Going to France to study, which cities are still relatively white/safe?
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Paris and Marcel are shit. The rest are fine.
Putain what a Qt, kurwabro what uni and course ?
Haven't decided yet. Just want to live/study in France and learn French. That's why I can go to any city.
I've been to Paris (what a shithole) and a couple of small towns. They were really nice.
le con
you are better off not going to france dude, especially to study, consider this about 50% of students in france are non whites
Varg's village
None, fuck off.
Well, maybe Dourdan.
wew lad
I'm so sorry for you
>be me
>go to France to get gsngraped by mudslims
where ever this video was filmed.
France was never white to begin with.
Lile is pretty safe desu. Lived in Roubaix as part of my French degree and didn't witness any crime.
fuck off, we're full and on the brinks of a civil war.
Clichy-Sous-Bois or anywhere in the St. Denis area really
Annecy. That's it. Maybe a few towns in Brittany.
>be French
>get laid
Watching the protests gave me hope, France is white and ready to fight!
Fuck the black pillers
Go to little City
Jason Dalton! Uber MKultra assasin
Demon caught on camera at DESMOND IS AMAZING trans event!!
Gillette's anti Male commercial and satanic history of Proctor and Gamble
Also Mods STOP deleting truth and good info!,.,.,,..,.
Jannies are gay as fuck
I've been to Lyon. Full of aggressive shitskins and homeless pissing on the pavements.
la bouche a moitie ouverte de ce suceur de sperme bordel ca va rester grave a jamais dans mon disque dur
But yeah Marseilles is nigger central
Why are they sweating so much?
Population: 9,602
Thanks mate! Bought a ticket to St. Denis
because they were swinging from trees when Macron came to interrupt them from an impromptu bj.
for* fuck me.
Brittany(Brest, Quimper, Lorient, Rennes...) is white and safe but the weather is often bad
Its just pronounced "Marcel" in Russian
they just got finishing pounding that french twinks asshole before the photo op
Why French are so froggy?
>going to france for anything
Brittany and Biarrtz. Anything on the atlantic seaboard
Fuck of nigger we're already full of shitskins and niggers. Go to Australia or something
Rennes is full of commies and 50 year old boomer couples with their adopted black kids. I even saw a negro with ritually scarified face directly from Africa, in Alex's tavern.
Arabs just loiter around the street of thirst and pounce on drunk women.
Does have a good student population and pretty city, just a misrepresentation to call it white or based
I am French and I have moved to Poland. That gives you an idea of the situation.
I'm from Lyon and can confirm.It's the city with the most nationalists groups though.
holy shit
My condolences, user.
Antifa paradise
Should I spend a semester studying in France, Scotland or Ireland? Im a big francophile but the British Isles seem a bit more sound in terms of not having moroccans calling me whitey at train stations
The country is about to break out into civil war. Enjoy your visit!
Eh t'as une clope ? T'as une clope j'ai dit ?
>not picking Strasbourg, Grenoble, or somewhere in the south if you want good weather
France isn't safe unless you plan to live outside of the cities.
Fuck off we're full.
Stop replying to bot threads faggots.
>*sucks teeth at you outside gare du nord*
How is Luxembourg?
post coitus
Paris is the only city in france, if you can't handle it find a nice place in the country side
t. parisian master race
wallah jvais tniker file moi une clope putain!
boring as shit. Good art galleries tho
Aberdeen, Scotland. Not Ireland. Edinburgh isn't real Scotland, even though it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Glasgow is cool but Pozzed to hell. Ireland would probably be better.
I went to Aberdeen for an MSc, its a cool city with enough culture and student life to keep you interested. Always cloudy and cold.
fuck off
What did you faggots do to the alsace?
I'm a nafri and i wouldn't feel safe in France...Shouldn't have have colonized.
Anything is safer than the US tho
Caen seems nice
Obvious bot thread holy shit
Sage it nigguh
404, city not found
I was born in Marseille, I now live in Paris.
You guys are such pussies.
Paris is amazing. The best cultural life, the best food, the best pussies. I litterally never had a problem in 7 years. Partying all the time as a student, now I got a good job a good apartment in a good area. I intend to stay in Paris, and raise a family here.
Paris is safe as fuck if you avoid a few areas (as in any big city I guess).
The best
not paris. But i lived there from 2009-2011. And still go back. It depends where you go, but I have seen it turn into mecca.
If you stay in the rich areas you'll be 100% safe. If you venture into the immigrant areas, its dangerous.
Bourduex, toulouse, lyon, amiems, are probably better choices for french cultural experience.
Geneva is honestly 100x better, and the same prices as paris, but without islam
What a faggot
>same price
i'd already be living there if so.
get in or get out of the Gare du Nord station as quick as possible. that place is just ripe for a major happening one day. never been so terrified in a 'secure' location ever before. heavily armed police, muslims, nigger gangs and not a white man in sight there. avoid the RER D at night at all costs.
areas I would not venture into it anymore include the following: St Denis, Aubervilliers, Pantin, Bobigny and Drancy
How about studying the country you plan on travelling too. People are so fucking stupid these days....
Good luck with that. I studied in Strasbourg for a semester. I don't think there are any white French cities left. You'd have to go into the countryside for that kind of experience. Last time I was in Paris they had ads for halal food on the major tv networks. That was 8 years ago, so it's probably even worse now.
Obvious bot is obvious
But I respect your flag.
Don't forget Sarcelles, Paris.
the fucking french cities look like they went through a CAN OPENER... 85% of the whole population, left and right? is in open rebellion. Yeah, it looks safe... *der*
The west coast is a bit better. Britanny especially.
All along Spain border is fine too.
see this is what I don't get
some polish fucking retard thinks hes gonna go study in "france" for 5 years and then what
are you gonna go back to poorland and be like hey im french lol XDD or will you stay in france and be another useless fucking retard
I'm not a bot retard
>are you gonna go back to poorland and be like hey im french lol XDD
thats exactly the plan
Fix your software jew
Are you a student? Toulouse is good for students. But if you really want to enjoy France you would be better off in a small village in the countryside, the average pol user will not like big French cities.
if you want a non-meme answer it was raining.
We have some Polish diaspora dating back from industrial era. Definitely good quality immigrants.
Its so sad what we have done with Europe, it could have been great ...
think twice, one of my best friends is polish, hard working dude, not gonna lie, but...
...he's a coalburner and already have one mixed kid.
Did you even go there ?
Its more expensive than Paris and same diversity of population (no shit its next to France...).
Go to Biarritz/Bayonne .. Check out Cauterets