How do you argue against this?

how do you argue against this?

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Except those women are usually covering their breasts. Also, no one buys magazines anymore. Women want to avoid rape, but also want to walk around naked. Makes total fucking sense, especially given how badly they want Muslims over here.

Women pushed for these nudity laws. They didn't want to compete with women walking around naked or guys exposing themselves. Yet they always want to make exceptions for themselves to breastfeed or whatever. If women are against nudity laws, lets undo all nudity laws. So women then cry about being exposed to penis everywhere they go.

The magazine comes in a black wrapper blocking the tits from public view.

look man if you wanna whip your titties out, it's not like I'm going to call the cops so I don't see why the fuck you're complaining to me, and if you call the cops if i pull my dick out you're a hypocrite

the dick is a sexual organ and breasts are not. you can't compare the two

>how do you argue against this?
It's perfectly legal to look up porn of dudes on the internet using your phone at any part of the city, but you can't walk around with your dick uncovered. If dicks were as popular among girls as tits are among men, all shops would be filled with male porn as well.


America is a puritan loser shithole that has now morphed into a jewish economic prison. We are all cursed, doomed men, born only to suffer and then die

magazine pictures can't be harassed.
Stupid people are not allowed on this board.
Please GTFO
all fields

People have been charged for disorderly conduct because they were watching porn in public and someone saw it who didn't want to.
So yes you're free to have covered titty mags in public just like you're free to have covered tits in public.

You just explain that the magazines should not be there either

One is a deliberate choice, the other is not.
If I choose to look at titties, I buy the magazine, but I can not control if someone is walking around with their flapjacks out and about

>men are all rapists!
>let's do something that will enable men to want to rape us!

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Simple. We let Jews sell porn. This was a mistake. Women should be modest and prostitution and porn should be federal offenses.

Women are basically retarded and need a firm hand to guide them. We can look to modern "women" as proof. Not long whores not long.

Has anyone here actually ever bought porno mags at convenience stores? Feel like it would be pretty awkward putting “anal gape galore” on the table in front of pajeet’s judging eyes

because, retard, you have to be old enough to buy the magazine but kids can see you no matter how young they are

Yes, tits are a sexual organ. Stop pretending they are not. You playing dumb doesn't convince anyone but dumb faggots and pushovers who don't really believe it but they'll say it to prove their allegiance to the "good guys".

I love sucking on titties, a big pair will get me so hard so quick.

>the dick is a sexual organ and breasts are not. you can't compare the two

No other mammal has the prominent breasts of human females. They're not necessary for lactation or no other mammal would be able to feed their offspring that way. They obviously evolved for sexual signaling.

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Except you cannot expose that pornographic magazine to the public (as a bare chest would in public), unless you want to be put on sex offender register list. The magazine is for private use, and not for underage. The bare breasts can be seen by prepubescent boys. And the greatest evil to both political spectrum is exposing kids to sex.

Those magazines are also wrapped in plastic that covers all the naked bits, and occasionally they're behind the counter. You also have to be an adult to purchase them

Maybe because titty mags are in adult stores or behind censored packaging.
Also, whipping your tits or cock out could lead to children seeing it.
Unlike those magazines only adults can buy.

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>paper is the same as actual things
so if I draw you on some paper and rip it to shreds, it's murder?

The quote lies twice by omission. It doesn't mention that buying the magazine has restrictions and it doesn't mention there are anti-nudity laws are for men. You have to prove your age to purchase something with porn and men's dick are equally censored. Therefore it's false to imply that printed boobs are unrestricted and it's false to imply that these rules concern women in particular. Lying by omission is the plague of all fake news.

>arguing with holes
I don't.

>can buy nascar magazines in 7/11
>cant do nascar races on the street

fuck this bigoted shithole

>Has never seen udders

Given the amount of niggers and shitskins in every white country now a days, do women really want to run around with their tits out? They don't get raped enough as it is? Or maybe that's exactly what they want?

because if everyone would see titties in public noone would buy those magazines and that would hurt the economy.

I think that women should be allowed to be topless but this is not a sound argument
>You can view posters for and watch violent, gore-filled movies
>You can't participate in killing people
You can sell depictions of all sorts of things you can't participate in

I remind this woman that a picture of breasts is not the same thing as actual breasts

Men don’t grow them like women do. It’s a secondary sexual characteristic which signals female maturity. Yes they are sexual in nature, brainlet

You have to be 18 to purchase skin mags.
Literally a tu quoque-false equivalence hybrid fallacy.

She’s right set the girls free

Congratulations, now you have two mammalian species out of... how many?

People consent to look in and buy a magazine. Nobody consents to see your ugly stretched fat bags flopping around when we're walking through the city.

You can't kill people in america but you can sell books about people killing people duh so hypocritical let's legalize murder

You ever notice that people who bitch about this nearly always live in 90% Democrat cities?

>theres picture of niggers being sold but you can't sell niggers


Arguing implies they have a viewpoint worth acknowledging.

It's a strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

I don’t because it’s retarded and not worth my time to respond to a low iq thot.

what's a compelling case for women's autonomy?

>I should have the right to expose my sexual attributes in public

You can buy pictures of dicks and gaping assholes too, doesn't mean you should be allowed to walk around naked in public. That's rape by proxy, fucking shitlords.

So you can sell guns but not wear them in many states across the US?

you don't

They do want it.
Women subconsciously want to be dominated always.
It doesn't matter what man is doing it, as long as he is.
That's why rape is the #1 sexual fantasy of women surveyed.
Choking too.
It's why 50 Shades was #1 book. That story was literally about a man brutally sexually abusing a woman.
But since the man was "hot," it's okay.

This is why French women started fucking hostile Nazi soldiers.
Because their own men got conquered by stronger men.
Women only recognize domination.
Women can't comprehend male virtues like honor.

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It should be illegal for both men and women to be topless, because in a civilized country everyone should dress well. Your rights end where my aesthetics begin.

private vs public /thread

Jason Dalton! Uber MKultra assasin

Demon caught on camera at DESMOND IS AMAZING trans event!!

Gillette's anti Male commercial and satanic history of Proctor and Gamble

Also Mods STOP deleting truth and good info!,,., ,.,
Jannies are gay as fuck

>Selling a picture of something=selling the thing itself
I’ve got some real estate to sell this stupid cunt.

Americans are a bunch of repressed prudes.

Literally any non-muslim country in the world has no issue with topless women.

Based. I can say milk truck just arrived every day.

actually have a point

we should ban the magazines

You shouldn't be able to buy those kinds of magazines either.
Capital punishment for pornographers now.

>how do you argue against this?

There is no point in arguing with children.

lol a topless women in the UK would get Sharia'd

Why is it legal for me to carry/sell/purchase a picture of an M16 but illegal to carry/sell/purchase an M16?

I dont I'm a nudist be naked if ya want.

>muh walk around without a top
t. pic related

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M8, you can’t fucking stop them getting their tits out. Have you not seen slag threads?

Why do women want to walk around topless. No men walk around topless.

move to a state that respects the 2a.

>how do you argue against this?

And if I show that magazine to children I'll get arrested.

Same as if I walk around town with my cock out.

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I work topless in the summer. The sun feels good on my swarthy southern Italian skin.

Why are you euros such faggots about everything.
Covering the private parts is a sign of intelligence and humanity.

Americans demand civilized behavior.

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>how do you argue against this?
im in NY, our women have the right to go topless if they want just the same as men.

i can't speak for faggot infested states that ban the showing of tits, but the legislators of those states should probably GTFO, Tits or GTFO is one of our ancient laws.

I'm in favor of banning all sexualized content from all stores other than specific adult stores. That includes the model industry for men and women. The answer is more decency not degeneracy.

Because it's false. Most cities woman can walk topless no problem

You can’t rape a magazine

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Can a 5 year old legally buy a porno mag?

>arguing about bare breasted qts parading their boobies around

InCel COPE: The Post

>Only muslims care about public decency

>publicly exposing oneself is the same as age restricted porno mags in gas stations that are typically behind a black sheet of paper
I’ve concluded that Women are incapable of critical thinking and are not worth the time to argue with.

Let the cunts go topless, only the gutter trash will do it and they’ll learn real quick why clothes is a thing. Fucking hooligans.

I can't.

Both porn and nudism should be illegal.

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Sure thing bud.
Whatever you wanna say to cope with hearing the harsh biological truth.
I dunno how it's a cope to say the strongest men get laid, but okay.
Maybe if you became a strong man you would know.
I doubt you even have a cock though, considering you're lobbing around the word incel like some blue checkmark feminist on twitter.

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Is it legal to sell magazines with a murder pictured?
If so, is murder legal then?