Why can't we fix America by bringing prayer back in school?

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Prayer is not going to turn spics, niggers, indians, or asian fucks white.

Pretty much this sadly. Progressives and atheist have poisoned the minds of the normies.

Forgot the case name, but atheists fought tooth and nail to get prayers out of schools

we should have non-denominational prayer spaces in schools as well as mandated rest periods where no talking or working is allowed.
forcing people to pray is wrong, but kids deserve the opportunity to decide for themself if they want to or not.
banning prayer outright pisses me off

is there a magical prayer that turns your 60% non white school kids into white?

you mean jews

Pray for what? Not to be shot at school today? I'm sure the imaginary man in the sky will prevent it from happening.

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Cuz God is whatever the preacher/priest/teacher wants it to be. If religion was incorruptible then it should be everywhere

Because a place of facts and science shouldnt teach believes without reason or evidence behind them

hmmmm. So you can't get your kid to learn religious values from you?. Sounds like you're the problem and blaming school again. kys op.

boomer detected, JFL if you think prayer in schools is going to fix anything, we're wayyyyyy to far gone for that.

What you need to do is bring back niggers and beaners to their countries

Science constantly changes and old beliefs are constantly proven to be fake. Religion is constant.

This would do literally fucking nothing you retarded boomer

pledge of allegiance is made by a socialist.

The relative easiness of life provided by capitalism strongly opposes the historically normal hardness of life and the existential worry that came with it.

And despite what the religious 'tards will tell you, science is definitely at odds with religion. They don't necessarily need to oppose each-other in many areas but, they do contradict each other (especially in a literalist interpretation/exegesis).

Irregardless, modern science via its methodology in tandem with capitalism have given us all the fun and important stuff that makes life actually enjoyable, unlike religion which never gave us cool shit like germ theory, electricity etc... You might argue that Christianity provided a basis for these things (sure) but many religions didn't. And more importantly the civilizational foundations provided to us by the pagan Romans and Greeks set the groundwork for pretty much everything.

Anyways, I don't think prayer would fix anything. :/

Its been proven to calm your mind and that's great. But it won't stop a school shooting. And it won't bring world peace.

Go away dumbass.

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The Lord shall find a way

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Because it's over. This is not a country.

prayer to allah?

Because it doesn't work, NPC christpuppet.