Suicide discussion

I hate this cucked country and every single worthless faggot in it and its not just england, the whole damn world is fucked and i cant do a single thing about.I used to laugh at it in the beginning but not so more now i am just angry, race war is not an option and pretty much it's over, the future for me its a grave.Made this thread to discuss suicide with other black pilled anons who see no light in the end of the tunnel.
Idk anymore i am drunk today like everyother day is the only option for me to numb all this nonsense,probably gonna rope by the end of the week and all i can think is good riddance.

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Other urls found in this thread:

don't do it and stop drinking everyday

If you do it, livestream it and have a swastika sharpied on your naked torso, also shoe on head

it's a deal but without the shoe,with this background theme

No shoe no deal, bitch

i run the show leaf

Can I have your stuff?

why not

Keep going to at least see how this shit show continues to unfold, might be comfy you never know

If life has lost all meaning for you, make your own meaning. Do whatever you've always felt like doing. If you don't have the money, find a way to make it. I don't think suicide is the option when there is always the chance things will get better and if you work on improving yourself, people around you will likely follow. I know this sounds like self help bullshit but it works. I was feeling extremely blackpilled and suicidal a couple months ago but decided to just ignore politics and focus on other stuff for a while. Got back to the gym, started running and doing martial arts and am feeling much more positive about the future. Try to ignore politics for a while and concentrate on personal improvement. Do things that require discipline and focus. Also stop drinking.

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Welcome to the doomer club.

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Where are you in the UK? I'm visiting there in September. Instead of suicide, I've decided to travel and read and write and step out of the echo chamber.

You should try that first. For one thing, I quit drinking for 3 months last year and EVERY aspect of my life got better. Also, take a couple weeks off Jow Forums. No news media, no pop culture, no social trend bullshit. See what happens to your mindset. I am confident it will improve very quickly and suicide will be exposed as the stupid and pointless idea that it is.

near london,invest your money anywhere else but here or france

Just gonna live there for like a month. Not gonna do any serious investing. So are you gonna try leave the demoralization echo-chamber for a couple weeks? It'll improve your life.

neck yourself

i'll give it a try

Going so soon brit???
We are at the doorstep of the warrin 2020s.
This is where the fun begins.

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Personally I can't kill myself until my mother dies because it would be a real "fuck you" to her.
My only reason for living is because I feel obliged I guess.

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Good riddance if you actually pull through.

>please take a few kikes with you.

So you're going to run away from the problem because life's too hard? Do you expect to be handed your entire life on a plate? You're beyond selfish.

Why not accelerate the inevitable ifnal happening? Optionally you also can save 5000$ and retire in a southeastasian shithole.

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This. It's the only thing keeping me alive. I want to see the world burn. Otherwise I'm already dead inside. I'm total blackpill and it's fucking exhausting.

no you stupid faggot the problem is i dont care about anything anymore,i just want to sleep and maybe beat and kill kikes faggots and leftist once in a while

Fuck you cunt. As if this has anything to do with being weak and wanting life handed to you.

The same problems you face now, you will have to face in another life. Only then you will have to start over.

Dont die without completing your purpose cough.

Spoiler alert: when your mother dies, you’ll find another excuse.

I'm sorry you feel this way. My mother and sister committed suicide in the last 3 years. My dad is in jail. Suicide doesn't get rid of the pain, it just passes it to someone else. Screw politics, screw the outside world. Find what you love and focus. We got one life. Enjoy it.


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Yes, I hope so

Come back home white man.
In all seriousness, you can get an 8+/10 blue eyed white girl here (or about anyone you want) if you look aryan. Try setting your tinder location to sao paulo if you wanna see how succesfull you are going to be.
Also for being a foreigner from a 1st world country you will probably not have problems getting a job.

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dont do it
my ex did it, really sad and she shouldn't have.

Don't be a fucking faggot, if you're pissed that shit is so fucked and want to die then why don't you die your vision of the future? Defeatism is the worst possible mindset, better to commit yourself to a cause and take it all the way to the grave than to just off yourself like some pussy bitch. Go do something about the politicians you hate, or that liquor store owner that's selling to kids, or fuck some optics on some jews, or w/e. Just killing yourself is fucking gay and you might as well kill yourself with a spiked dildo and a box fan.
Give us something to watch at least man

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>retire to gook land

Im good

Does it snow?
If not, fuck that

Or at least be a screw your optics guy and help te rest of us

>one chance at life
>born a northerner

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>bongs on suicide watch
We did bros .

Don’t do it you fool. Yes Jow Forums is right about jews and immigration but it’s also not that bad. Previous generations had to deal with epidemics, starvation, miserable living conditions, and military invasions/massacres. We get to sit in a comfy house or apartment shitposting about kikes and eating tendies. My state is less the 50% white (even though total white population keeps increasing) and I’m still alive and live a good life. Many of the mexicans, chinks, and pajeets are good people even though they shouldn’t be here in an ideal world. Emigrate to Texas or Florida if your life in the old world sucks so bad. The sun will cheer you up at the very least. Start anew, don’t end it.

Coward. If you can put enough thinking into how you are going to kill yourself then you can put that exact same amount of thinking into killing those that are destroying the world around you.

50% KNO3 by weight
50% mg powder
small bits of metal

All in this bottle, all easy to obtain

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my young friend.. boomer here. I was once young and plagued with adolescent angst like you have. It's part of being young and I know it sucks. It will get better.. i promise. Being young is hard.. just keep living and I guarantee you will not regret it.

Come to the light of ThuleanPerspective. You are black pilled because you believe in political solution when there is none. Give yourself purpose.