Why is the left so obsessed with Trump? What's their problem?
Why is the left so obsessed with Trump? What's their problem?
Cause he's the fucking president dumb fuck. You stupid bro?
What's your problem dumb leaf
>guaranteed replies
I came.
ahahahaha imagine shopping that fake article because you're that obsessed with Trump and can't stand him being in office any longer
you really are a sad nigger
1) they're idiots but
2) trump is kind of undignified for a President of the United States and
3) this jangles their jimmies because
4) they actually believe Hillary would have been better, due to the fact that
5) they're idiots
why are all the pro-Trump people ITT leafs and all the anti-trump faggots are burgers?
“I thought it was a joke.”
He's retarded and his policies are even more retarded
The constant flow of leftist tears is pretty awesome
Melania likes them.
VPN false flagging is the cool thing these days.
Scared he would just walk out to the podium one day and start dropping bombshells of information about the democrats. Specifically Hillary and Obamas Russian collusion with Uranium One. How about Hillarys messy job of covering up the gun running through Turkey to Syria with the Benghazi death of Ambassador Stevens? The Pedo elite? Tons of shit he could dump to fk them up and it would just take one to cause a landslide victory in 2020. Expose them for what they truly are and how they've fucked this country into the ground at the cost of our children and grandchildren. Just one bombshell is all it would take and they know it, so the coup campaign is afoot.
Dumbest motherfucking thread of the day goes to....you.
or name the Jew.
demojew spotted
he didn't bend over when they called him a sexist, racist, etc like so many others have
the shape of things to come...
Lil Bushs/Mossasd involvement is 9/11, big Bush involvement in JFK.
Hillarys Pay to Play setup.
Too many to choose from.
the absolute state of the left. He left the show before becoming POTUS dumbass.
NBC to Donald Trump: You’re Fired
June 29, 2015
NBC has told Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential candidate and former star of “The Celebrity Apprentice” reality show, that he’s fired.
After Mr. Trump made inflammatory remarks about Mexican immigrants, NBC said in a statement Monday that it was ending its business relationship with the billionaire real estate and media mogul. During his June 16 announcement that he was running for president, Mr. Trump referred to immigrants as “rapists” and “murderers.”
Citing the “derogatory statements,” NBC said it would also no longer air the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants, which were part of a venture between Mr. Trump and the network.
NBC officially fires Donald Trump from ‘Celebrity Apprentice’
August 13, 2015
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — NBC entertainment chairman, Bob Greenblatt, had two words Thursday on whether Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump would ever return as host of “The Celebrity Apprentice:” Absolutely not.
>This faggot
Im happy we bombed you, get fucked
when bernie shouts and rambles at people and interrupts them and is contentious and antagonistic and rude he is based and a cool dude. when trump makes a joke or exaggerates for rhetorical emphasis it's LITERAL and he's a LIAR. :thinking:
There needs to be a board dedicated to Trump so all the Trump trash and leftist shills can be concentrated and stop spamming Jow Forums/
Says the guy from a country known for basketball players and trophy wives, that's like one step above niggers.
Imagine a /ptg/ board where the Trump trash and leftist turds could argue specifically over Trump bullshit while /ptg/ could have a few threads about something other than Trump. Put you clowns all onto one dedicated /ptg/ board.
They’re scared he’ll expose their money schemes... it’s pretty obvious all politicians are getting money from somewhere. They go in middle class and come out wealthy.
They lost and are butthurt. More seriously though they are in a never ending battle with each other to see who can virtue signal the hardest.