>you will never Raise your Iranian daughter in Japan
Why live?
>you will never Raise your Iranian daughter in Japan
Why live?
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post her feet
hnnnnnnnnnnnngggg so cute! I want to hug her!
kys you degenerate mutt
wtf is wrong with you?
seething kike. Inbred arabs (je*s) know they are losing and they'll be wiped the fuck out of the face of this earth soon, so you are enjoying your last moments on an autistic forum eh?
Top kek
>when they give the iranian grandpa a toilet as a gift
I'm posting against a foot fetishist pedo and you're angry at me?
His hate for Jews is deep
I went to japan once, these high tech toilets (with built in bidet) are fucking based. I wish I could afford to import one.
but I'm not even a jew.
Looks like a Madonna pic, nice.
no one cares, faggot
Aww. You're gonna get called out every time you post with that flag though.
lie. And desu Id allow filthies foot fetish pedo to dungeon rape my daughter for eternity if it mean wiping all the je*s, niggers, gooks and arabs from the face of this earth instantly without a trace.
I'm only here for two more days, the company sent me you tard.
>he thinks IP address = race or religion
Cute, also that show is pretty based. They send back foreigners living in Japan so they meet their families abroad and give them japanese souvenirs.
Also heres here youtube channel for you creeps
>Also heres here youtube channel for you creeps
honestly, just delete this, why the fuck would you post it here?
i hooked up with a half iranian japanese girl who was visiting our monastery back when i was doing zen shit. she said she was treated like an outcast her entire childhood for her mixed ancestry.
depends where in japan she grew up, but most older generation japs are extremely autistic and insecure about their own race and culture. post-WWII american domination did it to them.
Holy shit she is absolutely fucking gorgeous. How old is she anyway? 15 and 3/4s?
>raising the last white person from Iran in japan
probably safer there than in the west
This was so fucking cute.
>the last white person from Iran
kys you mongoloid Amerimutt
She doesn’t look white, nor particularly white for an Iranian, she looks like what you would expect an Iranian/Japanese mixed person to look like. I think one of her parents is a hapa though.
she looks Iranian, seeing her beside her grandpa, it's obvious they're related. she didn't get much of her looks from her mother's side.
Iranian father
Japanese/German mother
>tfw no Iranian soldier waifu
I agree, but you can see the slight Asian in her eyes, but could pass for full Iranian as well with a pseudo-epicanthic fold appearance to her eyes. I guess people think Iranians typically look like really dark pakis/Indians.
I wish I could go to Iran to find wife material
>Mixing races doesn't wor-
Cut my dick into pieces
my foreskin has come short
suckling hard
like he's teething
Rabbi's getting high on my dick bleeding
>no Iranian chess master qt to marry
life is suffering (and no I'm not israeli)
I ain't a jew
What are you then? Let me know and I'll make some new lyrics.
Don't they shoot water up your ass and have heated seats
yeah, they even have built in audio for relaxing music and even more stuff
>tfw no iranian qt with whom you can chant ''death to america''
feels bad man
I am not Iranian, nor do I have an Iranian daughter. This is not something I even care to relate too. Cute kid though, hope she grows up to not be crazy.
My heart.
How many Goats to wife her up?
>hope she grows up to not be crazy.
she'll be fine as long as she's far away from western countries and their influence
Iranian woman handball team!
>being a pedo
iranians would hang you up for that, you need to move to saudi arabia instead
She will also be fine if she isn't tainted by the psychotic nature of Islam as well. I think she is best off staying in Japan.
Wollah kanker homo wat ga jij die zionisten steunen ah niffo?!
Oh shit, something just came up. Be right back!
>the last white iranian lives in japan
Why is japan so much better than the west holy shit
>psychotic nature of Islam
people in Iran aren't like that. did you forget the "death to islam" mass protests in iran that the western media forgot to report on?
>denken dat ik echt in dit land ben
kom op nou
Eh zemmel kijk naar mijn reactie wat denk jij dat ik echt zo praat waz mis met jou
The truest trad daughter wears no clothes and stays with her father until a dominant man subdues or kills him.
she's confirmed for being alt-right
>wears no clothes
I hope Bolton sends you to syria so you can die for israel you piece of shit pedo.
Blow my dikes into pieces
too late to deport
drown shitskins
and faggots
Don't give a fuck that I'm food for the maggots
The problem is that its still a common nature in Islam, and if she returns to Japan but decides to take up Islamic literature and ideas from the Arab world with naivety then she could end up with a form of Wahhabi Islam. This would be bad.
>The problem is that its still a common nature in Islam
it isn't you're confusing cultural things from different countries with religion and other shit. for example: some nig countries that happen to be muslim (sunni) do female circumcision, but Iranians have never even heard of that.
you must be a burger
Hhahaha she will have black cocks rammed in her when shes grown and all you white boys can do is orbit and seethe.
or travels to her granpa to give him a toilet
That looks exactly like a roastie I went to high school with
I'm not a jew and I'm not an israeli you retard, I don't care about kikes, don't ruin this nice thread, I'm dutch
Kinda crazy that Zoroastrianism has survived for so long.
I watched this yesterday. How is it that everyone knows about this now?
sensible chuckle
how and where did you find it?
Persians/Iranians are pretty bro-tier, lebs and other mid-easterners are generally cancer unless they are Christians, unlike most mid-east countries you wont get lynched if you backpack through there
Good to know, I have always liked the Iranians a bit.
kek the browning of America and Germany won't be kind to the jews
link related didn't even go near actual cities (cities are most liberal places there) and even he had no issue, not even with villagers living in the middle of nowhere.
read the thread
yeah they like to give people oranges for some reason
it's not oranges, it's the fact that Iranians consume a lot of fruit. whenever you visit them, they have fresh fruit on the table for their guests and for themselves as snacks.
Yea, she's kinda a cutie.
Nasim was Azeri Turk but born in Iran.
you wont distinguish them from persians and the culture is about identical
wtf why did it switch me to that memeflag again?
Those Irani in vidéo look like tanned Europeans, thats normal?
you're fucking retarded, turks are entirely different.
yes, everywhere except for the southern coast (those are immigrants from a long time ago)
Btw is there more feelgood video from this type you guys know?
this one is comfy