the problem with that theory is that thermite can't vaporize that amount of solid steel. I do believe some thermite was used, as there were trace elements of it in the dust, but thermite wouldn't have transformed the entire building into dust, that's not possible, given the properties of thermite.
the real question you fools need to be asking is where tf did the remains go? the towers turned to dust. this is beyond controlled demolition.
if it would have been controlled demolition, the seismic signal would have lasted far longer than 8 seconds. much smaller buildings that have been demolished will have seismic signals that last 30-50 seconds in total. The WTCs were nothing like that, 8 seconds total.
You have to look at all the evidence. If it were a controlled demolition, why would the magnetic field shift so intensely during the collapse? Why were thousands of cars toasted and burned, despite the area surrounding the cars normal temperature? What causes metal to burn, and paper to remain untouched?
Think about it. The ramifications of the totality of evidence leads to a far more complicated conclusion than just "muh mossad blowing shit up." while this is true that mossad played an important role in this, what we should learn is that this was an event in which a new form of weapon was being tested out; the elites were simply testing how much they could really get away with in front of our eyes, like a massive shit test. The thought of hollow aluminum wings slicing through massive steel beams is just beyond absurd. the plane's wings would have smashed on impact. Also, 580mph is impossible for a 767 to go at/around sea level.
Nothing in the story makes sense, and yet people refuse to ask questions because the media is our god. They are the authority, and all else is conspiracy and should be rejected.
It was actually nano-thermite, not sure it would vaporize steel either.
Levi Lee
>Evidence was sent to a dump site not open to the public and destroyed Pretty soon just like the holocaust you won't be able to legally question this.
Cooper Moore
Checked Do you know what it was user?
Connor Morales
The "sample" collection technique disqualifies any claims of thermite. Read studies, faggot.
Cooper Young
>The WTCs were nothing like that, 8 seconds total Regular cds use traditional explosives like dynamite. These were thermobaric weapons that cut steel with a chemically induced combustion. I agree. Unconventional weapons used to protect one of the most sensitive warehouses of secrets in a contingency from an attack.
Yes, "Los Alamos" Jones and his ilk are straight up counter-intelligence. It was NOT super nano-thermate. And yes, I do know what those words mean when put together.
Dust is so mysterious, we may never understand how it can float in the air while steel beams fall to the ground. It must be magic.
Samuel Carter TL;DR: Basically you can send energybeams through rock and water and have 2 or more of these beams intersecting to jam devices, cause a nuclear level of explosion or let a fireball fly cross the countryside, transmit or drain energy no idea if it was involved or not, but figured someone in ehre may is interested in it either way.
how it was pulled off no real idea, but it was a ritual sacrifice done by kikes to bring the new world order planned to happen on that day since before they started building it 33 years earlier
no it wasn't. you can find reports from the MSM where anchors are asking what happened to the all the rubble. then a day later, MSM suggested that "it got pulverized by gravity and the 'pancake' effect" and then it was never talked about on the media again. hmm.
what happens when you demolish a building is that the height is reduced to 10% of the original height. This is how it is for all other controlled demolitions. So if the WTCs were 100 stories, they should have left piles of steel beams and concrete close to 10 stories high. This was not the case, not even close. Instead you had less than a story of dust and a few chunks of beams, etc.
I believe directed microwaves were involved, which is what interacted with those cars and toasted them. I think humans inside of the WTCs were also being acted on by directed microwaves, which would create a severe burning sensation within the body, which is why hundreds of people were jumping. That's how you would react if your body was boiling internally, you would want the pain to end as soon as possible, regardless of death--but they were not burning because of the heat of the area, as you can see from various photos where people are standing at the crash site on WTC2, holding beams, or what have you. they would not have been standing if the area was burning.
There must have been something else though which caused the complete vaporization of the buildings, which I'm not so sure about. It would have been something that caused the jump in the earth's magnetic field.
Zachary Gomez
Well I watched it live the day it happened. It was clearly a controlled demolition. No point of coming up with any other theories. I heard the multiple charges going. I’ve heard them in controlled demolitions. Shit was expert.
Carson Sullivan
Yes, a great mystery. Where did this dust that hangs in the air come from? Also, show me that steel on the ground. Y'know, that 700 foot cluster. Should be hard to miss, seeing as it fell to the ground. >Individuals and companies have increasingly expressed interest in buying detectors to warn them in case of a biological, chemical or radiological attack. But now a City Council committee is considering a proposal that would require New Yorkers to get a permit from the Police Department to buy or use such detectors.
>The legislation — which was proposed by the Bloomberg administration and would be the first of its kind in the nation — would empower the police commissioner to decide whether to grant a free five-year permit to individuals and companies seeking to “possess or deploy such detectors.” Common smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors would not be covered by the law, the Police Department said. Violations of the law would be considered a misdemeanor.
>Le daily wacky conspiracy threads by JIDF Kikes like to push irrational conspiracies like faked moon landings, le Illuminati/Masons, flat earth, absurd 9/11 theories (there were no planes), le lizard people etc. etc. to do one thing... to make people that discuss information outside of what the (((MSM))) gives us look retarded and to cover up for jews.
This is called well-poisoning and gas-lighting. Jews do this to keep normie goyim from looking into or thinking about legitimate non-MSM information too much, e.g. the jew subversion of our media and government or the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the holohoax made for political gain.
9/11 is a good example... Israel had a big role in 9/11. How to well-poison this subject manner? Make sure any threads about 9/11 include discussion of "there were no planes", "it was CGI", "a nuke brought it down", "a energy weapon brought it down" etc. and other absurdities. This will get any normies to reject ALL non-MSM information about 9/11, including what they want to cover-up (Israel's role).
A shaped enclosure for angling thermite will cut through steel. It doesn't disintegrate it. If you cut the support structure of a building, it collapses. With traditional demolition, there are columns of concrete that must be blasted with explosives. This doesn't work on steel. It has to be cut and thermite is the ideal compound to do this. It isn't an explosive. It is simply ground aluminum and rusted iron. There is no explosive to detect. It can be set off with a chemical reagent or with a simple fuse of pure magnesium. Also not explosives and not detectable. There are multiple videos that show how easy it is to cut horiztonal steel beams by placing it along its width and putting angled down steel or ceramic plates against it. The thermite ignited and the angle causes gravity to pull the molten slag against the beam. Result - thermite cuts through a horizontal beam instantly. This isn't conceptually hard and in practice it works just as described. The building was pulverized because the upper floors smashed their weight onto the floors below in freefalls. The pulverized concrete and cement was from the upper floors of steel and concrete slamming into it at freefall velocity, not explosives on each floor.
Adrian Turner
Flak is thickest right above the target. The Towers turned to dust.
You don't even know the "theory" you are purporting to represent. Super (embedded in a carbon-rich matrix) nano (nano size reactants) thermate (thermite with the addition of sulphur to act as a eutectic) acts like a high explosive. If you were suggesting plain-Jane thermite was used, where the hell is the blinding light of 5000F reaction in open air?
Ian Scott
i mean you have a point, but you've gone a little too far with it. I think it's more likely that people are drawn into conspiracy theories, which then lead them to understand the JQ, and actually have an open mind about it. More importantly, your basically just saying that you think you're right about your theories, and any theory that seems a little to unlikely is a JIDF shill. Don't you realize how ignorant you sound, that's literally the same mindset as mainstream media normies who think anything that isn't MSM is a wacky conspiracy.
you seem dense af. once you've ceased to question things due to your ideology, you've become worse than the sheep.
Lincoln Gonzalez
I'll wait with you. I bet that try-hard cia nigger isn't going to deliver. I know how he is.
Grayson Wilson
additionally, how does saying "this was mossad, but it wasn't a standard controlled demolition" register in your mind as a le wacky conspiracy? i think you may be too far gone, or just low iq.
WHAT DID THEY DO TO THE EVIDENCE? ... They dumped it in Fresh Kills landfill site on Staten Island. ... IS IT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? ... No, it closed down 6 months before 9/11 ... WHAT HAPPENED AFTER? ... They started building a park over the evidence of 9/11.
There may well have been some 'energy weapon' stuff going on. I think the burnt cars far away are weird too and cannot be ignored, but there were definitely bombs in those buildings too. All these eyewitnesses and even the news (live on the day) reported them. Especially in building 7.
You know who was behind that too? Rudy Giuliani made sure to get rid of all the evidence as fast as possible. Also gave the firefighters faulty radios.
at about 5:10, when he says it was like the building was coming down from the interior.
Brayden Lewis
You can build a microwave death ray using gunn diodes and a phase conjugate mirror array, this technology has been known about since the 60s.
Landon Perry
Also, Dr Judy Wood mentioned hurricane Erin which happened to be very close to NY on 9/11. She postulates the telluric currents whipped up by it were fed into a DEW. The whole thing sounds outrageous to me but I do entertain the idea it happened.
It doesn't need to be nano thermite. If the thermite is placed in a metal or ceramic brace against a vertical beam and the brace is shaped properly, the thermite acts like a shaped charge. Instead of exploding and pushing fragments, it pushes slag against the beam. The result is a clean cut. The shaped vessel obscures the flash and the slag cools quickly enough that it wouldn't be visible mere seconds after the detonation. And who is going to notice or see some stray slag in the middle of a building that is otherwise on fire?
Here is proof that my description works, perfectly, in practice.
I lived in Brooklyn and saw the smoke from the roof of my school just after it happened. Across the river a few miles south of the towers.
Also I do actually remember being in the plaza between the towers and on the first floor as a kid before 2001, the Cortlandt St. train station let out right into it.
So the towers were most definitely not CGI. Whether the majority of upper floors were empty I have no idea, and I did not personally see the planes , so both of those theories are in the realm of possibility.
Brayden Long
One of my all time favorite GIF images
Kevin Reed
>they should have left piles of steel beams and concrete close to 10 stories high
except for the fact that there were 8 sub stories below ground...shops, subway etc...
Strangely enough we can deny the holocaust here and not break the law unlike many of our European cousins. I always found it odd that you can be arrested for denying something.
> Dr Judy Wood Take this video: She argues that tritium at the site and increased amount of zinc is due to some exotic weapon involving cold fusion converting copper into zinc(?). But tritium is second stage fuel in a nuclear weapon. As for zinc, copper-65 plus neutron gives copper-66 which decays to zinc with 12h half life. What produces a shitload of neutrons? That's right, a fusion-boosted nuclear weapon.
Aiden Sullivan
Why not go to the source and post Dimitri Khalezov?
Elijah Hughes
Show me 1 picture of collapsed steel with enough volume to compose those towers
Colton Nguyen
This includes things Khalezov does not. Khalezov is good if you want to understand physics of underground nuke though.
Connor Turner
Unions literally are Democrat lynch mobs. Why trust this "totally unbiased" biased, union backed, political ad?
Noah Moore
wouldnt need to vaporize, just cut the beams with channels
Wyatt Anderson
there was a significant basement complex below the WTC and if you think the official number of eight stories is true then, well, it's not.
microwaves are ridiculous. its not to say that the technology doesn't exist, that we don't have it, or that it couldn't be a reasonable explanation for some of the phenomena, but i don't think that you need any other factors to explain what you see beyond planted thermite charges collapsing the building after airplane strikes filled with combustible materials
its pretty likely that the planes didnt have a full passenger load and were filed with fuel or other combustible material. do you think a 737 fully loaded with thermite charges explains the nature of the event better?
Robert Gray
Fair enough but actually I thought Khalezove gives a more practical engineering perpective while this guy gives a more physics perspective. in either case it is cler they detonated nukes, probably thromonukes at 150KT as Dimitri says.
It makes perfect sense and the phsyics explains all those niggling problems with thermite. In fact it's quite clear that thermite was deliberately placed as psyop to lead us astray. Think about it, what could be worse than the cabal using nukes in the middle of New York? The ultimate Satanic Act.
Juan Anderson
>why should I trust firefighters who were there on the day and reported that their radios didn't work properly >Better trust muh amuricas mayor
Yeah better trust Giuliani. Even though he lied to the 9/11 commission and said the firefighters disobeyed orders to leave which is why they got killed. Totally not neck deep in 9/11 cover up at all.
Christopher Moore
>do you think a 737 fully loaded with thermite charges explains the nature of the event better? No, thermite does not leave uranium fission products. Pic related.
Per the German dude, they had to do some extra explosive work so the nuke would do its job correctly, and that's where termite was needed.
Matthew Wood
Khalezov also suggested there were some other bombings which had characteristics of a low-yield nukes being used. It looks like the cabal is using these to blackmail governments into compliance (where pedo shit does not work).
Nicholas Gray
"Dr." Judy Woods is a crazy, schitzo-bitch, trotted out by JIDF shills to discredit the the 9/11 truth movement.
Look at her interview with an ACTUAL SCIENTIST! This is who trust regarding 9/11?
a 38kb 800x600 jpg when was this picture taken from, a cnn article from 2001?
Lucas Perez
Perhaps they used thermite to cut the ridiculous "aircraft" outline but that's about all. The neutron field and the compression wave did the rest.
Nukes explain everything, inlcuding the most puzzling piece of all: >the spire that miraculously turned to dust >huge dust trails left behind as chunks of the wall fell >the almost total pulverisation of the buildings >lack of rubble >the shape of the seismograph >hot underground fires burning into at least, Feb of 2002 >the crack in the bathtub
Plus it provided the perect cover to create a coverup within a coverup. By using the Granite missile to attack the Pentagon, they could realistically make innocent New York FDNY Chiefs believe that an actual 0.5 megaton nuke was in the planes or planted at the top of the Towers and thereby get their acceptance and connivance to "pull it".
very FEW poeple need to have known the truth for them to have pulled it off, in fact only a nuclear engineering expert whose sole role was assessing nuclear explosions could see all the signatures. God bless, Dimitri!
Joshua Young
my nigga i didnt think i was getting convinced of this
Andrew Roberts
Christopher Bollyn outright names Judy Woods as the shill she is!
>Bali >Khobar Towers >Oklahoma City and possibly a few others I can't remember.
In fact just check the seismaograph shapes of any epxlosion and you will know.
Aaron Collins
>9/11 "thermite" theory It's not 'thermite,' you idiot. It's 'termite'! The WTC towers fell because of termites.
Kevin Moore
Judy Woods is psyop to distract us from knowing they used underground thermonukes to demolish all 3 buildings. They know the thermite argument isn't holding up, so give the sheeple some crazy Judy Wood shit, while the evidence of actual nukes stares us right in the face.
Nathan Rodriguez
Also thermite does NOT explode, it is an incendiary material used for cutting.
John Richardson
if it was a nuclear bomb then shouldn't all of metropolitan NY have some form of super cancer?
Bentley Ross
Anthony Perez
They also explain another puzzle, which is why the building hit by the first plane (North Tower) collapsed after the South Tower. Answer is that blowing up the North Tower destroyed the tunnel between WTC7 and the South Tower, so they had to start with South Tower.
Another thing: > WTC responders have been getting thyroid cancer > there is ONLY ONE factor known to cause an epidemic of thyroid cancer, iodine-131 > iodine-131 is released in nuclear explosions or reactor accidents
Interesting. Another way would be to check if there was an increase of thyroid cancer in these locations.
Christian Peterson
Why do people have to make up crazy stories about 9/11? Why can't people just accept that the government allowed for some people to take over some planes and crash them? Why would the government go the most difficult way instead of just literally getting insane religious people to do it for them?
Jack Bell
Farrakhan was right.
Robert Turner
I checked the radiation stats for that district and they went up after 9/11 by about 2x their previous background levels...
Anthony Ward
There are quite higher rates of cancer now for people who lived in that area during that time period. I believe the official explanation is due to asbestos exposure from the buildings insulation.
Jaxon Wood
Apparently a truck loaded with with about 2 tons of explosive did this. later they said that the terrorists had improved the yield to give about 15-30 tons yield, (HOW THE FUCK DID THEY DO THIS is never eplxained).
Reminder mini nukes of about 6 kiloton yield have been available since about the 60s that literally fit into a suitcase.
The world trade center used central slabs surrounded by a thin outer layer different from most other buildings. Most of the confusion from the way it collapsed and the absence of large structural debris is a result of this.
>It was actually nano-thermite, This is correct, you just can't go buy that shit.
Connor Cruz
> In the 1950s and 1960s, the United States developed several different types of lightweight nuclear devices. The main one was the W54, a cylinder 40 by 60 cm (about 16 by 24 inches) that weighed 23 kg (50 lb). It was fired by a mechanical timer and had a variable yield equivalent to between 10 tons and 1 kt of TNT. > 10 tons and 1 kt of TNT. > fits in a car no problem Hmmmm
Ayden Cruz
You are wrong. The entire load was borne by the outer casing and the inner core casing. The towers were the first structures built as two load bearing "tubes". The inner core ring and the outer ring and each was constructed using massive steel columns.
There was 200,000 tons of steel used for those columns, they were incredibly strong.
Nathan Morgan
I like the chicken one.
Jose Diaz
but it was designed to withstand a 737 not a 767, goyim, its too big of a plane
Aaron Price
A 707, 737 did not exist at the time. 767 is only 30% bigger than a 707. Rule of thumb is you design with a 3x safety factor.
Andrew Evans
>as there were trace elements of it Aluminum fuselage plus rust
Don't worry I'm not a shill. How was that passport found again?
Jason Gray
This man stole nuclear technology in the 60’s and 70’s. Arnon Milchan is untouchable.