ITT: The most dishonest movies you've ever seen

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>he fell for it

>she's too stupid to understand it

GSNT is a propaganda film all right with an agenda, but almost all of what it presents is factual.

>my debunked propaganda is just too difficult for you to understand

>but almost all of what it presents is factual.
like the danzig massacre?

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>everything that disagrees with my worldview is dishonest

I don't care about the view point, I care about the literal debunked propaganda it spouts

Happened. Numbers are probably made up *cough*.



I'm reminded of this exchange with a Jow Forumstar once

>Rattled on about Poland being invaded only to save the Germans there being massacred en masse
>State some massacres happened AFTER the invasion but ask for a single example of a pre 1st Sep. one that forced Hitler's hand
>Responds boils down to 'i don't have any. why would I have examples? just listen to and believe hitler's speeches. that's enough for me'

>because OP says so

>muh dresden

I want to rape Reinhard.
He makes Mein hard.
I want to stick my finger tips.
Deep into his womanly wide hips.
I want to violate the Butcher of Prague.
I will do it in the style of a dog.
I want to rape Reinhard Heydrich
With German Sausage, Snake and Dick.

>caring about this shit when we know Hitler was primarily concerned with stopping Stalin & communism spreading into Europe which is why he invaded the extremely weak barrier (Poland) between Germany and Soviet Russia then proceeded to heavily fortify the eastern borders of Poland
>Thinks UK/allies entered the war to liberate Poland then conveniently left Poland to rot for 50 years under communism

It's the banks, stupid

>>Thinks UK/allies entered the war to liberate Poland then conveniently left Poland to rot for 50 years under communism

Churchill REEEE'd over how much leeway the Americans gave the Soviets in the conferences and how Poland was thrown to the dogs. You're too much of a brainlet to realise how much the paradigm shifted with the presence of the Americans/Soviets and how tied the UK's hands were when it came to Poland

>I literally believe everything the media tells me without question.
Is that why you're on /tv/?

>unironically spending 7 hours watching shitty propaganda films

You're one gullible moron if you fell for neonazi bullshit. Crap that idiots take from it get debunked on Jow Forums on a daily basis.

why are u so angry

Watching this as an adult is unbearable.

>Hitler was primarily concerned with stopping Stalin & communism spreading into Europe which is why he invaded the extremely weak barrier (Poland)

His primary concern was exterminating the Jews and resources were diverted to concentration camps in detriment to the war effort

If anything it's the perpetrators who were made up considering it was the Polish minority who was oppressed there by Forster's regime but I don't know about a single event before the war that was big enough to qualify as massacre. So you got fooled by the most entry level propaganda you only had to check.

Cause I get tired of Stormcuck soundbites about the war, and I dabbled in Stormcuck territory myself a few years ago.

Michael Moore is a pretty shitty person with shitty opinions but I find him entertaining.

It takes a level of cognitive dissonance to believe the Danzig massacres happened as the documentary described whilst also being a holocaust denier.

Big brain is both were exaggerated to serve agendas.

You got it from the Hosbach memorandum or any other non-public source straight from his cabinet meetings or diplomatic talks or you're one of those idiots who actually post shit like the headline "Hitler's appeal to peace" as a proof of anything even though by that point his tanks were already on their eurotrip? We know he was a German imperialist purely interested in German imperialism. Which is why he was ready to ally and help Stalin in 1939.

People who believe don't know where the city is, what was its political status, what was the demographics, what daily life looked life for the minority and probably call the city Danzig even today (even though they can't pronounce it).
That's for starters, proving that an actual massacre took place there commited by the minority that went undetected by the press and historians of all countries is another matter.

>Hitler was primarily concerned with stopping Stalin & communism spreading into Europe
>then heavily fortify the eastern borders of Poland
>UK/allies left Poland to rot for 50 years under communism

ummm hun you know hitler gave the eastern half of poland to stalin right?

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You completely failed to refute one word of it. Typical jew.

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Examples or shill.

Sounds like an easy thing to prove them. Go ahead.

Wait, this is an outright lie. Why were so many Jews forcefully deported by the German government? That just makes them harder to catch and kill. The deportations only halted once war broke out.

yes the many uses of eagles, bears, masturbation machines and Zyklon B were wasted in scummy wooden camps in Poland much to the detriment of the wehrmacht

cool story. did he fortify this new border or not?

Who's the media? Generations of entire nations living there? It's you who keep believing in actual historical version of flat earth purely because of political reasons. Unfortunately for you there are people who aren't slave to ideology and report facts the way they are while you keep reufing to address primary sources coming from many different sides that debunk your shit time and time again. You keep losing.

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>resources were diverted to concentration camps in detriment to the war

Instead of building tanks, Hitler built holocoasters.

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Pretty much every "documentary" he ever made to be honest

How many roller coasters did he build with those resources?

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Border with your allies that you conspired with to start a world war?

Bernard "Holstein" Brougham (NOT JEWISH), of the "masturbation machines" infamy, was exposed by a private investigator hired by his publisher and denounced as a faker by his family.

s m

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>Even as the German Nazi war machine faltered in the last years of the war, precious military resources such as fuel, transport, munitions, soldiers, and industrial resources were still being heavily diverted away from the war and towards the death camps.

>Jews all over Europe, from Norway to Greece, were hunted down, arrested, listed, ferried on trains for hundreds of miles and then murdered or worked to death. Even when Germany was losing the war and every effort might have been needed to avoid defeat, trains, soldiers and resources were diverted to this task.

Your move, Holocaust deniers
>inb4 these sources are manipulated by the Jews!

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HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA what the fuck is this shit? Why didn't you make one with Hitler on a top of corpses while you're at it? The absolute state of neonazi propaganda.

Also nice research you fuck with the "original" Buchenwald barrack photo you didn't even care to check the Congress archives for the original. They're in the public domain you moron.

Is it normal that I want to rape Nazis?

Extremely normal. As a patriotic man, it is your duty to do so.

Continued. And masturbation death machines.

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Reminder that they're actual unironic retards.

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>cool story. did he fortify this new border or not?

No. USSR did with the Molotov Line. Germany was banking on a quick offensive war so they didn't build any extensive fortifications.

>commies dindu nuffin

Sure thing, Discord tranny.

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come back when you know the difference between a valid and invalid source

What the actual fuck did he mean by this?

And invade middle east, ye?

A boycott IS the Jewish equivalent of declaring war.

You're a good man.

think harder, brainlet

Who would you rape first? I’m thinking about heydrich’s wide hips.

If you don't get his reference you're either here on another raid or you're a lying discord tranny.

Only if we get to violate them. Honestly, just look at Germany late WWII. They were proud and happy to receive our men. Jumping into our arms literally. Our cocks are the cure to their disease.

A consumer boycott and this is why I keep seeing that headline presented as an actual war not a response to Nazi policies that targeted a portion of the people in Germany? How many German shopkeepers died?

i was honestly disappointed in this frankly. i started watching it in my Jow Forums phase because i saw a video that someone said was from it where there was footage of huge street fights in berlin between socialists and natsocs, as well as a clear depiction of the degeneracy the hyperinflation had created. but then it was just the most cringey fucking shit, like watching a bible story or some shit. it was literally like instead of showing hitler as a great leader and the reasons for his rise and how he fixed shit, it was literally trying to show him as jesus fucking christ.

IRL though you literally vote to let more sandniggers into your country to rape YOU and your women, and then rob/murder you in gruesome ways.

When white nationalists try to cut-off your Arab cum supply, you get triggered.

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>inb4 an actual refute to my sources
WIKIPEDIA is the biggest manipulator of facts and history today. National Archives is a .gov which speaks for itself

try harder schlomo

Does it mean that Gillette will just come and kill us now? Did we violate the NAP?

I was literally taught in school nazis wanted to kill everyone who was not blonde and blue-eyed and my teachers specifically referenced skin lampshades and human soap.

How the fuck did these historians got away with so much bullshit without a single revision or apology?
No one got expelled from academia or had their reputation tarnished for lying out of their ass about the Holocaust.

National Archives means you can go there and ask for them. Wherever it is somewhere in DC.
Is this still too much research? Neonazi blog making up fake quotes is more believable?

Got any more of your neonazi "reputable" sources like some jpegs and pngs infographics?

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So the problem is with American education. How is that my problem we have the best access to primary sources and most deniers seem to be responding not to historians but to whatever is going on in American schools or American media or whatever I don't follow that shit. That would make you a by-product.

>Sensationalism absolves the Germans of any guilt

You elementary or middle school shit isn't serious academic history discourse. They laugh at the lampshade claims. No they didn't turn the kikes into soap but they as sure as shit did dispossess, enslaved, and massacred them en masse.

USA and most Western countries have lots of Jewish institutional power.

The Zionist Christian right sees Jews as literal Chosen People of God that can do no wrong, and questioning their authority is a sin. It doesn't stop retarded lefties from calling them "Nazis" though.

The mainstream neoliberal, socdem, and often even Marxist left also worship Jews in their own way, with many Jews being the heads of the "J-left", and many leftists also see any criticism of Jews as "raycis" or "Nazi talk", etc.

The only ones (besides Muslims) who oppose Jews are objective materialist nationalists and certain factions of objective materialist leftists (Orthodox Marxists, etc).

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Yeah, all 300,000 of them.

American education my ass, if you question a teacher in Germany whether or not skin lampshades you get fucking arrested.
Same in Poland and almost every other western european country.

Germany helped Finland build the Mannerheim Line.

The Polish Institute of National Rememberance investigated the soap claim. It was an actual research lead by dr. Rudolf Spanner in the Institute of Medical Anatomy. Apparently between 10 - 100 kg was produced there's zero proof that anyone was killed specifically for this purpose or that it was used by someone (but probably was tested) or that Spanner was ordered to do it. Bodies belonged mainly to criminal prisoners, patients but there's also at least one body (headless) that had a tattoo of Polish destroyer ORP Wicher (destroyed in the early days of war) on his chest. I'll find some photos.

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Teachers don't just randomly choose what they will teach their students, in the majority of the western world they follow a curriculum, that is verified by a board, that is supposed to do a minimum of research before putting information in a schoolbook.
The fact that skin lampshades were taught all throughout the 20th and 21st century, means somewhere in the academic discourse, this was taken as real enough for school boards all over the hemisphere to gobble it as real.

So perhaps not as dramatic as people thought but it was a thing. Just tests but yea. Some creepy degenerate research I don't know if Spanner was a beast irl or just some mad doctor.

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Seventy years of perfecting your lies.
White families paying you to teach their children lies.
Hundreds of Holocaust movies.
Every corner of the media dominated, but you still come to a shithole like Jow Forums to make sure not one slither of truth sees the light of day.

No one was ever arrested or had any problems if they wanted to look into historical research if it wasn't the case then we wouldn't have any official investigations and we do and it's performed on a micro scale. For example if there's a small commando group accused of some war crime they look into it, base it on official reports from that time and testimonies. I can't think of any example of people who would even feel like believing the shit that neonazi do. They'd have to really hate their families I think because everybody suffered in one way or the other. But if I looked carefuly I'd find some blog. It's marginal so nobody cares.

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Notably, up to and including 1948 these AJC stats are explicitly stated to be estimates for 1939 (e.g. 15,688,259 is given for 1939 in 1945-48)

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Is it still about American education or an accusation about governments and populations of like a dozen European countries? And is it just about the killings of one particular ethnic group? Is it supposed to be a multi-generational conspiracy consisting of entire populations from countries east of Germany or just Israel? What if they dislike each other like Lithuania and Israel (Lithuanian government accusing Israel of protecting communist war criminals) is it just a joke? What about holocaust survivors who emigrated to Israel and were mistreated and considered an embarassment until 1960s? Was it some grand plan to bully the actors for 20 years for the promise of future profit? Is there a testimony of an actor who had enough and told anyone about it? Or later when many survivors lived in poverty?

No one was arrested for looking into this stuff? You've just outted yourself as JIDF or completely ignorant. Pic related and Robert Faurisson also took a lot of heat for his dismantling of the gas chamber myth. See here

pic related*

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I see their pilpul routines again and again.

>For example if there's a small commando group accused of some war crime they look into it, base it on official reports from that time and testimonies

You are essentially telling me modern holocaust research relies on adding more bodies or adding more culprits without disturbing the original mythos.
Show me one instance of an investigation actually ALTERING a pre established fact about the holocaust.

The fact is, we were fed bullshit after bullshit and any fucking kike alive after 45 could've testified the most errouneous bullshit and they would've gotten away scott free and academically 'verified'.
Lampshades and soap were sold as FACT, from top to bottom of academia, and there wasn't a single correction anywhere, no articles, no book revisions, no formal letters, nothing.

>using debunked in an actual retort

Not a German. I should specify that I can't say it for everyone. I realize they may be fixated on this stuff. And it's still a country with rather strong neonazi subculture (well relatively speaking because it's not very strong in general). They associate denial with political ideology targeting specific groups. It usually is. I wouldn't punish people for that I prefer fighting with arguments.

There's no argument to be made when you are legally coerced. The Nuremberg trial was done by coercion, and every academic research conducted in Germany and Poland were done by governmental coercion, this is not my opinion this is a fact.

You don't even know what you're talking about. I meant individual cases that right now 80 years after the fact only serve to determine if we should condemn some long dead officer. Similarly there's a research about a family that claims to have been wronged in the past like some family that was assaulted in 1945 in Schweinemunde by some Red Army soldiers. This is modern research, this is getting deep into history and there are people who commit themselves to do it right.
It's the same if you wanted to award some veteran but you still need to investigate if he deserves it so you look into reports, ask people, read etc. If he lies it doesn't mean that WWII never happened.

The same investigation can be done today using the same documents and reports or other primary sources. They exist. They're considered genuine. The ball is in the other court for those who want to check it again. And it's happening every so often. Pressac checked Auschwitz documentation. It's just that nothing was debunked and this and not some random stories from literally whos is a part of the foundation of historical research.

Faurisson (french) was arrested in the 90s for a scientific investigation on how plausible the gas chamber claims were. No antisemitism involved, he was professor that simply took us through why the gas chamber claims are not realistic.

Which one of you is that fucking Canadian?

German here: Who is more likely to be correct on manners of empirical inquiry: Actual historians and scientist dedicating years into proper research in accordance with the scientific method or internet incels who pick up muddled disinformation through osmosis by spending several hours a day on Jow
HMHHH big thinking ;)

It has been debunked and the man who debunked it was arrested and jumped on multiple occasions

Why do you announce your ethnicity as if it gives you some form of credibility? The Germans are now the most indoctrinated people on the planet thanks to uncle Schlomo, your baseless comments don't amount to much.