P&G Employee Here

Hi Guys,

I work at P&G (Owner of Gillette). I have been sick and tired of the SJW agenda at the company for years now and I have finally had enough.

I do not need to work here any more as I have no debt and I have a little bit of money saved up.

I am now actively disengaged and I have decided to go ROGUE. Basically, I plan on causing a bit of shit before I leave. See below at my mild first attempt today. It's not much, but it's a start.

I need some good ideas of how I can fuck with management. I have wrote a poster out tomorrow that I am also going to put in the toilet pretending to be a commie and telling people to kill their managers lol.

Give me what you have got /pol

Attached: 20190116_111244.jpg (4128x3096, 3.65M)

Other urls found in this thread:


crypto locker their network drives if your dumb enough

plaster this image everywhere

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Before: A stupid cunt coming to give a talk about diversity at the company.

Attached: 20190116_140507.jpg (4128x3096, 3.44M)

Bump for interest.

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NEVER announce it, because it'll enable several people to circumvent your plan. The best solution is get into a position of power and fire all of the leftists in there, give them bad reviews so that they won't be hired by other corps again.


Sorry its sideways

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Should i apply to work there? I just need the money desu

Leak sjws anti malestuff going on internally. How can you both hate a group and sell them in earnest goods n services specifically tailored for them?

Who hires these speakers in the first place?

this is some shit tier bait
if u didnt know he just took a pic of login

Here is tomorrow's installment ready to go.

Attached: 20190116_183353.jpg (4128x3096, 3.94M)


Also, don't take pictures that reflect your image,

Here is the company 1990's logo from inside the building.

Attached: 20190116_105711.jpg (4128x3096, 3.68M)

Buuump do something spicy faggit

Leaking internal company documents specifically documents which show the management to be corrupt/ inept or other damning material is typically good enough

you should definitely post a note urging people to kill the boss in your own handwriting, nothing could go wrong

posting in LARP thread

God speed user, down with the SJW (((agenda)))


Thinking about a stink bomb or something once I get momentum.

I am going to keep going until I get the sack.


Yep. Moonies, for sure.

Delete system 32 on work computers, all of them.

this is the worst larp i have ever seen we need a newfag genocide.

Do you ever go on business trips to Cincinnati? I would like to help organize the subversion here in the headquarters.

Also, what do you think of our city?

Dude, hope that's not your original handwriting. People can recognize you by that. Unironically DELETE and ABORT.


Got a worm on a USB you can plug into someone's PC on the way out?

shit in the toilet cistern

Shit in the urinals in the women's bathroom.

There was an user here who said he was also working at P&G I stored his comment and this is what he said:
>>A VP said in a 100 person meeting that she will never promote a white man again.
There was a diversity training I was forced to go to that put up 2 pictures, one of a white male team, and one of non-whites and we were asked "i know its an obvious answer, but look at these 2 teams, which would you rather work with?"
Then they hired a black intern right out of college, he was decent but not great, and had his summer boss give him an offer letter. The salary was 15% higher than the manager which had worked for the company for 13 years. The manager quit 2 weeks later, the project they were working on fell apart.

This isn’t my comment but I stored it on my phone. :/
Has anything happened like this at your branch .

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honestly? nobody who doesn't inhabit Jow Forums will understand what you're saying. To people who do inhabit Jow Forums, the tone of voice suggests you are butthurt about something


just get some dirt on the company

I wouldn't recommend telling us what you're doing.

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Gather and save all incriminating documents on a USB. An user posted that brcause they are publically traded company they could be in a bit of trouble by knowingly implementing stratgeies that erode their profits and hence value for their shareholders, thus exposing them to a lawsuit. Godbless user.

kill yourself commie scum

yeah, don't do this. Don't go full retard. Instead, use effective posters. Print out red pills and hang them up, but don't fuck around with shit that talks about killing these freaks.


Do not fear confrontation.
Do not lose your temper.
Show no fear, everyone likes a happy anti-hero.


Don’t get the sack user, in today’s world you might end up on some blacklist.

Leaking company documents and internal information can get you in jail for a very long time my friend.

I wouldn't risk anything stupid.

>bong flag and date orientation
>lists time as us central time zone

what is a VPN?

Thanks, OP.

Try not to get caught !

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>woman traveler meme
when will our world view stop being shaped by thots looking for exotic dick


Hey OP PG&E should look into cloud seeding ground flares that were ignited in all wild fire areas...
Ground-Based Flare Tree

Cost-effective, simple to maintain and easy to install, the ground-based flare tree, or GBFT, comes in two versions to accommodate different flare types: glaciogenic (108 flares) and hygroscopic (60 flares). All designs offer remote, real-time control of the system, utilizing cellular/satellite technology in conjunction with microprocessor technology.

A single, user-friendly graphical user interface enables communication with all of your GBFTs � and provides additional useful features:

Locally save detailed logs
Receive and monitor real-time status
Gain fully automated system control of the system.

Manual Ground-Based Seeding Generators

The manual system is similar to the remote system, except there is no need for communication link, microprocessor or weather data collection equipment. The relatively simple task of operating the valves and switches is performed onsite.

Remote Controlled Ground-Based Seeding Generators

The remote system utilizes a communication link, such as Iridium. The method of communication is determined by the location, and the data link is integrated with the microprocessor for complete remote control.

A centrally located computer provides real-time control of the system, including access to system status and weather station data. This rugged system is designed to withstand the extremes of any storm system that may pass over the site. They are constructed to function even in extreme rime icing and operate under the most demanding of weather conditions.

You dumbass just print and put pages saying " ITS OK TO BE A STRAIGHT WHITE MAN"

Shoal sounds (((suspicious))). Also
>professional adventurer
Her vag flaps must cover a square foot of area.

Jew here.

I just reported it to P&G. It won’t be much longer for them to figure out. You dumb goy.

Imagine being the manager. I'm surprised he didn't do more than quit.

not now shlomo, fuck off

Unironically don't do this. Are you aware it is illegal (NOT free speech) to threaten people including urging people to commit violence? Why don't you print out some funny shit and post it instead.

stop being a fucking retard, that is a different company dipshit

Had one of those at work. Tried very very hard to contain my power level and not sperg all over that phd wymn. Ultimately asked, what's the best kind of diversity for the most productive workforce. She declined to answer. Of course.

Print "It's ok to have a beard" posters and put them up

Yep you is stupid, your mom wants you to take the garbage out after you drink your kool aid


Claim one of the female staff sexually assaulted you

This isn't the place that it used to be as far as being able to talk about things and it not reaching the enemy. I don't advise that you speak about what you're going to do here.

Data breaches are the best way. either share confidential data on the internet or restrict the stuff that everyone uses.

Prints 100s of "Its ok to be a white male." Then, on the downlow slide them inbetween the paper stacks in printers across the office. When those cucks print they will occasionally get the prints. No one will know when the next one is coming.

>The absolute state of the corporate world

I'm actually okay with this. In fact, it pleases me that women are now destroying corporations. The more internal damage they do, the better! This corporate system needs to collapse.

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Print clear and simple charts showing declining white % in the UK but label it as “Increasing Diversity!. Make it look professional and tape it next to the speaker’s poster.

You cinci?


Do a flip, faggot.

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Reveal toxic sjw agenda to public.

fuck salesfarce

Don't do anything illegal.

Shave your balls and scatter the pubes on as many desks as possible

post those SJWs addresses/phone #'s for doxxing to commence

Do not quit!
Stay in there bro, and sabotage them from inside!
Just get some good info/data on this board, the right guys will read it and who knows, maybe Gillette or P&G might get hacked or worse..

Do it for kekistan! Your in a unique position. Keep your head down, and gather all info you can get.

Praise KEK!!!!

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Pretend to be a tranny and demand the CEO position. If they deny, accuse them of transphobia

513 huwites are disgusting. You greasy ghost face fucks disgust me.


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Best idea here. If you have a friend in stock market that's about to quit their job for something else. Get them to BTFO and fuck over the stocks of P&G. Give them a melt-down.

It appears my superiority has caused some controversy.

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OP' manager here.
This thread is shutdown due to toxic faggotry.

First of all u need to erase all traces and leave nothing behind. Go to an Internet cafe, or use an unsupervised of at your workplace to keep posting here.
If your serious about it, it can’t be from any of the devices linked to you, best would be an open work desktop so it can be easily pinned to anyone. And then just feed us some good data in here, or any other similar board for that matter.
If your serious, do not post in here about it, unless your ready to rumble, and from an anonymous device.

Definitely try to go from an unsupervised work pc, possibly in a different department

Leak some dirty inside information.

calling your job on and off for the next 12 hours until i can warn them about you.

good luck.

this, user, stay frosty

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Listen here OP, you only need to read this message.

Leak any insider,sensitive,dirty information. Preferably to rival companies like Colgate.

Media attention is a double edged sword,unless someone there is a pedophile or works for ISIS.Latter being unreasonable.

>Fuck u shill..
he is right tho user, delete this post, throw the device away, and cover your ass first of all. No more posting about this from anything linked to you, and just feed us
>be smart
>stay user

plant cp on top exec computers, report to fbi


>INSTALL AD-NAUSEM, adnauseam.io/

op run an encryption program on their main servers then force them to pay you in untraceable money form (bitcoin) and take off without giving them the password

op are you still there?

ask Jow Forums

bump for interest

Delete this now.
Might be too late already, but delete and erase all traces. Post from an anonymous device to feed us and cover your fucking ass!

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grab a spoon and amok


Need more proof. Post you shaving benis and palls with Gillette razer.


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