Who is the final boss of the world?

Who is the final boss of the world?
Who is the secret final boss controlling it all?

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You are your own final boss


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And rothschild

Some barely known guy from sweden

anne frank wearing hitler like a meat suit.


Who are these guys? Can anyone give me a quick rundown?

Was moloch

Now he is gone, and things can proceed

The best way to defeat those who play by both sides of the fence, is to burn the thing itself on both ends with law and justice

This is the closest thing to the truth posted ITT

can I get a Q U I C K R U N D O W N ?

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Jason Dalton! Uber MKultra assasin

Demon caught on camera at DESMOND IS AMAZING trans event!!

Gillette's anti Male commercial and satanic history of Proctor and Gamble

Also Mods STOP deleting truth and good info!,.,.,.,
Jannies are gay as fuck

Walshy, Saiyan, Ogre 1 and Ogre 2
and maybe Strongside, maybe

>when MLG turned shit

Watching Halo 3 tournaments in 360p on youtube were some of the greatest times. And the baby would have put up a better fight...

Mr. Rogers.

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wasnt a similar quote from Jesus?

> EU falling apart
> Africa
> Caravans pillaging through central America
> US almost voting for Hillary

...user - no one is as in control as you think ->


sorry, i mean

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This post will get everyone in the thread on the watch list:

The cabal as you know it is run, at the top, by a secretive group of (formerly 21, now reduced to two) elites who have immortal longevity techniques and have existed on the planet for roughly 7000-9000 years.
All levels of the cabal who work with them or know about them refer to them as "The Parents".
The next layer of the onion is a group called the "Covens" which operate most of the schemes in the world and transfer the will of The Parents to action with the lesser groups. From what I heard there were 13 of these.

The next layer is who most people on here are familiar with as the elite douchebags:
- Vatican Jesuits & The Black Pope
- Rothschilds
- Bushes
- Rockafellers
And that layer of cronies is who gives the commands to everyone else including the kikes.

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>Who is the final boss of the world?
>Who is the secret final boss controlling it all?
Well, as the Mayans were a super civilizations about 25,000 years ago perhaps one of them learned a form of immortality. The issue with this though is the the older you get the learning of information becomes more difficult due to neuron attribution along with dendrite length and branching. If a person controlling everything is an ancient immortal then he would communicate mostly through symbols.

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Kinda like Phantasy Star, the real final boss will never be defeated because there will always be more and there will always be worse. There will always be people that resent others for past wrongdoings and there will always be those who seek to take advantage of that. Dark Force is here to stay forever.

The blind god lies dead, alas for all our effort. The true mastermind appears: lilidh !

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>Who is the final boss of the world?

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how do these immortal longevity techniques work?

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>elites who have immortal longevity techniques and have existed on the planet for roughly 7000-9000 years.


what like yoga?

do you mean like yoga?

yoga's a technique



the banks run by very smart, very cunning people who understand it's all a fucking scam so they have to adjust their base of operations occasionally when their current host nation is collapsing.
the ponz can't keep up in the west and they've been methodically shaping modern China to become their new host body. in order to weaken the west as much as humanly possible before they leave, they've been flooding it with room temperature IQ shitskins. These mongrelized western nations will then be subjugated and exploited by the willing Chinese host and the Banking Jew which they've allowed to crawl into their ear and begin eating their brain. Their fate will, ultimately, be the same as every other before them, but they want a few decades of ephemeral prosperity beneath the synagogue of satan.


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>Who is the secret final boss controlling it all?
Consciousness itself.

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>how do these immortal longevity techniques work?
We can already do brain transplants. The obvious issue is the mental health past living for say 120 years.

I really wish it was like that.

Someone needs to change that picture so the winner is the Jews.

im guessing since they're rolling with the power of darkness that means they've got to get virgins or young boys and sacrifice them, and then apply the techniques to "whats left" to get some ultra refined restorative that will repair their body
> reverse aging by winding back the status of the body to the way it was prior
> literally so vile and evil it rewinds time for the body, but not the mind

I believe you could do things like this with advanced powers of the light, since time supposedly doesnt exist, using light powers in a specific way to refurbish all your cells and dna strands to the way they was earlier in your life, while also restoring the actual status of the body too so the wrinkles go away.
> people like this would have no access to that though, so its going to have to be steeped in some kind of sacrificial alchemy

I mean I dont believe in the hollywood crap about aging where if something keeping you alive is removed then all the years catch up with you. But if someone is accustomed to living thousands of years and they're always 20-40 years away from growing old I guess needing to plan their next treatment would be a big deal.

Also those "Parents" were genetically engineered by the reptilians from that pic. And they take orders from them unflinchingly. So kinda has some truth to it.

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Nah, I like the friendly game of world domination between the four groups represented there.
And Jews are just a shitty part of the human faction.

No it wont fs.
We are pixie dust to them.
Offered, would have happily signed up.

But user, it already is

>"Who is the secret final boss of the world"

The autism that led you to ask this question in the first fucking place. Beware, it is level 9999!

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What would you have that would even be worth their time?
You basically have to be born into it, otherwise you're not in the know enough.

quick rundown?

The truth? It works a bit like pic-related, except beyond the Draco there's the AI...

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the shackles binding us to this world

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The final boss is Lucifer.

>And Jews are just a shitty part of the human faction.

So... they are represented by the Americans in the picture?

>I believe you could do things like this with advanced powers of the light, since time supposedly doesnt exist, using light powers in a specific way to refurbish all your cells and dna strands to the way they was earlier in your life, while also restoring the actual status of the body too so the wrinkles go away.
Well, aging is a programmed process in DNA. Genetic engineering can be used to reverse the process and/or stop the process. The main purpose of having a maximum age though in humans is due to organ wearing, parasites, and damage to DNA over time from free radicals. All methods of immortality will leave you pretty fucked up as a sort of an abomination.

Correct. Autism has finally allowed humans to completely reveal the system of control. But my question is...is there any good guys? Or we just fucked slaves to immortals with advanced tech who want to harvest our pain?

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I came here to post this.

>Correct. Autism has finally allowed humans to completely reveal the system of control. But my question is...is there any good guys? Or we just fucked slaves to immortals with advanced tech who want to harvest our pain?
There are good guys in every intelligence agency. Then you have the Illuminati who want to ascend the entirety of human beings. Freemasons are okay as well for the most part. Those three categories

Correct. You must conquer yourself before death.

>Who is the final boss of the world?
>Who is the secret final boss controlling it all?
Bigger Israel

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>children's toy metaphors

>There are good guys in every intelligence agency
>Then you have the Illuminati who want to ascend the entirety of human beings.
The people who orchestrated every major war are the good guys?

>Freemasons are okay as well for the most part. Those three categories
You mean the Satanists who planned WW1/2 and 3 again? Check Albert Pike

I miss Halo 3 MLG

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I'm on board with this

human nature

Kel'Thuzad make Patchwerk his avatar of war!

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>The people who orchestrated every major war are the good guys?
>You mean the Satanists who planned WW1/2 and 3 again? Check Albert Pike
These two are disinformation campaigns.

Ted Turner

Trumps puppet men. There isnt any one man above him. Just a lot of corrupt kike bankers feeding the beast of the earth and the fallen kings

the sun.

I just got a voice saying they are angels. I guess fallen, demon angels and Lucy ain't alone.

Further about the Freemasons being Satan worshippers (which of course doesnt make sense as most joining are typically Christian) the libel is sourced from this. Can determine whether or not is true for one's self:


Why is freemasonry involved in all the weird cover ups?

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They're useful idiot goyim serving the jews.

I havent BXRd in H2 in years

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The Americans are the face of all humanity.
Get over it, we're just the most powerful.
Jews wouldn't be trying to destroy us if that weren't the case, just look at Africa, the Jews avoid that place.

You wish, rabbi


he dreams.
he d

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God. He lives in a 1,500 mile squared golden cube and He is coming back to earth to punish and condemn the wicked and raise the righteous dead back to everlasting life. If this is new information to you, then read the book of Revelations in KJV format and pray to Jesus to save you, because he already did.

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We're on to you.

Probably you user. You're just connected to a computer in a deep coma while they mine your mind for new ideas.

Final boss, faggots, and don't you forget it.

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Here is an updated version.

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It's conquering yourself dummy.

1/10, learn to edit, or have patience while working.
And no, MSpaint isn't an editing tool Patrick.

fuck off

No U.

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Man, you sound like a miserable person. I was just trying to screw around and made that while listening to some bullshit on youtube.

Relax, bro.

I just don't like seeing low quality edits, as resources like GIMP are free and take just a couple of hours to master.
It's in the nature that goes along with the lack of effort I find myself unhappy, as I see on a global scale little to no effort in people, and the quality of their lives and others are reflective of such.

literally autism

Nah, that's not on the medical chart.

>tfw Halo nerd
Never thought I'd see a a Final Boss picture on Jow Forums.

take your meds, schizo

He was a meme in H2 and couldn't play H3 if his life depended on it

Fuck your pharmaceuticals, they were never necessary, they only serve to keep the patient alive, but that is not to speak of the quality of life that they will endure.
I refuse all medications, I would rather die than be a goddamned vegetable.
I have enough self respect to die as is natural.

Newfags haven't heard about the Bogpill.

They are the ultimate controllers. They control the kikes.


> Who is the final boss of the world?

They went bankrupt.

> Who is the secret final boss controlling it all?

They lost far more in the divorce then what Jeff is experiencing right now.

shut the fuck up Frank