Are Albanians the Mexicans of Europe ?
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t. slavic or orthodox turk subhuman obsessed with Albanians
Half of Jow Forums posters is probably from Balkan and other Eastern European Slavshitshitholes, their national pastime must be shitposting from cheap phones
Can confirm
Oh its much worst then that im afraid. Muslim vermin in Europe. Christian coverts, turncoats, traitors, lowest of lows, weak willed subhumans.
Supported by mutts and bongs to do what muslims do best, spread chaos to make fertile ground for regime change and subversion. A stepping stone of muslim invasion of Europe.
S to spit
>4 think everyone hates, bad WiFi signal, slow browsing, low battery and Albanian flag.
Confirmed for an autistic Neet virgin living in his moms basement that has seen Taken too many times
their use to be a gay Albanian on Jow Forums who posted traps, long before the mods got really ban happy
There is an Albanian in one of my classes and she is a mostly smart qt with nice hips
show your flag faggot
Yep. I hate those subhumans. They aren't belong to us.
We even share Eagles on our flags.
Gypsies are the Mexicans. Albanians are the amerimutts.
Roll for verachi BOSSMAN
Nah, it's (((New Germans)))
What if I get a 0?
stupid, unfunny shit
>duplicate file exists here
Do Mexicans have Tonibleros? I don't think so. Checkmate S*rb!
t. Tyrone DaShqip
Slavs are white. If you disagree your skin color is that of poo poo and you're giving yourself away.
Why are Serbs so pathetic Jow Forums ?
are you the same polack who's in every albo thread? get off our shmeat faggot
They are not even the negros of europe
Seriusly an averange nigger is more resonable than the average albanian
Show your flag lets pussy then nigger
>gets raped by a Moroccan
t. Elvis
We are the Mexicans of Europe as much as there is every other country in Balkan.
Shut the fuck up
No, they're the niggers of Europe.
t. Cuck upset because some albanian managed to win the trust of some company owner through hard work and now he is his superior.
Even Turks and Iranians and Muslims hate them,and that tells you A LOT
Well, they all shit all over Skanderburg's legacy by being Muslim. You know his single most hated enemy? They make a mockery of everything he did for them.
This threads make me laugh.Bro Albanians are not even a nation.They are simply islamized Slavs(Serbs) Bulgarians and Greeks.Just look at this pic.Do these look Muslim to you ? They are simply remains of Ottomans and we tried to transfer them to middle east in WW1 but Germans gave them a country and saved them,after that communists saved them,after 1999 USA is saving them.Serbs were massacred in Albania during WW1,Hitler,Communists and after that in the 90s.They dont belong there,thats ancient Greek territories and Albania is a false nation created by Germans in 19th century.Thats it,all other wikipedia narative of them being something else is simply a joke
>their national pastime must be shitposting from cheap phones
The niggers of Europe. Literally the only Albanian I ever met wants to be a fucking rapper. He failed his GCSE's, dropped out of A levels and had to do a college course. I'd take a fucking Erdogan worshipping cockroach over these creatures...
>Bro Albanians are not even a nation
>coming from slavophone country nr.32
the fucking irony
>They are simply islamized Slavs(Serbs) Bulgarians and Greeks
the other way around
most albanians score greek more than actual greeks. what was meant to be greek and balkan is actually albanian
it's you who are a bunch of assimilated albanians
>Germans gave them a country
nvm you're retarded. you're serb anyway so that goes without saying
Yo i remember you lmao you shared this story once before on another thread that somehow involved albanians a few days ago. Jow Forums's a small place
give that pic a brit flag and you get a prototype brit
Mexicans are worse than any non nigger in europe. The only reason we dont have mexican hate threads on Jow Forums is cause most american flags are actually mexicans larping as white nationalist.
I don't remember posting this story on Jow Forums before, perhaps that was another britbong with a similar story or someone who also knows the same albanigger.
Truth hurts you turkish reject
This Albanian from tirena moved here to try and immigrate her slavshit husband and son. She had a degree so she could get in
And let me tell you, I creampied the fuck out of that pussy and ass. She had never been fucked so good, her husband was a terrible lover she said after I bred her smooth pussy. She got scared because I made her squirt for the first time
nvm i get it now
kys t*rk
why is everyone here always up with some retarded story
no one believes you anymore after you mentioned gypsy psychologysts
Gotta agree with the albanian here. That literally never happened
>arent belong
>much worst
>t. literal niggerloving cuck
>brainlet doesnt understand the meme
>his country actually sided with the turkroaches
>i am retarded: the post
More like Tatar Turkish mercenaries
pic related is you, in case you're too retarded to realise this
I'll take Mexicans any day.
Yes, and they secretly speak spanish
Trade us, I dare you
>implying anybody wants to move into your shithole country
>arent belong
Do you even meme?
They did the exact same shit as recently as 15 years ago, and a lot more throughout the mid to late 90s. Now they don't but not because they have all of a sudden stopped being subhuman but because there are barely any Serbs left for them to slaughter.
Impregnate her.
It's true that they commit murder a lot more often than your average Albanigger...
But that's in their own contamination zone done by gangs full of their own waste.
And they wouldn't waste time coming over to our country because there's nothing to steal.
They'd just keep killing each other and dealing drugs on their side if we swapped 'em.
While Albanians are like a plague or an infestation, they just keep spreading...
they're the niggers of Europe
islamic and non-white
ok demi-human muslim caretaker
I'd go to Serbia, join some radical group and shoot up Kosovo. Hell, I can convert to Orthodoxy if I need to.
I know the retarded game reference but I bet the brainlet who posted that does not
ro-ing for gjysh
>join some radical group
Wish we had some
you have to go back abdul
I thought Serbian rap wouldn't lie to me
I am Albanian and I agree. Sorry for those cunts. You aren't wrong.
is it true that americans are issued a loli upon arrival and after passing through customs? asking for a fren
You niggers can suck our dicks hahahahahaha
They are mostly singing about paramilitary groups from the 90s, no active groups atm sadly
Yes. I was born here, and when I visit, they offer their daughters to me. Helps that I don't look Albo at all and speak english.
Mexicans of Europe? Yes definitely fucken so! The cockroaches of America too.
Hey why ugly albos have such flat heads?
Gjirokaster is where all the white people are. Anywhere outside of that are slavs and mudslimes.
It's true. But it's not the kind you fat anime-watching subhumans would like.
You'd be forced into marrying her, thus providing her 1 billion relatives another source of income (to buy land in other countries as a means of slow infiltration) and a visa or two so they could plant their seed in your country.
She'll also have multiple STD's (not that your typical Amerimutt would care).
Show flag, kike.
non flat heads are negro tier
might as well show your mutt flag
Maybe. I was visiting some countries last year. Looking at places I might want to live. I stopped at Croatia. Slovenia was clean, except on routes Croatians passed through. Went into Croatia, fucking shit hole. The country was a disgusting mess. They dump their sewage right into the ocean. So fecal content in coastal waters is high. Trash just dumped everywhere. They can't even run basic sanitation services properly. They had brand new rest stops clearly part of the E.U.s roadway improvements. Those rest stops were nasty. Garbage piling out everywhere. Buildings smelled of piss on the outsides because the bathrooms didn't even function properly. These were new buildings. Trashed. Graffiti all over the place. Although I don't think it was gang related for the most part. Lot of it was stupid shit spray painted everywhere. Nigger tier country. No need to go further South. Hungary gets a pass in areas.
Hahaha like she hasn’t shared that story with other men. Loser and they aren’t slav
I agree, this story is false coming from a
Nice place. I like visiting there.
We can set up our own ones. Come on brothers...
>calling them slavs
>willingly bragging about getting an STD
a fucking leaf
Hey flat head. There was an Albanian super who broke into apartments and rape dogs. Flat head got 10 years in jail
Show me the back of her head pea brain
She was a psychologist for gypsy children and Muslima girls who run from their inbred fathers in the country, it was an orphanage
You in Canada and you’re calling me a kike lmao
Hey, please show us your flag. Thanks!
Yeah, kike. Lmao.
>Hides leaf flag
it's a mutt flag from a servian in usa
You hater, Croatia is beautiful, best spot to vacation
>You in Canada
Can Eurotrash even write properly?
Bullshit. There are only a few clean spots. Leave those spots and its all nasty. You can get sick swimming in the water near their shore. Show your flag or gtfo
He is probably a Croat, lmao!!
Albozergs getting BTFO hard, even fucking turks/mudshits hate them. I knew some chinks and flips that despise albanians KEK
>listening to nigger music
Sure thing pedro
>see you later virgins levels of leafposting
Trump should annex your joke of a country and rake every single leaf
>muh stupid europoors
>visits europe anyway
What did he mean by this?
Agreed. I like the croats because everybody else in the region is constantly seething when they come up.
You’re just a dirty inbred albo. So you guys come to another country and no goats around. So you fucken rape our poor dog. And it was a male lab! Disgusting: my father would scare my sister that is she ends up being a whore he’ll sell her off to a Albanian
>talking about "nasty"
>with that flag
Croatia is a hundred times whiter and an infinite times cleaner than your shithole.
True. He needs to stop dumping trash at every pullout, stop shitting on the sides of buildings and clean his country up