Peak Degeneracy
How much longer can this continue ??
Peak Degeneracy
How much longer can this continue ??
Any more of her?
what the fuck? what community allows nudists to muck about?
Degenerate yes, but I have the urge to bang
what is this from.
I laughed. I don't think people really look at the background before snapping a picture.
Poor guy tho.
He probably just needs some tit.
is the tail tied on or...?
Fuck that's hot.
where is this?
Folsom Street Fair.
>that gap in her teeth
>leather pride
What the fuck?
Take a wild guess
San Francisco?
That guy has the shit-eating cuck look about him.
It looks like hes trying to read. Dude just needs some peace and quiet.
Giving women rights was a mistake
>look it up
>San Francisco
>cuck look
It's probably her father
butt plug
All I have of her, if there's any more I'd love to see it.
She's cute.
This is probably San Francisco.
He's a porn star actually.
I assumed it was.
Ugly enough tits, but her total lack of self worth is hot.
Pornstars can have children.
>Beautiful as fuck
>Will never achieve anything in life because she’d rather be a degenerate than a housewife
I’m legitimately annoyed.
It hasnt even begun
First can you imagine how much it would suck it be born with this voided gap between your legs? How could you live your whole life knowing you're missing something that would otherwise be useful.
Second, can you imagine be so useless that it's somehow reach the rational and economic conclusion that standing around naked in the street might improve your life?
Third, can you imagine exposing that much of your tender body to the disgusting streets of an inner city? Like that's how you get ring worm or norovirus or scabbies.
>poster in back says "not today satan"
its time to bring back the false accusation of women being witches then turning them to toasty roasties
Steve Holmes looks good for his age and can still fuck whores top notch
>implying being a housewife is an achievement
>>Beautiful as fuck
>implying achievement isn't self-defined
Who is this fucking whore? She get raped hopefully?
Women seem to think having kids is an achievement.
Even though it's like "Wow, that's original. Nobody throughout human history has ever done that before."
Jow Forums misses the point as usual.
Western society is degenerate.
Young white men of good character see this and don't want to contribute to it.
People bitch about men opting out,
The End
Pink nips though
Name? Pornhub? Links? Why are u retards so FUCKING useless.
Post more of this sloot. I know she has an Instagram.
As compared to walking around naked with ears and a buttplug in? Yeah.
Dont tell me, you’re one of those faggots that like bimbos?
>nice natural boobs
>garter belt and thighhighs
Pretty sure he's just a junkie nodding off
What the rats ass fuck is the context of this?
She looks like my buddies wife but uglier
>united slagland speaks
> x-legged
> high BF
> submissive gaze
> owned by older , weak looking pathetic looking kike
post her name RIGHT now
She is nice, she would be really fucking hot if she gained 50 pounds.
Nothing wrong with that. I thought it was gonna be a trap at first. Was happy it wasn't. Good to see heterosexuality is alive and well.
that is considered chubby?
Everything about her is average. She is hardly beautiful.
In America, itd be fat anywhere else
Amerifat detected
There is one picture where she wears.. panties?
Where did they go?
Personal achievements are no less achievements. You grade on a curve because thats the only type of others achievements which benefits you personally.
Impressive. Very nice.
Girl looks like the 19th century American beauty ideal... and this is where she is today.
>>implying being a housewife is an achievement
Clean your room you degenerate
FACT : Women are happier at home taking care of children. Women are not made for the outside world. Women are fragile and must be protected by men. They simply cannot compete in the professional environment against men, at least they can't do it without unhealthy doses of affirmative action. Behind every female achievement there are 100 white knights happily chipping away at the real work she'll take all the credit for.
Thots should take their place and stay the fuck home. They'll be happier this way. There is nothing for you out there. One day you'll stop enjoying getting torn in half by Tyrene and you'll want to kill yourself over the idea that you ruined your life having sex with niggers instead of settling with a white husband.
This is the future you chose you degenerate roasties.
but i don't see any rolls
Unironically agreed except more like 500 pounds. God I love fuckhogs.
i know she isn't that attractive but something about this thic redhead makes me hnnng
I can't stand that guy. Not only is he a weirdo but he got to fuck Christie Lee.
> collar
> fur ears
> public nudity
> older guy
My guess is that she is a bottom is a D/s relationship, meaning she will become a housewife if her dom decides she should.
I'm from the UK. I consider that to be chubby.
See above.
Yall already know she only fucking black dudes, you know the saying "marry a white man for money, but fuck a black man on the side"
fucking this
THIS is america
Let me guess, you also think she's got perfect teeth?
Go ahead and show us your version of beautiful.
Okay and? She's fucking average.
This isn't what Christianity told us.
Christ told us to be pure, angelical and close to God.
This is straight kike satanism.
Satan (atheism, judaism and lack of God) is destroying us.
Please everyone read Jesus word in the New Testament and you will see he is the truth. This shit has to stop in the west.
But the dude isn't a nigger?
Those look like hrt tits
Plenty of fat cunts in the uk. Stop pretending like it isn't common.
As if fag thats just a salty slut being fucked on camera
Great body. I love pale areolas.
Can't formulate an opinion on that one.
and the trash right next to him
perfect illustration of western "society"
>hostess at my work talking about her vacation
>"we saw crackheads in the hallway and someone pulled down his pants and took a dump, right there!"
>Me: You went to San Francisco?
>"Yeah! How did you know?
>That's all I see on social media. I saw a picture of a tree pin-cushioned with syringes. I saw a video of a train station where people are shooting up in the hallways and covered in their own vomit.
>"Yeah we where there omg ew lol"
Even the normiest of the normies are experiencing this filth. What happens next?
Rolls don't make someone fat, excess body fat does. Americans idea of what is fat and what isn't is so fucking warped.
This girls BMI is probably in the "overweight" but she is young and holds it well enough to make my dick diamonds so I don't care.
>She's fucking average.
You're one of those people who gets off to fake breasted blonde haired pornstars, aren't you?
yes it is
this nigger has fucked more girls than a million people combined
peak degenracy if you know who this faggot is
>fat bitch with flabby tits
Nigger are you retarded
this is how our country ends
Chubby isn't the same as fat.
yup. its America on one weekend a year in one neighborhood in one city. but feel free to push the narrative that summarizes the entire country.
I don’t understand where they all get the energy from to go out and play dress up.
I see nothing wrong with pic in OP
Listen to the words you're using. You sound fucking ridiculous.
That's a Jow Forumsack guaranteed. I'd know that despair anywhere
So sad is your country.
Walking naked as a bag of meat waiting to be used, raped IS TOTALLY FINE by today's standard.
Don't let the institution of family get destroyed by the jews. Convert to Christianity and fight the stupid horde of atheists with lack of selfworth and lack of God.
its about the results
hence archive-ment