owns their own labor and life.

Do you have any business aspirations? Aspirations in general?

I own a small 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house. I could only afford it because it was on family land, I'd gotten it when I had a daughter because I wanted her to have her own room and not sleep with us in a 1 bedroom apartment. So I just pay taxes on it, but it's paid off from previous hard work.

It's good advice. I have quit other humans the way an alcoholic quits drinking. Everytime I get mixed up with them, I'm worse off for it.

I don't think you have the slightest inkling of what any of that means.

the only way you'll be able to escape the impending category 5 chimpout is if you buy a time machine

>no food stamps will be given out during black wewuz kangz month
I cant wait

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So if we killed you it would be a net benefit to society?

Because it killed three birds with one stone. It was air conditioned, I could eat whatever I wanted and it had a very clean toilet and shower. If you break it down, I spent about an hour sucking dick a day for an apartment, 30 hours of work for food, rent and luxury. Rethink the efficiency of that. Plus the guy was nice, he wasn't some slob. Sometimes I wonder how he's doing.

I learned Mandarin and French for previous jobs, probably going to move overseas if I can get all this under control. A change of scenery lends itself to a new start. I've been to Taiwan multiple times with my girlfriend, so probably there. Maybe I'll try some Ayn, it's got a reputation for being pretty heavy reading.

>work 38.5hrs most weeks with occasional 46hr weeks, sometimes numerous back-to-back
>schedule changes may happen as soon as day before
>labeled part-time
>only way to become full-time is to work 8 weeks of >40hrs in a row
>38.5hr weeks are thrown in to break that streak if you get too close

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Fuck! Imagine having to live in a Ford Focus.

Life can be a bitch. Maybe get a sleep study done if you can afford it. Sleep deprivation underlines pretty much everything. Well done getting your life back together

>please make sure you budget
Lmao there's gonna be mass riots in February

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Why are you so fucked up?

Only major city’s though, the smarter anons have moved out of major cities

I don't know really. I will remind everyone that while I have fallen on hard times, I am about as right-wing, pro-life, pro-gun as they come and stockpiled guns and spam cans of ammo for almost 10 years, vote republican and pay tithe to my church so I mean I've got my problems but I'm politically rigid and against our ever degenerating society so at least on some level you'd be hurting it.

It was the 5 door hatchback, comfy as fuck. I put up blinds behind the front seats, laid the back seats forward and it was covered in about 15 Good Will comforters, I actually miss feeling like I was living on a boat on the calm seas of Wal-Mart parking lots.

1000mg of seroquel got me straightened out there, restly 6-7 hours of sleep with no sleep walking (I used to sleep walk nightly for hours).

>I learned Mandarin and French for previous jobs, probably going to move overseas if I can get all this under control.
Have you tried to look for jobs on translations? I feel like you can easily make some money doing that. And yes, new scenery is good. Hang in there buddy. We're not all people who tell you to kill yourself. The outlook on life is that you are in control of your body. The act of killing yourself deprives those around you of the potential man you can be. You deny society this, and it is a huge loss, regardless of how lowly that man may be.

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