California YES

Welcome to cartoon world.

Attached: caliyes.png (623x636, 242K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Prison sentences

What do they consider to be crimes there? Refusing to take part in a pride parade?

Looking at a firearm.

This is going to end well.

>nigger and gookspic look straight into the camera and smile
They're fucking.

Pffftthahahahahaha! Finally some good news.

Biggest cuck on planet right there. You can tell by how he looks away for picture he hates it. But the chick wanted it and he's such a bitch he didn't shut it down. That guy will be fucking his gf in about 8 seconds. Then he might kill them both.

He just wanted a big strong bull to cuck him in front of his wife.

Start archiving this before the horror begins and the media drops it.

How do you know the black guy is the prisoner?


Because he's not sitting on the woman's lap, brainlet.

Is she a prisoner on the right? I'd let her stay with me.

Even more disturbing is the layout of their furniture.. WTF?

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This guy gets it.

They probably pushed them together for the photo, him staring lustily at her from across the room would make for a weird pic

Wow I can’t see how a hard convict living in the home of a with a cucky male and a fine piece of fuckable meat could go wrong. Bets on how long until the first rape and murder

The Onion is a real news source, it just takes reality a few years to catch up.

>cuck boy
>asian wife
>conspicuous black man
come on really

vim user detected

13% of the population
56% of the crimes

Wow a live in bull, that’s surprising even for the Bay Area
>Jones had much more than that: He learned how to code with the backing of The Last Mile, a computer tech and business training program for inmates. He had a software job waiting for him with the pop culture movie, games and TV site Fandom.
And a $200,000 starting tech job to boot

Pfft. This is nothing. The city of Los Angeles is going to implement a program where you can 'adopt' a homeless person and build a 'homeless hut' in your backyard. And I'm like, totally 100% sure that all the Tolerant & Enlightened liberals who live there are going to adopt all the homeless. Totally.

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Because he is, indeed, black.

>This is going to end well.
It's going to be splendid!

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LOL when all the Commeifornia Jews have pet bums in their backyards.

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Funny how the women in these pics always have shit eating grins. From hosting refugees to illegal immigrants or prisoners

fucking someone without pozzing them

Is that basedboy sitting in her lap? Jesus Christ the cuck memes are true.

Theyre imagining all of the likes and upboats theyre going to get on social media for playing virtue signal roulette. The face of ecstasy.

>same picture not found
>no other sizes of this image found

This looks like the german pro refugee cuck. Link to this tweet?

faggot cuck white boy cant even look the people laughing at him in the face

jesus fucking christ suicide really is the only way out at this point
It's real

because they are fucking the new guy

Someone update when the toll is paid.

>Women will defend this

Because they get to mate with the exotic foreigner, and all her clueless biocunt frenemies will clap like seals when she posts it on twatter and instawhore

That's all it is. They think that shitskins are exotic trophies that they get to show off and then shove in their axewound

How do you remember to breathe?

Being white

“Sometimes they let me watch :D”

U can tell the cuck is not happy about it

Getting fucked by some random nigger in front of your loyal husband pleases modern women.

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to be fair we have a huge recidivism problem
there's no point in just releasing people without rehabilitating them back in to society
either rehabilitate them to reintegrate back into society or lock them up forever/execute them

Haha this is new level of degeneracy

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a yo, white boi. Why you against letting cons come live off your paycheck and fuck yo wife? We did our time and it's your fault I got locked up for that gang shooting I did where I killed five other black people.


>build a cuckshed in my backyard
>adopt some homeless cunt that is a recovering heroine addict
>treat her like a pet, giving her "luxuries" as long as she does basic stuff like showering, keeping the backyard clean, etc
>slowly mold her drugged out mind into a fuckpet

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Women need to be property again, not even meming. First the father's then the husband's

they have a huge prison system and championed three strikes laws
almost all inmates are black or mexican.

they talk big and do the opposite

Just get here from sadpanda, did you?


This the reason why crime went down in this god forsaken state, now they want to do prison reform and its already heading back up

Three strikes reduced crime. Public unions and civil rights activists made the price of housing prisoners too high.

Private prisons are the largest industry in California

Sandniggers have pretty low intelligence overall, but I am in awe at how uncucked their society is.

>pull down soiled walmart adult diaper
>her vagina is just a rotted out cavity

cmon now too easy to spot that a rat jew letting nog fuck asian whore

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>turns out fuckpet is a non-option
>turn my backyard into a plantation instead

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Writing in cursive, I got bitched at for doing that in California a couple years ago. The dumb bitch said "You shouldn't write in cursive, cursive is racist!" even though I was writing in MY notebook.

WOW the shame of the cuck, Is the same

yes, but they pretend to be a liberal utopia
"as California goes, so goes the nation"
but they lock up their brownies in record numbers to keep the crime rate out of the top three

>Writing in cursive,
Tits or GTFO

What could possibly go wrong?

Link or fake news

Its already been posted poopy poster but here you go anyway.

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> Jason Jones (left) with his roommates Joe Klein and Tamiko Panzella in their Oakland, Calif., apartment.
Nothing of value will be lost when this kike and his brown girlfriend are raped to death by the negro.

It's because of their Stone Age culture. They still believe in "survival of the fittest." The Western World is domesticated and "above it all"which is why we lose to the Laws of Nature.

holy fucking shit.

that is fucking INSANE!

these convicts are institutionalized and conditioned to act aggressively and violently at any provocation, real or imagined.

Someone is gonna die because of this. Lawsuits should already be drafted and ready to go.

I'm so shocked I'm using reddit spacing to underlie how fucking insane this liberal experiment is.

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not having a loicense I guess

that looks like 15 y.o girls handwriting tho tbhqhfamalamadingongaridongdadoo


Tyrone is like, yeah, I fucked her. But it was all good cuz I waited until her husband was at work.

>15 y.o girls handwriting
The "i" should be dotted with a heart though.

Surprised you don't dot your i's with hearts too

>implying the white guy wasn't sitting in the corner in his cuckcage watching them fuck.


enjoy your toxic vagina you retard

Please please please please please let this be real. I need more pics for my "libtards getting murdered due to their stupid ideology" file.

As a prison guard I am not against this idea.
I mean one of the hardest thing is for them not to be homeless.
As long as the custody levels are clear, what is the issue?

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Holy fucking shit.

Oi theuh, you guht a loysinz to post on fouh chahn?!

I hate this fucking state. I moved to orange county and can't rent an apartment because I have bad credit due to student loans. I make enough money, have a decent nest egg, but all that matters is my credit. I can't rent a place anywhere, yet there are entire towns full of illegals. What can I do?

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DKWNARD gets them a lot

Diddling Kids While Not A Registered Democrat

can you apply to accept people from female only jails?

LMAO. This is like literally saying, do you want to risk being murdered for some money ?

>What can I do?
If you are white then get out.

How disgusting...

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Go to Alabama.

what do you do?

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I for one take no issue with women humiliating their cuck husbands like this, it's just natural selection. Actually I hope the cuck kills himself eventually, it's what he deserves

Well yeah, that's the plan in a year. I have some family stuff to take care of.

you just know

I saw a very qt homeless lass the other day in Reading.
Life on the streets is not going to be kind to her...

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